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Do you guys have a cheap theater over there? Here we have the dollar theater (which is $2 a ticket except on Tuesdays when it's actually $1). They show slightly older movies that have already done their time in the regular theater but aren't out on video yet. It's a nice compromise if you want to go out and see something but can't justify spending a butt-load of money on movie tickets.

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I usually get free movies. My bank offers this points collection deal where, with every 1000 points, you get a free movie. You can also trade it in for concessions, etc... everytime you use your debit card, you get points. Between the two of us, it adds up really fast. The little freebies in life are nice The last time we had $2 Tuesday movies here I was about 8 years old. I wish they’d bring that back. Now it’s just $10 flat.

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Why do I get in such a bad mood when there are a series of small things that irratate me? It's like the second there is more than one environmental stress or someone does something - which upon looking back on it was NO big deal at all - but at the time I see it as multiple annoyances, I get super irratated and in a bad mood and can't pull myself out? And at the time I don't care about anything but the second I come out of the mood I feel SO unbelievably horrible. It's a character flaw I hate about myself.

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I get the same way sometimes OG. I tend to get frustrated with some things rather quickly. I am easy to make mad, well about the only person who does not is my son. I think it is abuse related. My mother said I changed in that way after I had faced a lot of abuse I just became irritated that much faster. So I do not really see it as a character flaw but more as the reaction of a brain that has seen a lot of abuse and has been "programmed" the wrong way and just needs reprogramming.

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I get the same way sometimes OG. I tend to get frustrated with some things rather quickly. I am easy to make mad, well about the only person who does not is my son. I think it is abuse related. My mother said I changed in that way after I had faced a lot of abuse I just became irritated that much faster. So I do not really see it as a character flaw but more as the reaction of a brain that has seen a lot of abuse and has been "programmed" the wrong way and just needs reprogramming.


I had never looked at it that way before Vic... I know my mom says I was never this 'agitated' as a child. I have never really had any patience but I guess looking back it progressivly got worse after my abuse and it doesn't help I inheriated my mom's temper - which is short and swift and gets worse with age. And yeah, the only ones I have never been irratated at like that is my niece and nephew... I don't know. I mean, I guess the first step is realizing what you are doing is wrong (or potentially harmful) and the next step is working on correcting it when it comes up.

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Really the anger and the quick to anger is really our own pain. It needs an outlet but comes out wrong. Anger is just really pain. My mother said I changed a lot after I was about 14. She said I became a more sad person, I was always quick to all kinds of emotions even as a toddler, but she said she could definitely see I was more sad and easier to make angry since that time. She said I am not the same person as before.

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Regarding movie theatres, I LOVE going to see movies!! We bought 2 Groupons to one theatre here in town and itw as only $12. The theatre that we go to is the ONLY one I'll go to here in town b/c they're locally and independently owned, have tables and chairs to sit in, have only 4 movies at a time playing, sell beer and a great menu (pizza, nachos, chicken tenders, burgers...I love concession stand-type foods!), and good prices. We can usually go for $14 for just the both of us, which is much cheaper than others in town (one place has tickets for $10 or more a piece! Crazy!). On Tuesdays, they do 2 for 1 tickets at matinee price ($5.50), so we try to go Tuesdays to save money. We love that little theatre. I'm al about supporting local business owners.

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Well like today. L and I were webcamming and I was zoned out and he kept saying 'talk to me'. So I zoned back in and was asking him if he had seen the snow white trailers and he said yes, you sent me them already. I was like no I only just saw them last night. Then he repeated himself and it was like this switch went off and that was the first stresser. Then my mom cams in repeating herself and that doubled it.

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What works for me is cardio. When I breathe out I visualize breathing out any negativity I have that day, including irritations, etc and it helps me get a clearer perspective on whether to react to the irritation, how to react, whether it's something to leave unsaid (if it has to do with someone else saying or doing something to irritate me where I could say something). Of course I exhale at other times of the day.... but during cardio since I am far more focused on and taking deeper breaths that is the best time for me to do this "work".

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Here is an interesting article OG. link removed


It is interesting. I wonder if does have a small part to play with it. It's been a few years since I touched based with my therapist, may give her a call soon...



Another stressful day on the renovation wing. So yesterday the work guys told my boss for sure they would be out of the wing by 3:30 today (one of the reasons I didn't go in utnil 3:30) Ah, no. They claimed amnesia to that conversation apparently. The cardboard and wood panels were still down the hallway (to protect the new floor they put in) and there were a million workers running around when I got there. Then me and the floor tech were standing there and over head the guy that puts the sealer on windows and doors (I know ENA doesn't allow that word on here) and he said 'oh, I'll be back in tomorrow to do the doors.' Our jaws literally just fell open because, once again, the work guys had said we would have no interruptions on Sat so we could finish cleaning this hall. Apparently not. So we managed to get a good bit done though - I am going to have to work tomorrow though - but I'm hoping we can finish it everything tomorrow so I don't have to work Sunday. I'm willing to stay ALL day tomorrow so I don't have to come in Sunday even if I have to wax floors myself!


But then the boss and I were sat outside on break when one of the nurses from the hospital came outside and asked if anyone was going to deliver laundry tonight. Apparnetly the woman working in laundry decided for 8 hours NOT to deliver! WTH?? So the boss and I both had to go down and make a laundry delivery. She said something about she was tired of not having someone reliable in laundry for second shift and I was like 'well, I'd be willing to go down there'... not sure if it will happen but meh.

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