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He's up and walking around now. I think it was more of the seeing my nearly 6 foot brother stradling a baby gate and trying to cuss silently so as not to wake up the baby that had me in stitches. And him laughing at me on my hands and knees trying to push his foot back didn't help my giggles either.

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That's hilarious. I had a funny pain moment the other day... my in-laws had a board set up that was serving as a puppy gate... the humans and other pets could get over it easily, but not the puppy. So I come out of my room in a homework-induced zombie-like state, walk over the "gate," look around and realize that what I want isn't there, and then turn around and forget the "gate" is there and just biffed it over the gate. Total idiot moment. Seriously... my husband patted my leg today and I about died because he hit the giant goose-egg on my shin.

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That's hilarious. I had a funny pain moment the other day... my in-laws had a board set up that was serving as a puppy gate... the humans and other pets could get over it easily, but not the puppy. So I come out of my room in a homework-induced zombie-like state, walk over the "gate," look around and realize that what I want isn't there, and then turn around and forget the "gate" is there and just biffed it over the gate. Total idiot moment. Seriously... my husband patted my leg today and I about died because he hit the giant goose-egg on my shin.


Awwww! I had one a few weeks ago. I was walking to the front door and my brother had arrived home at the same time I did. I wasn't paying any attention (talking to him) and I have this habit of looking down as I walk. Well about the time I decided to rejoin the world and look up, I walked into this metal frame thing mom had just sitting in the middle of the yard. Like head smacked it.

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One of the funniest things EVAR, my husband slips in the shower and grabs for the shower curtain and rips it right out of rings and lands on the floor. I could see it all happening in the mirror. ( I was blow drying my hair) It looked like it was all happening in slow motion. Well I almost burst a gut laughing because it looked SO hilarious. He was so angry at me though and did not talk to me all day because he insisted he could have killed himself. Even now if I giggle about it once in a blue moon he gets a little irritated. I could not help it, it was just so freakin funny. I have a REALLY bizarre sense of humour though.

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Years ago, I was in the shower and dropped the soap so I quickly bent over to pick it up and caught my tailbone a hard rap on the shower control which made me slip and fall forward banging my head on the other end of the tub. My wife came in to see what was wrong, pulled back the shower curtain and quickly turned off the shower.


Except she didn't - she turned it on to full cold instead.

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One of the funniest things EVAR, my husband slips in the shower and grabs for the shower curtain and rips it right out of rings and lands on the floor. I could see it all happening in the mirror. ( I was blow drying my hair) It looked like it was all happening in slow motion. Well I almost burst a gut laughing because it looked SO hilarious. He was so angry at me though and did not talk to me all day because he insisted he could have killed himself. Even now if I giggle about it once in a blue moon he gets a little irritated. I could not help it, it was just so freakin funny. I have a REALLY bizarre sense of humour though.


I laugh when people hurt themselves, I just can't help it. I think it's a defense mechanism. Obviously if someone were to lose an arm I wouldn't laugh but tripping? Oh yeah.

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Years ago, I was in the shower and dropped the soap so I quickly bent over to pick it up and caught my tailbone a hard rap on the shower control which made me slip and fall forward banging my head on the other end of the tub. My wife came in to see what was wrong, pulled back the shower curtain and quickly turned off the shower.


Except she didn't - she turned it on to full cold instead.


I'm glad your okay okay DN. I actually didn't start lol until the part were your wife turned the cold water on.

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I laugh when people hurt themselves, I just can't help it. I think it's a defense mechanism. Obviously if someone were to lose an arm I wouldn't laugh but tripping? Oh yeah.


It just looked all so ridiculous you know? He falls flapping out of the shower arms and legs all over and almost smacks his head on the sink. That would have been HORRIBLE, but he didn't. He did not hurt himself at all, ( well his pride). He was mad because I was laughing because he COULD have hurt himself. Now 19 years later if I have a little giggle, he is only mildly irritated because he knows I am not doing it from malice, never, it was just funny. Ya know? Obviously if he had knocked himself out I would have been horrified. He has done that 7 times btw, knocked himself clean out in accidents.

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It just looked all so ridiculous you know? He falls flapping out of the shower arms and legs all over and almost smacks his head on the sink. That would have been HORRIBLE, but he didn't. He did not hurt himself at all, ( well his pride). He was mad because I was laughing because he COULD have hurt himself. Now 19 years later if I have a little giggle, he is only mildly irritated because he knows I am not doing it from malice, never, it was just funny. Ya know? Obviously if he had knocked himself out I would have been horrified. He has done that 7 times btw, knocked himself clean out in accidents.


Oh yeah. When we were in NY L tripped going down the Rockefeller steps (my husband is as much of a klutz as I am) and my first reaction was to bust out laughing - then I realized he had landed on the ankle he had broke as a teenager and was in pain. :s

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Oh yeah. When we were in NY L tripped going down the Rockefeller steps (my husband is as much of a klutz as I am) and my first reaction was to bust out laughing - then I realized he had landed on the ankle he had broke as a teenager and was in pain. :s


Yeah my husband is a massive klutz. He has been told one more concussion and he will have a permanent brain injury and told not to play contact sports but he does anyway. Makes me mad !

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Haha Victoria, that's the running joke on that show "home improvement" with Tim Allen. All the hospital staff knows him by name and such.



OMG hers you have no idea how true that is!! I have picked my husband out of every hospital in a 300 mile radius and I am actually serious.

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I'm a card carrying klutz. My late bf used to call me slew foot. Well, when he called me this in front of company, he then found out I can give as good as I get and I came up with a nickname that shut him up quick. I won't say it here, (we must have respect for the departed) but it was below-the-belt and it stopped him in his tracks.

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I'm in laundry tonight (which use to be the morgue. Great). There is this room to the back were hey use to cremate bodies and I almost never go in there because it freaks me out. Always colder and quiet and I swear smells like smoke when you walk in it. Well I'm down here by myself minding my own business when I head back to the room past the spooky room to hang clothes when the doors to the spooky room bust open and something comes out of he room. Now remember, I'm down here by myself. So I did why any self respecting adult would do when they think they are being attacked by a ghost - I punched....


.... And ended up punching my idiot co worker who thought it would be funny to scare me in the face.



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