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My child knows I'm missing his father tonight, he's constantly been lying behind me ALL day. I almost squished him during my nap this afternoon!

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My son wanted me to tell you OG, that your Jasper looks exactly like our Shay. He was too scared to type to you himself though.

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Crappy day.


We are renovating a wing of the hospital for gereatic and they are almost done with it so it needs to be cleaned before the inspectors come. They were going to hire an outside company but apparently it was just cheaper all the way around to pay us the overtime to do it. There are three of us who are doing it - me, girl from first, and then our boss. It's only normal hours for me since I'm second but for them it's overtime unless we don't finish cleaning the wing by Fri then I'll have to come in on my sat off and log overtime. Anyway. The crew renovating this wing is a joke. They have gotten glue and paint everywhere - sinks, floors, walls - and before we can even clean the rooms we have to scrape off dried glue and paint which is taking forever. Three rooms took us 4 hours today and there isn't even any furniture in them!


So I'm still super sore from Mondays workout, like I can barely walk sore. And here I am on my hands and knees scrubbing showers and scraping glue off and it's just putting me in so much pain. And by the time I get on the phone with L I'm grumpy as H as he and I get in a fight.... This day just sucks. I really don't want to go I the gym tonight but I am.

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Pretty good work out! I'm not as sore as I was Monday afterward but we shall see how I am in the morning.


I warmed up on the treadmill tonight to give some variety, did 5 minutes at an 11 incline at 30 speed, just enough to get my heart pumping and a good sweat. Then I stretched some before doing some crunches, leg raises, and stiff-legged dead lifts. Then I did 45 minutes of cardio on the stationary bike.


My mom apparently got into a cleaning spree with her room and she found her first mother's ring and she handed it to me as I walked in the door. I always called dibs on her and dad's first wedding band set and her first mother's ring - I honestly thought she had lost it...

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That's a big step, OG. I've alway's been able to say that, but so many people take advantage of it and think it is a weakness. When I tell them to shove it and walk away, they see how strong I really am. It takes a lot of high self esteem and strength to say "I'm sorry" and really mean it.

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Another long day on the new renovation wing. We weren't able to get in there early like we hoped - I came in at 1 and still wasn't allowed in there until 3:30 - so that put us behind again. But we all 3 worked on the same rooms and knocked the one room we had left from yesterday and the really big dayroom out - only leaves like 10 more to do before Sunday. >.


If we can't get in there until late again tomorrow I'm not going in til 3:30 and staying til 11:30. Hopefully I can get a good bit done and help the guys with the floor that way we aren't there all day Saturday.


My computer game arrived today and the hubby helped me install it and get it running and working on the video resolution and everything. Then we talked on the way to work and we face timed on my lunch break - I love that we don't have to go 4-5 days without seeing each other any more, we almost always facetime at lunch.

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