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Fair enough for shipping over the books where you are the author and they are a one off


As for the books which you know can be bought and are not hard to come by, I suppose can do without and be bought over there.


Yeah, all the books in my library are pretty easy to come by - David Eddings' series The Belgariad and his Malloreen series as well as Terry Brooks' Shannara series - all of which I have bought off Amazon in the past year and a half. If I decide not to ship them closer to them when I start weighing everything I'm taking I'll donate them to the local used book store or see if my uncle wants them since he loves this genre as well.

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Straight over my head.


If the book has not been made into a movie then I would know nothing about them.

Lets' see.....Dr Seuss, J K Rowling....Catherine Mansfield......and yeah that's it for me.


Unfortunately for me I have no ability to draw a picture in my head from a book as much as I wish to.

If I did...I think I'd have some more ammo for conversations as I know a fair few nice females who do read books.


I'm just a movie/documentary fanatic.

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Straight over my head.


If the book has not been made into a movie then I would know nothing about them.

Lets' see.....Dr Seuss, J K Rowling....Catherine Mansfield......and yeah that's it for me.


Unfortunately for me I have no ability to draw a picture in my head from a book as much as I wish to.

If I did...I think I'd have some more ammo for conversations as I know a fair few nice females who do read books.


I'm just a movie/documentary fanatic.


lol! Everyone keeps telling me to get a Kindle but I don't see the need. Nothing gives me the same rush as having that physical book in my hand, turning the pages... even bending the spine which drives my husband absolutely bonkers.


I love documentaries as well - historical ones and the occasional nature/science one if it's on something I enjoy. I don't have access to cable so I have been looking for a good documentary website online to watch them at. No luck thus far.

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OG, not sure if you are into electronic books or not, but with your iPad, or even your laptop, you can download the Kindle app and buy the books online and read them on the computer or iPad.


Saves a lot of space.


I'm a voracious reader and I have about 15 books on my iPad.


L has the Ipad now but as I was telling Dark, I just can't read a book on a electronic. The moving forward aspect of it is a nice idea but nothing like seeing the rows of books on my shelf.

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Same here OG, I have about a thousand books I have collected over the years. I have thrown some out but most of them find their way home and sneak back onto the shelves.


The best books are the ones you read over again about every year to 2 years. Just enough time for some dust to collect on them so you have to blow it off before reading... heaven. And there is nothing like the sound of opening a book up (yes hunny, all the way so the spine bends).

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I am so with you gals!!! I refuse to buy a Kindle because they are the lazy person's version of a book. Nothing beats the smell of a book. Nothing beats fondly picking up a favorite book like and old friend and getting reacquainted. An entire wall of my living room is nothing but bookcases full of books. Books were my first love and they will be my last. Come to think of it, I have only dated one guy in my entire life who was not a voracious reader.

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lol! Everyone keeps telling me to get a Kindle but I don't see the need. Nothing gives me the same rush as having that physical book in my hand, turning the pages... even bending the spine which drives my husband absolutely bonkers.


I love documentaries as well - historical ones and the occasional nature/science one if it's on something I enjoy. I don't have access to cable so I have been looking for a good documentary website online to watch them at. No luck thus far.


Yeah I have a problem with reading any sort of long and involved text off a monitor too.

The books I last read were based on electronics and were in depth.

Over 1K in pages in depth (more like elaborating on the exact same thing in different wording).

Absolutely fine reading them.

Probably due to being able to jump from page to page.


As for the docos....yes I have had to download them to actually view them.

Plus streaming over here is absolute rubbish and I like to go over them in certain areas of interest.

Like BBC Planet Earth, Carmen Boulter - The Pyramid Code and Space......hosted by Morgan Freeman.

I have yet to see 'What the bleep?! down the rabbit hole" which revolves around quantum physics.

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By the way, where did I say England by itself. I know darn well about England and Scotland and Wales and Ireland, I know all bout the UK. AND YOU GUYS ARE ALL ISLANDS!! France, Spain, Germany are called the Continent, right? England, Scotland, Ireland, etc... are called the British ISLES, right? I again rest my case. IF you are surrounded by water you are an island, unless your HUGE. Then you're a continent, like Australia. Technically they are part of the Crown, but I've never yet got an Australian to admit to it. Kings, queens, and all of that...I just don't get it.

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Yeah I have a problem with reading any sort of long and involved text off a monitor too.

The books I last read were based on electronics and were in depth.

Over 1K in pages in depth (more like elaborating on the exact same thing in different wording).

Absolutely fine reading them.

Probably due to being able to jump from page to page.


As for the docos....yes I have had to download them to actually view them.

Plus streaming over here is absolute rubbish and I like to go over them in certain areas of interest.

Like BBC Planet Earth, Carmen Boulter - The Pyramid Code and Space......hosted by Morgan Freeman.

I have yet to see 'What the bleep?! down the rabbit hole" which revolves around quantum physics.


Sometimes I can find the odd hisotrical documentary on youtube the lips are off with the sound of the video.

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I have a nook and I had the same reservations as you guys before I got it. I refuse to pay more than a couple bucks for a book because I don't see it as a real book, and I mostly use it to check out library books. If I really want a book and it's not available through the library, I go to the local independently owned bookstore and buy it haha. The last time I did that I got so excited over having a real book again that I literally hugged it as I walked down the street.


I may have opened it up and smelled it too.


I'm a nerd.


But I admittedly LOVE my nook. It lets me read more often because I don't have to hold the book open. I read while I eat. I read while I run on the treadmill. It's easier to fit in my purse so I always have a book with me. When I travel, I don't have to find room for multiple books because my worst fear is being stuck without something to read. I like having the best of both worlds.

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By the way, where did I say England by itself. I know darn well about England and Scotland and Wales and Ireland, I know all bout the UK. AND YOU GUYS ARE ALL ISLANDS!! France, Spain, Germany are called the Continent, right? England, Scotland, Ireland, etc... are called the British ISLES, right? I again rest my case. IF you are surrounded by water you are an island, unless your HUGE. Then you're a continent, like Australia. Technically they are part of the Crown, but I've never yet got an Australian to admit to it. Kings, queens, and all of that...I just don't get it.


Uhh you said it here Jig.


Well, actually, England is a small continent or a large island (take your pick) with lots of people from lots of different countries speaking lots of different languages living there.


Y'know sometimes you just need to admit when you're wrong and I don't think we should digress any further. England, Scotland and Wales are not ISLANDS because they are separate REGIONS of MAINLAND BRITAIN (which IS and island) and they are attatched to each other. If England was an ISLAND, it would be detatched from Scotland and Wales by water, which it isn't. The British ISLES is called the British isles because it consists of mainland Britain, plus a bunch of separate islands. Now, if you said the isle of man was an island you'd be correct. If you said Harris was an island you'd be correct. But you said England was an island which is incorrect. It doesn't matter how many times you say 'I rest my case', it's not going to make you right.


I don't like to harp on so much about this in OG's journal but I feel it's important to clarify, especially since you keep saying 'I rest my case' about a subject you're simply not right about.

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Count me in with the "real book" club.


I'm not scrolling my way through a book or virtually flipping pages. I'm up to my ears in all that online, why would I want more?


And yeah, a Kindle wouldn't smell like books do. I hate musty towels. But musty books are heaven for some reason.


I'm a book hoarder, though...I don't know how to part with the old ones to let in the new ones. *sigh* So they just pile up...

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Count me in with the "real book" club.


I'm not scrolling my way through a book. I'm up to my ears in scrolling online, why would I want more of that?


And yeah, a Kindle wouldn't smell like books do. I hate musty towels. But musty books are heaven for some reason.


I'm a book hoarder, though...I don't know how to part with the old ones to let in the new ones. *sigh* So they just pile up...


Fellow hoarder here - and love books -so far, Kindle no thanks. TOV one thing I did do was donate several to my local library -that got me motivated to get rid of some.

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Count me in with the "real book" club.


I'm not scrolling my way through a book. I'm up to my ears in scrolling online, why would I want more of that?


And yeah, a Kindle wouldn't smell like books do. I hate musty towels. But musty books are heaven for some reason.


I'm a book hoarder, though...I don't know how to part with the old ones to let in the new ones. *sigh* So they just pile up...


I usually don't steer away from the few series' I read - I'm a huge fantasy junkie (wizards, goblins and trolls) and my guilty pleasure is romance novels. so when I get one I don't ever entend to get rid of it because I have no problem rereading a book a million times - you always find something new! Every now and then I'll pick up a book I thought would be good and ends up being not my cup of tea, and those I don't have much issue giving away because I wouldn't reread them.

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Fellow hoarder here - and love books -so far, Kindle no thanks. TOV one thing I did do was donate several to my local library -that got me motivated to get rid of some.


Yeah, I've been considering that. It's on my to-do list (lol). I figure if I send them to the library, at least I can visit my friends every so often and I know they're being well cared-for. It's a good idea.

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Every now and then I'll pick up a book I thought would be good and ends up being not my cup of tea, and those I don't have much issue giving away because I wouldn't reread them.


Yeah, I have loads of those, actually. To be honest, other than jotting titles I get from programs that I liked where people are discussing books on topics that interest me, I don't know how to pick good books with savvy. It's sort of hit-or-miss. Especially with fiction (and god, it's been forever since I've read fiction. I miss that.)

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Yeah, I have loads of those, actually. To be honest, other than jotting titles I get from programs that I liked where people are discussing books on topics that interest me, I don't know how to pick good books with savvy. It's sort of hit-or-miss. Especially with fiction (and god, it's been forever since I've read fiction. I miss that.)


It's honestly why I usually don't like to go outside my comfort zone of books. I'm more than willing to try one if a friend goes 'try this' and give it a good try - but I a'in't forcing that relationship, lol

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Okay, I never meant just England and said so, but for the sake of peace, I'm putting this one away. It is not very important in the scheme of things and if I feel I'm wrong, I am the first person to say so. It would be wrong of me to keep on with this, so I won't. Bye.

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