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lol, it's all cool. As long as we don't go into any political areas, I'm good. I agree that's it's down to each area of the country, we have that in our country as well. With the UK it can get confusing because I know here I was taught in school it was 'England' or 'the UK', you know the other areas are there but it's all grouped into one central name. Like honestly, I thought Scotland was at the bottom of the country. I don't even think I could point out Scotland to you - for the love of God I thought London was in the North! lol


Hahaha you are going to have to learn girl! I remember in High School once we had a test on all the capitals of almost every country in the world. We also had to do it on the world map and point out the correct country and so on.

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Hahaha you are going to have to learn girl! I remember in High School once we had a test on all the capitals of almost every country in the world. We also had to do it on the world map and point out the correct country and so on.


See back then I knew all that - in high school I knew were Poland was on the map and everything (and had to learn all my state capitals as well) but it's one of those things if I don't keep up, it just goes out. But yeah.. gotta pass the Life in England test to get ILR to gotta brush up, lol

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Yep. Northern Ireland's not highlighted though but it's roughly the top third of Ireland.


I knew were something was at least, lol! Ireland I'm good with - my family is Irish/English so both countries have always fascinated me. Prior to L - and you Saffron - I couldn't point out the varios different areas but my interest has always been more the historical route. Some geography is involved in that but not much, lol

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Awwww it never goes out the window. You should see my husband. I bet he can tell you the capital of any country you name, where they are in the world, significant political and historical references for that nation etc etc. Their type of weather, the languages they speak etc etc ( secretly he makes my eyes roll.....lol) But he is just an absolute wealth of info on anywhere.

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Awwww it never goes out the window. You should see my husband. I bet he can tell you the capital of any country you name, where they are in the world, significant political and historical references for that nation etc etc. Their type of weather, the languages they speak etc etc ( secretly he makes my eyes roll.....lol) But he is just an absolute wealth of info on anywhere.


See I'm just a weatlh of knowledge on random historical events, lol. Or anything random for that matter...

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Well I don't think I could point out all the US states! Maybe only a handful of them, so I can hardly comment on anyone elses Geography



It is funny because we had to learn our own country's geography and the US and the UK and Europe and Africa.We also had to learn some history of the US, Britain and France. I also took US history and geography in HS as well as my own.It is interesting what we all learn and sometimes do not learn about each other.

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It is funny because we had to learn our own country's geography and the US and the UK and Europe and Africa.We also had to learn some history of the US, Britain and France. I also took US history and geography in HS as well as my own.It is interesting what we all learn and sometimes do not learn about each other.


Yeah, we had to learn EVERYONE else's history becase, well, we are only what, not even 300 years olds? Doesn't take long to cover that, lol. We started waayyyy back when the first civilizations sprang up in the middle east area and covered all the way through to present day history. So A LOT. It was more world history I should say. I remember covering French history during the period the French Revolutionary War occurred and of course the Napoleon era and such for each country. The only one we went into more detail with was the UK - for obvious reasons.


Although on Thanksgiving L asked me what exactly we celebrated thanksgiving for (I actually had to tell him to wiki it, I didn't know). He was mildly amused that it was actually the BRITISH that sat down with the Indians to celebrate pre-Revolutionary War.

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It is funny because we had to learn our own country's geography and the US and the UK and Europe and Africa.We also had to learn some history of the US, Britain and France. I also took US history and geography in HS as well as my own.It is interesting what we all learn and sometimes do not learn about each other.


Wow, we didn't learn about US history at all. I think because so much time was devoted to first of all, Scottish history, then British history, then the history of Europe. As for Geography...well I dropped Geography in my second year of HS in favour of history (you can do that here). Mind you, I've travelled quite a fair bit so my Geography's vastly improved. Eh...except for my knowledge of the states. I rely on BBC documentaries like Stephen Fry in America or Billy Connolly's Route 66 for that

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Yeah we are their northern neighbour so we have to learn it........lol......we have no choice.


When I graduated you had to have English, Math, Science( any one of them),Social Studies, History and a few other things every single year to get your advanced Diploma or as it was called then Senior Matriculation.

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Wow, we didn't learn about US history at all. I think because so much time was devoted to first of all, Scottish history, then British history, then the history of Europe. As for Geography...well I dropped Geography in my second year of HS in favour of history (you can do that here). Mind you, I've travelled quite a fair bit so my Geography's vastly improved. Eh...except for my knowledge of the states. I rely on BBC documentaries like Stephen Fry in America or Billy Connolly's Route 66 for that


lol! I try to watch world news to at least keep me SOMEWHAT educated on the rest of the world (I normally do it while I'm cleaning at work, just have the tv on and listening) but at home, I rely heavily on the Daily Mail (which my husband calls trash for lack of a better word. BBC app, and my countries' news apps. Which do cover world news, to be fair.

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I'm wondering if L is right, maybe it would be cheaper to just buy all new books once I move over rather than pay to ship them. I dunno. I don't have that many (when I left my ex I left my entire book collection). 10 books right now in my library - 3 of which are heavy (because 2 of those 3 are actually multiple books in one book). Hm.

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Expensive to ship books over to the UK?

I supposed if you have a good scanner or can get your hands on one, you could convert them to data although it will be very time time consuming.

Then you could print them off on whatever paper which will go through a printer you buy.




Take a book binding class to put all the pages together in a custom hardback book.

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Expensive to ship books over to the UK?

I supposed if you have a good scanner or can get your hands on one, you could convert them to data although it will be very time time consuming.

Then you could print them off on whatever paper which will go through a printer you buy.




Take a book binding class to put all the pages together in a custom hardback book.


..Yeah that's just too much work Dark, lol! L and I already have to have separate book cases because of his book OCD. I don't think so but L thinks it will be. I can get a flat rate ship box for $50 and whatever fits in there, no matter the weight, it ships for $50. If I do a normal box and it weighs 20 lbs, it costs $50 to ship to the UK. I guess I'm just going to have to weigh stuff. I don't think I have 20 lbs. of stuff (I'm counting scrapbook stuff as separate from that statement, ha!).

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