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The timing cover is broke so that's were the leak is. I had the radiator replaced right before L arrived. Right now I'm having to put half a gallon of water before I go to work and the other half before I leave work because it leaks even when the car isn't running.


Oh wow. That's where the $70 a week comes from! I knew antifreeze wasn't all that expensive so I was confused. At least that much of a leak makes it less likely that the water will freeze because it's not sitting still for too long. This might be a silly question, but is the leak a pretty steady drip? If so, could you, like, put something under it to catch the fluid? If that was possible, you could probably reuse the antifreeze.

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I did that for awhile with my old car. It's not good for the engine if it is done for too long and I replaced my radiator and all of my hoses. Still, the damage had been done and my car went to the Junkyard in the Sky last June. Don't wait on this too long, okay?

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Oh wow. That's where the $70 a week comes from! I knew antifreeze wasn't all that expensive so I was confused. At least that much of a leak makes it less likely that the water will freeze because it's not sitting still for too long. This might be a silly question, but is the leak a pretty steady drip? If so, could you, like, put something under it to catch the fluid? If that was possible, you could probably reuse the antifreeze.


Yeah, my stepdad thinks I should spend $70 a week on antifreeze and hold off getting the car fixed until after the new year - because that's how long it owuld take me saving up while paying $70 a week for antifreeze - rather than putting water in it and waiting another 2 weeks. The leak is pretty steady - it drips even when the car is just sitting there - but most of it drips out while I'm driving. I could in theory catch it... not a bad idea actually.

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I did that for awhile with my old car. It's not good for the engine if it is done for too long and I replaced my radiator and all of my hoses. Still, the damage had been done and my car went to the Junkyard in the Sky last June. Don't wait on this too long, okay?


Oh yeah, most def. I mean, I have the $200 right now that he quoted me to replace the timing cover, he and I just have to find a day were I'm not working and he's available to fix it.

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Thank you Jig. i'm hoping to get them uploaded the wedding album we sent to a few members - so whoever reads this rambling journal if we sent that link to you check back in a few days, hopefully I'll have all the professional pictures uploaded to it. If you don't have it anymore just shoot me a PM!

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I love my nephew but lord he is getting to be a hand full!


He apparently is trying to say the F word now - has heard a few people say it and I admit, his aunt has let it slip in front of him - so we're having to watch what we say in front of him. He's such a sponge! And he's still in this abusive stage. I had him sitting in my lap and he was just like slapping my boobs, it honestly kind of hurt! But he looks too cute walking around, climbing up on the couch, just babbling away. I was saying 'Say B' (my name) and 'I love you' and he was just mesmerized by my mouth moving. He also has this odd habit of when your talking sticking his face RIGHT in your face like literally with no space between them. Then I was feeding him some vegetable soup so my mom could eat and he was walking toward me, tripped, knocked the bowl and guess who had hot vegetable soup on her feet? He's as much of a klut as his aunt....


But he's too cute. He says hi well now and opens and closes his hand to stimulate a wave.

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How old is he now, OG?


My nephew is soaking up everything too. My mom said that at naptime every day this week, he's gotten fussy, so she'll give him a picture frame he likes to play with and look at the pictures. One of the pictures is me and she said he gets whiny and says "meehhhgggann" but with just a sob in there. She said it's so cute. And he's actually saying it as Mehgan now and not as Nehgan.


Yesterday, Jared's nephew was here and he picked up my car keys and went to the door knob and touched each key to the door knob to see if it'd open the door. He didn't quite ahve the mechanical skills down but he knows what the keys do for the door. And he'd pick up our cell phones and put them to his ear and say "Hello? Hey" each time. Too funny.

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He's 16 months as of this past Wed.


Awwww! He doesn't say anything remotely near my name - 'baaaa' I guess is me, lol. He can say momma and nay-nay (my mom) really well.


T has done that too! He grabbed my car keys a few months back and held the actual key that opens the door TO the knob. I'm telling you, that are smarter than they look! T raises the remote up to his ear and says 'hi' so I think he's still learning some things. Although he did unlock the baby gate the other day.... -.- And I'm trying to teach him to play NICE with Jasper. He gets so excited when he comes in the room and he goes to pet him and does that up and down beating thing. I then have to say 'pet the kittie' and he'll take both hands and go from side to side barely on Jasper's fur. Jasper doesn't care though. T has landed ON him and he just takes it.

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They are. Now Jasper has batted at him before - I saw T's fingers going to Jasper's eye and couldn't get over there fast enough and that was of course the time T was ignoring me shouting his name - but he only does it if T tries to stick something in his face. T has stepped on his tail, fell on him, slobbered on him, rolled on him... he didn't care about any of the latter stuff.

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Sheila went a little nuts with Brantley here yesterday. She just gets a little crazy with company and I guess B was no different. She kept licking him and trying to jump but he'd just walk away. So it was the opposite for us yesterday haha

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lol! I'm hoping I'm teaching him to be gentle with them. and there is such a preconcieved notion that animals just pounce on kids - they are animals. They are only doing what they know to do (ie, defend themselves) when they have been pocked by a baby. And of course the baby doesn't know any different because well, they are babies and they are only doing what they know how to do - roam, lol

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I made my own one year. I made 20+ watercolour christmas cards for family and friends. Each and every one was different. It took a looong time but it was so worth it. When I was a kid, my mom was really into rubber stamping and we had all of the gimmicks and nifty supplies. My sister and I spent long hours making christmas cards with embossing and this fake snow foam type stuff. We painstakingly coloured in all of the little details. I miss crafting!

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I loath bratty children. Just, loath them. I got called to clean the ICU waiting room today - there were like 5 kids in there (from the same family) and they had just destroyed that place with food all over the place. How they got any in their mouths I don't know! And as I'm sitting there sweeping up they kept eating and dropping crumbs on the floor. This wasn't little kids either - i mean about 8-12 years old - they would eat like crackers and stuff their face with one and whatever went in went in and whatever didn't landed on the floor, no attempt to catch it or anything.



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