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I'm so happy that I have a husband who doesn't look to just tomorrow but looks into the far future - even if it's a future that may not be. I'm usually very on top of getting things squared away for if I'm not here any longer - some see this as morbid, I see it as being prepared because you just never know WHEN - but you know it never crossed my mind to get life insurance on myself? I'm slipping. L was talking today about he's going to look around to get a life insurance quote on him (in case anything happens to him, forbid). As his wife I automatically get a year's salary through who he works for - which is NOT small by any means - but 'he wanted to make sure I was okay even more', which is why he said he was looking into another. I know I have some kind of insurance through work but I don't think it's much - 10,000 to 20,000, not sure that - the hospital automatically pays no matter what and L has been the beneficary of that since we got engaged. I'm pretty sure they offer additional stuff though. I also need to have some papers drawn up to 'legalize' what I want in the case I can't make decisions. L already knows all this and as my husband he gets the final say but I could just see my mom going against some of my wishes and claiming it's not what I want - better to be prepared!

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Hmmm yeah it’s morbid but it happens. Remember the old school friend of mine who lost her husband this spring. I was stunned to find out that he didn’t have life insurance. A tree faller, with a wife, a baby, and another on the way, never had life insurance! This is nuts to me. Luckily, the family stepped up to take care of her. Her house is paid off, the boys’ school is paid for, and she doesn’t have to work. So, it’s not as horrible as it could be, but that kind of help isn’t something to be expected. Alex has insurance on the mortgage, where if something happens to him at work, he can’t work, or if he died (please no, not ever) the house would be paid for. So, he’s taken care of me in that respect, and for right now, that’s enough. After we get married we’ll both get life insurance.

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Definitely have life insurance. We have had life insurance since our 20's. Don't forget there are burial costs and arrangements and bills and kids and educations to worry about. It is definitely better to be prepared. I know if my husband is killed in an accident here on base as a result of an accident during work on the home front they give me 2 years salary and he also has private insurance as well. I also have life insurance. I would increase your amount because $10,000 would only just bury you and that is it. If you have a few kids that won't go anywhere to helping him. I think my own life insurance is about half a million. You have to consider your earning potential over your life and who needs to be helped by this money.


Also make a Will, that way your wishes are very clear and people can not just step in and decide what they want. Right now I have a Power of Attorney over my husband's estate and how he chooses to die( if on life support) if that is the case. I am his legal voice in this country. NO one else can decide anything.

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Well in the long run what I currently have won't matter - the 10,000 is only through work and when I leave work to move to England I won't have that until I get another job. I actually don't know if life insurance from this country would carry over to another, or if I would want to pay it like that with the inflation of the dollar/pound.

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Life insurance through an employer is usually a pittance. I would not even be bothered with it. I have private life insurance, that way I get the amount I want and fits my own families needs. I would think beyond what someone needs as a basic though. I would also have life insurance even if I do not have a job. Your husband would need help even if you are not working. It is to cover his life even if you are not there and your future kids life. If he is using his money to bury you, he is not using it on himself. See what I mean? I would never want to leave my husband in the lurch and sent to basic living because I died. I want my son's educational needs covered and I want my husband to be able to employ people to do something of the things I did and not have to struggle because I died or have my son struggle. Plus the older you get the more costly insurance gets. Get it while you are young and place value on yourself and what it would cost someone to replace what you do and to take care of funeral costs.

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My Work provided insurance is 3x years salary Victoria, which is around the $100,000 mark. Its not always a pittance - although admittedly this is a UK Government scheme as a UKG employee. Especially considering that parents dont pay for education here. That said, I am still looking into extra provision.

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Most normal work insurance though is a pittance if they offer it at all. That is kind of what I am saying. It is always better to be prepared than to have a big surprise later. Even for OG she needs to protect you too, know what I mean? And her future kids. Bills for the loss of a spouse and or parent can be catastrophic if you are not prepared. My step dad first wife died at 42 with no insurance and they had 3 kids who were 20,17 and 11.It was not pretty for a while.


You also don't know if 20 years from now the state will still be paying for education there. Also what if OG dies and you have 4 little kids? You will need financial help most likely. It won't be easy to hand out $15000 in burial costs and have little kids etc.


All I am saying is BOTH people need to protect the other.

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I def plan on getting it while I'm still here but it's not worth it to still hold life insurance on me in the States when I'm living in the UK - with the way inflation is it would cost too much. I def plan on getting some quotes for he time I AM still here and then getting a new policy once I move to England to make sure L is covered. We both want to be cremated so while it's not much cheaper than burial it is a little - here, at least. With L's death payout I'm not worried but as he said, doesn't hurt to have extra.

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I stopped by Walmart on the way home from work and picked up one of the first of my niece's Christmas presents and got everything for under $5 - score!!! I'll have to post a pic when I'm done since I'm not doing it off inspiration of another project, it's one I completely thought of on my own. It's like a board and I got some pipe cleaners and am going to attach them to the board (which will be painted green for grass) and then attach the letters that spell out her name to the tops of those pipe cleaners to give it a 'wavy' effect. Dunno how it is going to turn out but we will see!


A lot of gifts will come from this:

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I'm going to do my mom one of pictures from our wedding and Mod Podge them on to the different sides of the block and find a really sweet mother/daughter saying and put it at the top instead of a picture. I'm going to do my best friend one as well but with pictures of us through the years and I already wrote out her sweet saying myself. And I'll do my niece one as well. I'm on a roll!

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I love my mom to death but she just doesn't undestand I don't handle environment stress well at ALL. She really didn't want to do Christmas decorations but she did because Tyler is old enough this year to know what's going on and everything. So I said okay, I'll decorate the tree. I have been putting it off the last few nights because I'm so exhausted from work and incomsnia but tonight I sat down and did the lights and garland. And oh my god...


Me: "Is there a specific way you want the garland?"

Mom: "No."

*starts putting garland on*

Mom: "I want it toward the front B."

Me: "You said you didn't care."

Mom: "Well I want it from the front."


Combina that with the steady tirade of 'what are you doing with the lights?' 'There's a hole there'... 'can you not string a tree?'


LOVE her but jeez.

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