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i was suppose to be off today but i picked a shift to make up for being out Sunday (today ended the pay period so it had to be today or no other day). I worked down in laundry though so not too bad of a day. I'm once again battling a headache that has plagued me for the last 48 hours. Yesterday I thought it was a 'no sleep' headache but it's back today. Maybe I'm sleeping wrong or something....


face timed with L today at work on my lunch break - that was so awesome. And we have a date night planned for tomorrow. Nothing big, we decided not to watch a movie (they tend to be too long and don't leave us any talk time and Sunday L is in bed early since he works the next day) so we picked a Air Crash Investigation episode to watch tomorrow about what the aviation world considers the most deadly crash. I can't remember the flight numbers or the name of that bloody airport but basically two plans collided together on the run way (one was taxing down to start take off and another was already down at the end of the runway ready to take off). It was fogging, planes couldn't see each other, air traffic controllers couldn't see the planes... when the one plane took off the other wasn't off the runway and boom. It was a Pan Am and a KLM plane, I know that much....

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Finished my sister's Christmas present!


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I still need to attach some pink ribbon for her to hang it from but all the painting is done. This was even my first attmept with Mod Podge. I have to say I like it - although a warning label should be on the bottle not to use in small, enclosed areas like my cave of a room because now that's all I can smell in here!

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It really is like they have homing beacons on you...


I'm sore all over. My lower back hurts, my feet hurt, my left wrist hurts... I'm just falling apart. I did the work of 3 departments today. >.


Our photographer told me today she finsihed our pictures Saturday - yay!!! So hopefully I'll have them by Thursday at the earliest! So ready to see the professional ones!


Since I went in so early L and I didn't do our talk before work - he actually stayed an hour later at work since I wasn't available to talk to - but we did talk on my lunch break and all day via iMessage. And the present I bought him arrived at my house today so I just have to rewrap it, stick something in there, and send it on it's merry way to England.

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Such a long and exhausting day...


I worked in another department today to cover a co worker that's been out due to a car accident. The beginning of the day wasn't bad - steady pace, nothing big. Join commission finally showed up - they are pretty much the people that come in and survey us, making sure everyone is doing what they are suppose to, that we know important things like fire safety, patient safety, etc. - so they'll be with us til Friday. About 5 I got a call from my boss telling me one of the supervisor's up top wanted one of the shower rooms cleaned from top to bottom because they had found black mildew in it. Since I wasn't in housekeeping today the other girl cleaned it but I had to wash the shower curtain and restring it - lovely. So I didn't get out of work until an hour and 20 minutes past what I was suppose to because not only did I have to do that but I had to wash OR stuff, fold it, count it, and take it back up as well as do a final pick up for the hospital/nursing home and deliver to the hospital.



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Saving up for the car is looking pretty good! I budgeted way under what I would be bringing home since when I did the budget I was missing a day of work but working last Sat put me back into having a normal pay check. After the neccesities, a little bit into savings, and a little bit with me to play with, I have $300 from this pay check alone put back to fix the car. Since the mechanic probably won't be free until after my next weekend off, I'm going to hold off - and hopefully temperatures work with me! - to fix it until my next pay check. I won't have as much to put toward the car but there will be a small padding in case the problem is bigger than the mechanic thinks.

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