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hahahaha, oh my god! I just watched my nephew kick my brother in the groin. Completely reminded me of that night on our honeymoon when we were lied in bed. L said 'lets snuggle' and so I went to scoot into the spoon position with him and apparently my big butt squished ah, something. I had NO idea what the heck was going on. All I knew was one second I was scooting to snuggle and the next minute it sounded like a Scottishmen was behind me. I have never heard his accent get that thick! And of course I'm the kind of person whose knee jerk reaction when someone hurts themselve is to laugh and so, I laughed. There my husband is, literally writhing around on the floor in pain in the middle of the night and there I am, laughing so hard I gave myself hiccups.


i laughed as well when my brother just got hurt.

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The story of you squishing L's...uh...little friend when you scooted made me giggle. It made me think back, a while ago, when I was 18, I first had sex with a man (my boyfriend at the time) and that was also the first time that I slept with a man in bed, aside from climbing onto my dad's bed when I was little and scared of something. I didn't really know how to be "careful" of the guy's member and kneed him about 4 TIMES during a weekend...usually when I was excited or wriggling around. He was howling in pain each time. I'm surprised he didn't leave after the first time, haha.


I've done that since though, haha. Stuff happens sometimes!

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The story of you squishing L's...uh...little friend when you scooted made me giggle. It made me think back, a while ago, when I was 18, I first had sex with a man (my boyfriend at the time) and that was also the first time that I slept with a man in bed, aside from climbing onto my dad's bed when I was little and scared of something. I didn't really know how to be "careful" of the guy's member and kneed him about 4 TIMES during a weekend...usually when I was excited or wriggling around. He was howling in pain each time. I'm surprised he didn't leave after the first time, haha.


I've done that since though, haha. Stuff happens sometimes!


It's sad to say but that wasn't the first - nor last! - time I ah, injured him. The first time we had sex, ever, I kneed him. He was a trooper though.

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I think you will get better once you guys move in and spend more time together physically. My first ex and I were LD and rarely saw each other. However, I had spent a lot of face time/sleep time with B, and now with N, and now I'm VERY aware of the male anatomy. It's just something you become more aware of the more you're around it and sleep near it, you just learn to tiptoe, lol.

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Oh, gosh, all this talk reminds me of this time I just destroyed B's junk. I woke up in the middle night, and I had been sleeping on my arm. As a result, my arm was just dead asleep. I had no control at all. So I lifted my arm up with my other hand, and when I let go, of course it fell. And I could see it falling right towards his crotch... and I thought to myself, "NOOOOOOO! STOOOOOOP!" But, of course, it didn't.


He still complains about the time I punched him in his stuff in the middle of the night. Oops...

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Oh, gosh, all this talk reminds me of this time I just destroyed B's junk. I woke up in the middle night, and I had been sleeping on my arm. As a result, my arm was just dead asleep. I had no control at all. So I lifted my arm up with my other hand, and when I let go, of course it fell. And I could see it falling right towards his crotch... and I thought to myself, "NOOOOOOO! STOOOOOOP!" But, of course, it didn't.


He still complains about the time I punched him in his stuff in the middle of the night. Oops...


rotf! I don't know if I have ever hit L there, I think mine has all been knees!

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Relaxing but tiring day off from work. Took the car to the mechanic, he is almost certain it's this pan thing - can't remember the name - that is leaking the water but it still could be a intake gasket, so best case $200, worst case $300. Although the head gasket is still an option. So hopefully it won't get too cold by the end of this month and I can continue to put water in it instead of anti-freeze.

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"Relationships don't work the way they do on television and in the movies: Will they, won't they, and then they finally do and they're happy forever -- gimme a break. Nine out of ten of them end because they weren't right for each other to begin with, and half the ones that get married get divorced, anyway. And I'm telling you right now, through all this stuff, I have not become a cynic, I haven't. Yes, I do happen to believe that love is mainly about pushing chocolate-covered candies and, you know, in some cultures, a chicken. You can call me a sucker, I don't care, 'cause I do...believe in it. Bottom line...is the couples that are truly right for each other wade through the same crap as everybody else, but, the big difference is, they don't let it take 'em down. One of those two people will stand up and fight for that relationship every time. If it's right, and they're real lucky, one of them will say something."


My fav Scrub quote.

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Yeah, had gaskets are NOT cheap! It's not over heating thankfully - my temperature gauge has never even got to the half way point - it's just leaking whatever water is put into the resovior out like crazy. I literally have to put water in it before I leave for work and before I leave work at night. That is'nt so bad but once it drops to a certain temp, I have to start putting anti-freeze back in it. $20 a pop for a jug of that isn't going to be cheap....

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That's one credit bill I wouldn't mind HAVING! And I'm very against credit cards... i mean, I have owned it for over a year and in that time I have only had to replace the water pump, the radiator, and now this debocle and the car is 11 years old and I bought it with 100,000 miles on it. Not bad really. I'm just hoping I don't have to fix anything on it after December because that's when the real start to saving for the move starts.

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Car repair costs are so crazy. Fortunately for me, my baby grew up wanting to be a mechanic. He took two years of auto shop in high school, worked every Saturday at the school's auto shop fixing cars for free and is going to be taking the diesel technology course at a local college in the spring. The professor that teaches that class is a former coworker and friend so I feel blessed that my son will be taught by one of the best.


If you gals are ever in So Cal and need a mechanic, let me know. heheheh

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