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My ex's mom was about in her mid 40's when she had him. Oddly enough, he felt fine with not having kids until he was much older.


But she didn't wait until she was older. My mom was her 11th! o.O (it boggles my mind)


She used to tell me the story about how one of my aunties was born under a tree because it had something to do with the war. I don't remember the story that well. =/ But that boggles my mind too!

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I'm not sure I'd remember all their names if there were 13..


I know i don't, lol.


I'm up early again today. ugh. I work from 1 to 9 as well. At least I'm off tomorrow. Still going to visit the bestie though so I have to get an early night tonight since I want to leave the house by 8ish tomorrow morning. Too bad CS will be at work and I won't be able to chat on my drive up.

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So I got paged to do some ICU rooms today. Not my usual routine but nothing out there. While I was cleaning one I got paged to the ICU waiting room, the sink in there had over flooded. No problem, quick mop up job, no hassle.


Oh how very wrong I was....


Let me start out by saying the woman in there HAD to be on something. Seriously. Bleary eyed, slurred speech... if she wasn't on something I would be shocked. Anyway, I walk in and this is how it went:


Her: "The sink over flowed."

Me: "Yes ma'm"

*after a seconds pause* Her: "You think it'll be useable now? I'm staying the night here."

Me *mid mop*: "No ma'm. Matience isn't here tonight, you'll have to use another sink."

Her: "I could just take the bottom part of and see what's wrong with it."

Me: "um, that might not be a good idea. Best leave it to matience."

Her: "I haven't ate since yesterday, I'm thinking of asking one of the nurses (who she's never met) to take me some where when they get off."

Me: "Hm."

Her: "Are you the lady I go to for blankets?"

Me: "No, that would be a CNA ma'm."


So I finally finish and am about to leave when she goes, "oh, by the way, can I get some more sugar and coffee in here?" I literally had to bite my tongue to keep from saying 'Do I look like a Hampton Inn housekeeper?' I so gave the head nurse a dirty look as I walked by her and she started laughing. I was like you could have worn me of the crazy lady in there. She just laughed and said she thought I'd get a kick out of it.




Early night for me tonight, gotta be up at 7ish to head to my hometown to spend the first part of the day with the bestie shopping. Woohoo!

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Has been up since 5 am this morning (yet another five hour night for some reason :s) Got up, dressed, and headed to my hometown an hour away. Stopped before going into Hopbby Lobby to get gas. I then drove to Hobby Lobby and decided to make a quick stop into Ross before HL. As I was coming out of Ross I noticed that after I had gotten gas I had completely forgotten to put the gas cap back on AND shut the door to the gas area. Thankfully my gas cap is attached to the car, lol



Spent about an hour and a half at HL buying scrapbook stuff with the Christmas money CS sent me. First time I have ever dropped $60 in HL. Always wanted to, just never had it TO do it, lol. I got a good amount of stuff to finish or at least some what finish some pages and picked up some stuff I didn't have designated for a certain thing that I'm sure I'll find use for one day.


Then I met the bestie at the mall. We shopped (well, I say we but she did, lol). I tried finding a white dress for me for the wedding but nooooooo, every store we went to was out. And she spent the entire time looking for a belt and wouldn't you know it? None of the stores sold belts either. Wth? We also grabbed a bite to eat in the mall at my favorite Chinese place. Really it's the ONLY place I have ever eaten Chinese at, just this small little area that serves some AWESOME honey chicken. It's been about a year since I ate there (use to eat there every other week) and oh.my.God it was goooood!


So now I'm back home and I feel like I'm about to pass out really. I have also barey talked to CS today. He was at work til about 11ish my time then he had to go to this meeting thing right after work so no phone time for us tonight and we have exchanged only a hand full of emails today. Days like today I miss him more than ever....

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Woke up at 8 am again. Grrrr


No talking to CS today either. We have exchanged a few emails while he's a at work but he has this big thing to do for work after work and he can't have his cell phone with him so no email the rest of the day. I hate when I don't get to talk to him and I can't remember if he has something planned for tomorrow or not.... I'm off this wekeend though so keeping my fingers crossed we will get plenty of talk time then.

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I bought this Aussie shampoo, never used it before and I needed to switch brands (use the same brand for a long time it does nothing for my hair) and I must say I'm liking it. They didn't have the conditoner and I have to use conditioner otherwise my hair is this tangled mass. Gah.


I'm actually in a very girly mood today, no reason why really. Thinking I may were a little make up to work today as well since it's not hot anymore. And I may even paint my toes.

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It's got to be hard when you don't get to talk or at least text/email .. its going to be so great when you can finally move over there! At least with skype it makes the time you do get to spend with each other so much better quality than emailing and even a fair bit better than a video-less phone call.

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It is hard. Normally even if we don't talk on the phone via skype we spend the entire day emailing each other, but because of his work he couldn't have the phone on tonight so not even emails. it sucks but its one day, and we are web camming tomorrow and this weekend. It's just weird not having exchanged at least 50 emails with him today.

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So I wore make up to work today, first time I have ever done that (this summer I just sweated way too much to wear it) and I'm not sure whether to take it as an insult or compliment that I got hit on when I wore make up compared to when I don't. Hmmmm.


I also had it out with a CNA. She's English and for the longest time I could never figure out why she was a witch to me (she would like just throw stuff on the floor so I'd have to sweep it up, knock a vase over with me standing right there and tell me I needed to get it up). Well, tonight I found out why. As I was cleaning the dayroom her and her little friend (who I believe is English as well, haven't had the displeasure of talking to her) decided to prance their little butts into the dayroom and sit down and eat...while I"m in the middle of cleaning. I bit my tongue and kept cleaning. My friend that is a CNA came in and sat down at the table accross from the English girls to eat as well. I have no problem with people eating in the rooms while I clean unless they make a mess. Well, the English girls decide to start snickering at me and carelessly letting the crumbs from their food hit the floor (the area I had already swept and mopped, btw) and overall being messy on purpose. Yet again I bit my tongue.


As I was in the middle of cleaning a table I turned and was going to ask my CNA friend a question when I made eye contact with the English girl who has been a witch to me. She looked me right back, picked up her glass of soda, and dumped it on the floor. There was no biting of the tongue this time. I bluntly asked her what the H her problem was. Her response while giving me a snide look? "I'm sick of you yankee American women going after Englishmen. Why don't you just stay with your own redneck men?"


.....so yeah. To begin with, I have nothing against Northern people, even have a few very close friends who are Northerners. And I am not a redneck or your typical Southerner. I in no way own anything that has a Confederate flag on it, I loath John Deer, and God I HATE NASCAR. I am still, however, a Southerner. Call me a Yank all you want if you're from another country but yankEE. No. Can't explain it and it's purely stupid but it angers me. It's like calling an Englishmen a Scotsmen.


At this point I have had it with this woman. She has been nothing but a witch to me since the moment she learned I was engaged to CS, whose English, and all this tonight just did it for me. I calmly sat my cleaning stuff on the table, took my gloves off, and walked over to her table. I leaned on it with my hands and simply said, "Maybe if you English women weren't so rigid in bed, they wouldn't come looking for a hot bloodied American woman." That got the desired effect I wanted. My CNA friend also took that moment to burst out laughing (God bless her). I then walked back over to my table and continued my cleaning and left them with their jaws dropped. As I was leaving the room the one who has been a witch to me (once again in a snide voice) asked me was I going to clean up this mess (indicating the mess they made). I handed her the broom and mop and said, "God gave you two hands like he did me." and walked out.


Still processing the situation.

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