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Will be so glad to be off Wed. L's off too - he's striking - but he has to do something (he told me but I can honestly say I don't remember. He gets to wear a funny suit though so he has to take a picture of that for me so not sure if we'll grab talk time or not. Then I'm off this weekend. Must have this weekend off. I'm so burnt out from work.... I actually cried on the way home. No reason whatsoever, just felt like having a good old cry feast. I'm burnt out from work, I miss my husband, I'm not getting laid for another 10 months, pretty sure I'm about to start my period in the next week or two... just a general cry over everything.


They are calling for snow flurries tomorrow. Not to worried because even if it does snow it's not cold enough to stick - but it is a reminder I need to pack a over night bag and keep in my car just in case I get stuck at the hospital for a week like I did last year.

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My sister showed me the pains of the other side of the weight scale tonight. She was talking to me about how she desperatly wants to gain weight (about as much as I want to LOSE it) and it opened my eyes up to the fact that big girls like me aren't the only ones who aren't happy with how they look... that ubber skinny girls can be as well. She was telling me she has to shop for her clothes in the kids section and she's a size zero - whereas her big sis is a size 18 1/2. So weird how two siblings can be polar opposites, even in body types...

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Sisters seldom look alike. My sister has always been on the short side (5'5", a midget in our family) while I am tall like all of my other kin (almost 5'9"). She is brunette, I am blonde. She is an A cup, I'm a D. I have always been very curvy, even when I was a size 3 I still had curves. My sis has very few curves, she's built like a stick. She is thin, about a size 6. I am about a size 14 (I'm losing but doing it slowly). Don't feel alone.

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We are def. night and day. We're about the same height (5'4) but I weight 210 (I think she barely weighs 100). I'm a size 18 1/2, she's a size 0. I have natural light brown hair, she has almost black hair. I have light blue eyes, her's are almost a sapphire color. I have curves, she doesn't. I'm almost a D cup, she's a B, I think. People look at us and go 'now way you are sisters'. I have more in common with my brother than my sister facial wise. She really is the milk man's child of the family, lol

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That’s my sister and I too.


I’m a 36 C generally, the smallest I have been was a size 5. I’m probably a 12 right now (shudder). She’s A cup and has always been thin. She’s also very introverted and I am not. People still tell me we look alike though.

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My sister and I may look like sisters in the face but that's pretty much where it ends oh and our voices are similar even though mine is deeper. My celebrity look alike in mannerisms and voice is Leah Remini. My husband calls me 'Carrie'- her character on King of Queens. My sister is much bigger than I am and our personalities are total opposite.

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My sisters and I look pretty much exactly alike... we do have slightly different builds, but the same general "stick" build. One sister is three years older than me, and the other is three years younger than me. A couple of summers ago, we went to our cousins wedding, and at least two people asked if we were triplets!

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Yeah, even in personality my sister and I are night and day. So weird. And we're only 3 1/2 years apart. I favor our mom more in the face while she tends to sometimes favor dad more - although our brother is the spitting image of him. The other day I was looking out the window and my brother was walking up the driveway in blue jeans, a blue jean jacket, and hat and I literally had to do like 3 double takes because I would have SWORN it was my dad walking up the drive way. He's got our dad's tallness (almost 6 ft) and that lanky build. He looks almost identical to him in the face except my brother has sandy blonde hair compared to our dad who has black and the way he walks sometimes is almost the same as dad.


Last day of work and then I'm off tomorrow. Thank God. I feel like crap though.

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It's surrounded on all sides by the ocean. Does that not make it an island? Definition by Webster: land smaller than a continent and surrounded by water. Sounds like Great Britain to me. England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales. Yep, all land surrounded by water. I rest my case.

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It's surrounded on all sides by the ocean. Does that not make it an island? Definition by Webster: land smaller than a continent and surrounded by water. Sounds like Great Britain to me. England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales. Yep, all land surrounded by water. I rest my case.


Britain is an island. England is not.


I rest my case!



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Great Britain consists of the former Kingdom of Scotland which comprises over 790 islands as well as the mainland, the former Kingdom of England which includes the Isle of Wight and the Scilly Isles, and the principality of Wales.


The full name of the country is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are semi-autonomous. There is a devolved Parliament in Scotland and a devolved National Assembly for Wales. There is also an Assembly in Northern Island.

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Basically there's a huge difference in Britain and England. i learned this fairly early on from my husband. I use to call him British and he didn't say much in the beginning but one day he corrected (not corrected but pointed out is a better phrase). Basically the way he explained it is when you call someone British you can mean someone born in England but more often than not it's used for those born in other areas of Great Britain (like Northern Ireland and such I guess). L was born and lives in England - so he identifies more with being an Englishman rather than being British. He's still technicaly British because England is a part Great Britain but he's more akin to being English. Kind of like people here in the States. I'm American (and everyone who lives in this country with me is American as well) but I more closely identify myself as being Southern (which is still American but a certain AREA of America) if that makes sense.


And let's not go into WHY people feel this way.. that's a little to close to the policital debate pocket than I'd rather be in my journal unless a mod deems it okay.

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I came home early tonight (used 4 hours of PTO time). Just exhausted.


L and I were talking about a potential tattoo idea for me on my way to work and it went into talking about the subject behind the tattoo - Tolkein. When I was wedding planning I kept saying I had no time to work on my novel since I was a DIY Bride and working full time - but now there's no excuese not to be at least dabbing in it again. I am starting the process of putting everything on my laptop (I have OCD when it comes to my handwriting and after 13 years have decided to not keep anything written about it - but obviously have back ups from the laptop - because when I leave it for chunks at a time and come back to it, I spend time rewriting everything rather than adding TO it). So working on that but it's still not working ON the story. I need to dive back in. I can't ever make that dream I was telling L today come true if I don't actually write. One must write in order to have a book after all.

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You're right, there is a huge difference. Some people refer to themselves as British, whilst others like your husband prefer to be called English. I totally understand that because being from Scotland, I identify as Scottish and never call myself British (not because I don't want to be part of the union, it's just how I identify!). Sorry for hijacking your journal though OG! I can't seem to help myself from commenting when someone confuses Britain for being just England. Each part of the UK has such a strong identity of its own that it can cause offense if somebody passes off Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as England as if to say, 'what's the difference?'. There's a big difference. Rant over though! I'm gonna hop off now and let you get back to your journal...

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It's a funny thing. Some people refer to themselves as British, whilst others like your husband prefer to be called English. I totally understand that because being from Scotland, I identify as Scottish. Sorry for hijacking your journal though OG! I can't seem to help myself from commenting when someone confuses Britain for being just England. Each part of the UK has such a strong identity of its own that it can cause offense if somebody passes off Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as England as if to say, 'what's the difference?'. There's a big difference. Rant over though! I'm gonna hop off now and let you get back to your journal...


Yes, my father's family and my husband's family call themselves British, but they are from England.

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It's a funny thing. Some people refer to themselves as British, whilst others like your husband prefer to be called English. I totally understand that because being from Scotland, I identify as Scottish. Sorry for hijacking your journal though OG! I can't seem to help myself from commenting when someone confuses Britain for being just England. Each part of the UK has such a strong identity of its own that it can cause offense if somebody passes off Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as England as if to say, 'what's the difference?'. There's a big difference. Rant over though! I'm gonna hop off now and let you get back to your journal...


lol, it's all cool. As long as we don't go into any political areas, I'm good. I agree that's it's down to each area of the country, we have that in our country as well. With the UK it can get confusing because I know here I was taught in school it was 'England' or 'the UK', you know the other areas are there but it's all grouped into one central name. Like honestly, I thought Scotland was at the bottom of the country. I don't even think I could point out Scotland to you - for the love of God I thought London was in the North! lol

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