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One more day of work and then I'm off... dropping the car off with the mechanic Tues as well and my mom is driving me to the DMV to change my license - last thing I have to do before I can change it at work and at the bank and all that other good stuff that comes with changing your name. I'm also ready for my weekend off. I was going down to my uncle's but with the car and the game arriving I may just stay home, play Oblivion, and have a few date nights with the hubby.


i also need to get into mom's building and sort through the wedding stuff I told her to bring back that I wanted to keep - our flutes, cake topper, and my bouquet and such - and go ahead and just put what breakables I'm shipping to England in that box. I'm going to try to take as little as clothes as possible - I mostly own tank tops but those are coming with - but just starting the process.

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I love that feeling


Your insane Dal, lol.


I guess it is a good feeling.. means I'm actually WORKING something. I warmed up on the stationary bike for 10 mins, then did some stretches. Then I did squats, lunges, calf raises, and leg curls for lower body resistance. the calf raises and leg curls I easily did 1 set of 12 reps each but the squats and lunges... I DID to 10 (eventually) but this girl's center of gravity is heavy and I felt muscles working I hadn't worked in prooperly YEARS when I did that first squat. I took a 10 second break inbetween each squat and lung but dangit I did 10 of them. Then I did 35 mins of cardio on the treadmill (30 normal minutes and then a 5 min cooldown) - 3.0 speed, varying incline to keep my heart rate up at 158, ended up doing 1.59 miles with 363 calories.

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I used to be a gym rat but it got old. Now I am going back to yoga (the best thing ever for shaping up) and I just walk a lot more. I love to walk so this makes sense to me. Every weekend I go to Disneyland or the zoo and just walk all the time. I walk some during the week, too, and practice my yoga at home. If you want to limber up, shape up, and lose lots of weight, yoga works better than treadmills and machines.

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I do a mix of running, weights and yoga. Yoga is amazing because it's cardio, strength training and stretching all in one. My body is freaking stubborn and I've actually seen my leg change a little with the running/yoga mix. I have a bad knee though so I have to be careful. I worked out Wednesday through Sunday last week and my knee was a bit sore, so luckily I was forced to take yesterday and today off because of my schedule.


I love that sore feeling though. It lets me know that my workout was worth it and that I'm actually doing something. I would actually try to get a walk in today to help with the soreness. Moving like that will break up the lactic acid that causes the pain and you'll probably feel better. But watch out cause the second day after a tough workout is always worse haha.

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I use to do Pilates when I had my own apartment And loved it but here I don't have the room. It's def something I want to take up when I move to England. I'm not sore today - not like I was yesterday! - but it still twinges when I get up and sit down. My form for the lunges and squats weren't perfect but I am heavily centered at the moment, lol

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Name change on the license is DONE! Which means I have changed everything that needs to be changed in order to change everything else, lol. Calling the insurance people today to see what they need....




As for exercising, I need to get back into that, esp with my leg. The pool at my gym has been closed for renovations and is due to reopen at the end of Nov. I plan to start swimming again when it does. Swimming is low-impact and good for helping my leg heal up and get stronger.

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As for exercising, I need to get back into that, esp with my leg. The pool at my gym has been closed for renovations and is due to reopen at the end of Nov. I plan to start swimming again when it does. Swimming is low-impact and good for helping my leg heal up and get stronger.


I wish we had a pool at our gym.. I would so be in it every night! L is going to start swimming at the end of the month for his weight loss since normal exercise aggrevates the ankle he broke.

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OG, hope you feel better soon. Headaches can be a real bear.


I can't wait till the gym pool reopens at the end of this month. I need to swim again, to strengthen my leg and to lose weight. Since it's winter and getting darker earlier and depressing, I've been eating a bit more.


I am also NOT getting back into doing solo skydiving anymore due to circumstances beyond my control. I will still do tandems and hang out at the DZ, but the licensing is out. It makes me sad, since I really wanted to continue, but I see the owner's POV.

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