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Thought I'd jump into the book club. OG it'll cost a fortune to ship books. I ran into this issue when I was coming back from the UK. It will be much cheaper buying new copies there, or used 'new' copies.


I like my iPad for reading. I'm a big book fan and have, well, a lot. haha But on the go/traveling the eBooks are awesome. In one small unit you can carry hundreds of books. That alone makes it worth it. Anyhoo, you get used to using an eReader fairly quickly. It's not a bad experience. It's not the same of course but not bad.

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Thought I'd jump into the book club. OG it'll cost a fortune to ship books. I ran into this issue when I was coming back from the UK. It will be much cheaper buying new copies there, or used 'new' copies.


I like my iPad for reading. I'm a big book fan and have, well, a lot. haha But on the go/traveling the eBooks are awesome. In one small unit you can carry hundreds of books. That alone makes it worth it. Anyhoo, you get used to using an eReader fairly quickly. It's not a bad experience. It's not the same of course but not bad.


How many books were you trying to ship Jonas?

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What kind of romance novels do you read, og? I read a lot of harlequin special edition ones. Those are my favorite!


I tend to lean toward the romance novels that are a series, but never with the same people. One of my favorite romance series is Nora Roberts' Irish Triology 'Jewels of the Sun', 'Tears of the Moon' and 'Heart of the Sea'. Each book is about one of 3 siblings in the same family falling in love. There's another series I can't recall the name of but I have it written down... the only book I have come accross not in a series that I loved was this one called Border Hostage I believe. It was set in like the 1600-1800 era and was amazingly written.

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Some of the harlequin special edition ones I read are series like yhat. Like about each sibling and such. Gina Wilkins is one author who's done that a couple times. Like the mcclouds of Mississippi series. I like when they do series like that.

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I do too. I get SO attached to characters in books, I hate when there's only one book about them. Perhaps that's why I stick more with series in books. You watch the same characters grow and change over time. One of my fantasy series' author recently killed off two major characters and I cried, no lie.

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It's like hard! I think that's anothre reason why my novel is actually a series of novels... I can't fathom creating a whole world for just one set of characters and then never using it again. I love the familiarity of charcters you know and how they will react and were the author decides to take them.

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If it's a good book, I get SO attached to the characters. I hate when the book is over because I feel like my friends have moved away suddenly and I'll never talk to them again. A good book is better than any TV show or movie out there. I usually read during my lunch break because it's my escape. It's annoys my friends but they get used to it. Right now I'm reading The Hunger Games, which I wasn't sure about at first, it's a pretty morbid plot, but my sister swore it was amazing and she was right. All I want to do is read that book.

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Just put myself on the waiting list for Pillars of the Earth. Thanks hers!


They are making movies out of The Hunger Games too I think. Definitely won't be as good as the book. I'm interested to watch the American version of The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo. I watched the original movie and didn't like it. I read the whole series though and loved most of it.


The Help is one of my favorite books!! I also love The Mole People by Jennifer Toth. It's about the underground homeless in NYC. She actually goes underground to learn about their world and there are pictures..it's amazing. And my other favorite is There Are No Children Here by Alex Kotlowicz. He followed these two kids in the 80's in the ghetto of Chicago and by the end I was so engrossed in them that I emailed the author to see if they were OK haha. And he answered!

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I've emailed two of my favorite fantasy authors before - they were pretty down to Earth too!


So I'm getting a tattoo next month. I say getting but I promised L to think about it - I technically have known I wanted one on the inside of my wrist for a while now but I know he doesn't particularly like tattoos on women (so I never mentioned it to him until I figured out what I wanted). I decided to get my favorite Tolkein quote 'Not all who wander are lost' in Elvish. But I promise him I wouldn't just go out and jung ho it, I would give it serious thought and consideration and I may push it back to after the first of the year or close to it. It's not like tattoos are new to me. My dad had 5 growing up but what I did learn from him was to only get things I would never regret later in life, something special to me. He learned not to tatto names on him (he had mom's name on his arm and, well, you know how that ended So I have been thinking for years what I want. I know what I want my shoulders but the wrist one has always eluded me. I wanted something small, something meaningful. I happened to be reading something and Tolkein's quote came up and it was like a light bulb went off in my head. But still mulling it over.

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