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Such a stressful day...


My boss called me before I even left the house to let me know I was doing another department again - the girl who normally does it was doing something extra - and someone else would cover my usual department. Cool beans. So I'm in the middle of cleaning the department my boss told me to do when the girl who is suppose to be doing my department comes to me 30 mins. before her scheduled time to leave and says, 'You have 3 rooms left over there." Ummm, aren't YOU suppose to do those? So I went back to cleaning and after finishing half of that department another one of our co workers comes and finds me and asks me when will I make it to my normal department, they are wanting rooms cleaned. F off, I'm not done in this one yet! So after I finish there I go over to my normal department to clean the 3 rooms.. oh, but wait, there is actually 4 rooms left for me! Which means she only did one of my rooms!


About that time my boss walks in and there was no hiding how furious I was and the boss wasn't happy about this either. She could tell I was stressed and thankfully the girl I covered for offered to help catch me up. After all that I went to lunch and face timed with L and thankfully that was my only stressful time today. The rest of the day was pretty relaxed but apparently I as so frazzles from earlier that I clocked out of work an hour early and never realized it til I walked in the door and my mom asked me why I was home so early. Ha.

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sorry to hear that.


why is your mom getting upset with you after the fact (aka: after the wedding is done)?


She says because she didn't want to stress me out on the day of - which I am thankful for that. Apparently how I was acting toward my family was different than how I was acting toward my pseudo family - I was doing this because family was stressing me out (whether they realized it or not) and pseudo family wasn't. So I made everyone in real family feel small and insufficient.

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It basically comes down to my mom and I have the same personalities - I'm Aries, she's Leo - and when we are close together we clash, hard. Apart not so much. But directly after a fight we are calm and act like we never fought. I mean, I'll be the first to admit I don't handle stress well. Sometimes I do but overall no.

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OG, I'm an Aries also and it wasn't until I was in my thirties that I stopped reacting badly to stress and stressful people. I think having a child had a lot to do with that. They are total stressors, 20 hours out of 24 and you can't go off on them constantly. I had to learn how to handle stress in a healthy way and I did. I still slip once in awhile, but I am so much better than I used to be.

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Hers- we were fighting about something else and it just rolled into that. When I don't handle stress I snap and become easily irritated and my mom sees that as disrespect - which it is when I do it to her - and she def didn't raise me to be that way.


Jig - so good to know its odd, kids don't stress me out like adults do. I have gotten stressed around babies but I never feel the need to let on that I am because I know they sense that kind of stuff. But adults, I just loose it.

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My mom was mad at my sister after the wedding day for not paying enough attention to her. I was in a wedding recently where the mom and daughter fought so hard the night before that the daughter ended up in the bathroom crying. Just a couple examples to remind you that it's not your fault-- it's really common for weddings to be a strain on close familial relationships. Stressed out person + stressed out person = hurt feelings.

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I HATE when people think they know everything.


Yes, I know a car needs anti-freeze when it gets below freezing. Yes, I know it's cold freaking weather right now. Yes, I realize I need to get my car fixed - what YOU need to realize is I can't spend $70 a week in putting anti-freeze in my car AND save up for fixing said car at the same time. The mechanic can't even GET to my car until another week or two - so how is spending $140 the next 2 weeks which is going to put me at less than what I need for him to fix the car better than holding out to get the car fixed in 2 weeks? Can you do math? I mean, I know I suck at it but damn - even I can figure that equation up.



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