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I've already had my first dose of driving through horrible snowy weather. It hit here last Thursday south of the city only...which is of course where I had to go for my home visit. It was really bad on the way there. I would be OK...then not be able to see, then be OK...then not be able to see. I almost missed my turn because I couldn't see anything to the side of me at all. Good times

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I liked Rob, but the Kardashians are EVERYWHERE in this town. They are the power family around L.A. right now and a lot of people are tired of them. I like Rob and Khloe, but the rest of them are a big,fat, bore. I love J.R. and Karina. Class, pure class. I was not going to be disappointed if either of them won. Rob is such a cute guy!

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I have so much to be thankful for:


[x] were I am in life. I may not have a lot or not as much as I would want, but I have plenty: a roof over my head, enough food to fill me, a job, a crazy and physco family at times but one I wouldn't trade for the world, an amazing support network, and the love of a good man.


[x] a husband who loves me for both the good and bad, who makes me want to be a better person each and every day and who has taught me the meaning of unconditional love.


[x] my mom. For whatever reasons we clash I know she's there for me.


[x] my bestie - with either a state line or an ocean between us I know she's got my back.


[x] my brother and sister - we may fight like cats and dogs and rip into each other but if the chips were down and I was backed into a corner they'd be there for me.


[x] my niece - for showing me no matter how long you don't see someone when you do see them, you fall in love with them all over again.


[x] my nephew - who has taught me the meaning of being a survivor and whose toothy grin lights up my world.


[x] my pseudo family - for always supporting me


[x] my online girls - for always having my back and for their continued support in both myself and L and I.


And of course,


[x] ENA - without you I wouldn't have met my husband or gotten through a rough patch in my life - and what else would fill my days other than surfing you all day?

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I took a few pictures of Jasper for our Christmas card and he was such a good boy! But again, Jasper just lays there and lets my nephew wallow all over him - I'm not surprised he just laied there for these pictures (although the bright string of lights to play with might have had something to do with it...)


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I woke up with yet another headache today. *grumbles* And my stepdad is home so of COURSE him and my mom are arguing up a storm. I know there has to be arguments in a relationship but good God! I can't stand someone who thinks they are the only one that is right and everyone else is wrong - probably why he and I clash so much... what are they arguing about? Bringing Christmas decorations in. Mom has apparently in the past gotten mad at him when he's not wanted to help put them out and she didn't even want to decorate this year - I asked her if I could decorate with Tyler and take some pictures since this is my last Christmas for a few years with him.


L also recieved his packaged I sent him!

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Nothing like a good cry to make you feel better!


I stopped by Walmart on my way home to pick up some fuzzy socks... :s It was a cluster bomb in there! People just standing in the middle of the aisles and the longer I was in there the more came in. It literally took me 5 minutes to go from one aisle to the next! Go home people!!! Then when I got home I tried putting the Christmas lights on the tree - Lord. Between Tyler trying to eat the lights and Jasper trying to eat the TREE I just gave up and threw them on there. I'll fix it tomorrow night.

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So I'm sat in my room playing jungle jewels and I hear my brother come in the house. About 5 seconds later I hear him barely whispering 'oh god, oh S'. I pause my game (the entrance to our hallway is right next to my room) and ask him if he's okay. He says 'just come here please'. Well the light in the hallway is off so I go to flip it on and immediately start laughing. mom forgot to move the tote lid from the hallway side of the baby gate and when my long legged brother stepped over the gate to go to his room he stepped ON said tote and that leg shot out in front of him.. causing him to wack his private area on the baby gate. It was so hilarious. There I am trying to push the tote lid (and therefore his leg) back so he can stand up and he just keeps saying 'oh god, oh god'.

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