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Be very careful wth sodas, you guys. After my bf died, his doctor told me that a great part of his cardiac problems were caused by his addiction to sodas. He only drank diet sodas, but his doctor said sodas of any kind were lethal over time. I have never been a soda drinker, but I never knew diet soda could hurt you, but it sure can. STOP the sodas and switch to water, please! You don't want to leave your husbands behind.

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Be very careful wth sodas, you guys. After my bf died, his doctor told me that a great part of his cardiac problems were caused by his addiction to sodas. He only drank diet sodas, but his doctor said sodas of any kind were lethal over time. I have never been a soda drinker, but I never knew diet soda could hurt you, but it sure can. STOP the sodas and switch to water, please! You don't want to leave your husbands behind.


Yes, because they're almost worse for you than the 8 tsp of sugar in regular soda. Diet soda (and "diet" anything) contains artificial sweetener, usually in the form of aspartame (Nutrasweet). This is a synthetic compound (whereas sugar is natural) made in a laboratory which tricks your brain into thinking it's just had something sweet, but since it hasn't, it really messes with your whole blood sugar monitoring system. Not only that, aspartame contains and breaks down into chemicals that are toxic in the body.


I think diet soda is just about the biggest hoax to be foisted upon people as a weight-loss aid. People tend to eat more because they think that they're saving calories with their sodas, but with the added food calories and biochemical see-saw of imbibing fake sugar, no one's gonna lose weight on diet soda.


I think weaning off the sugared drinks is the best course. Maybe you can substitute with fruit juices, OG? They contain a lot of sugar too, but it's fructose, which isn't as quickly turned into fat storage as pure simple table sugar (in sodas). It's more gentle to eat fruit and drink unsugared juices, eat applesauce, etc. I've always loved mixing fruit juice with club soda -- which mimics a soda a bit.


And Hers: I know sometimes dehydration can cause "hunger" sensations. I've used drinking as a curb-hunger method, too. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't (because water goes right through you). I was explaining how you could use other strategies as well to make you feel less deprived (which hunger makes you feel -- it's a very unsatiated feeling, and from my own experience, it drives me to feel more worried about "not having enough to eat", which you said may be playing in for you.) I was also just saying yo-yo portions tend to intensify this process.

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Just wanted to add that the worst thing to massively spike blood sugar is high fructose corn syrup (which is a main ingredient in soda). Avoid any food or drink with that, at all costs (this is what turns into diabetes). Your body gets used to this rollercoaster of spikes, which is why it's hard to get off it without having withdrawals. (Tried to edit this into the above, but my time had run out). That's why smaller amounts of naturally-occurring sugar could be a good weaning tool.

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That's the way my husband was too. He was about 80 pounds overweight-- mostly from eating too much fatty food and sugary food-- and he had exceptionally low cholesterol, fine blood sugar, and fine blood pressure. Not saying that made his being unhealthy okay, but it just goes to show you how much health is affected by genetics. His good friend works out and is thin and had to completely change his diet because of high cholesterol.

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I like orange juice and I love milk, and I even can stomach cranberry juice. L was very shocked when I had my work up fine at work and it came back that for my weight, I'm as healthy as they come. No high blood pressure, not on the verge of being diabetic, etc. I was too, to be honest.


The fruit juices are almost as bad as soda as far as sugar content (they are as bad but at least there are vitamins). One alternative is to dilute -start with half juice/half water or plain seltzer if you like bubbles and move towards diluting it even further. For example, my son who is 2 gets about 3/4 water and 1/4 juice (and I limit that to two cups a day) as per doctor's orders - it's not just an issue for adults is what I mean.

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I was suppose to be off this weekend but I picked up Sat down in the laundry. Need the extra money due to the car. I still have Fri and Sun off though at least. Going early Fri morning to change my license, I'm shooting on being there when they open at eight am so I don't have to wait then take the car to the mechanic for him to diagnosis exactly were the leak is.

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Pretty good first day on watching portion sizing!


Breakfast - bacon sandwhich (only 1. Hard but I did it) and a glass of milk

Lunch - couple pieces of BBQ chicken, chips, and pinto beans with a can of Mountain Dew (our cafeteria succkkkssss some days)

Dinner - ham sandwhich with a glass of Pepsi


I wasn't really all that hungry when I got home tonight so I kept my dinner light. I stopped off and picked up some groceries, included in that some strawberries that I took a few out and went ahead and chopped them up to take to work tomorrow as a snack. I also picked up the stuff to have a salad a few days and some broccoli for another snack choice.


L and I have also hit a new 'honeymoon' phase so to speak since getting married. What with his training and the overall stress of the wedding and hoping he would get here, toward the end there before our wedding we kind of weren't as attentive to each other as we could have been. Neither of us complained or resented the other for it but in looking back we could plainly see it was happening. So we both have made an effort to be much more attentive to the other than we were before then - hence all the mushiness that has been going on our facebooks and such. He's such a wonderful husband though.


The photographer has uploaded a few sneek peek shots and from those I am LOVING them! Here is one from tonight:

image removed

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So I cut some strawberries up to bring to work with me as a healthy option if I got bored and felt like popping something in my mouth. I'm not liking the taste of strawberries by themselves... Any suggestions on what I can eat with them? I love the smell of them and I love the taste of them in daqs but I can't drink a daq every day!

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My mom swears my cool whip with strawberries. I handed her what i didn't eat tonight - just too seedy and mushy - and she added sugar to them and just ate them. No idea how... I'm def going to try to make a smoothie or milkshake, some way to see if I can keep them in my food in a way I like.

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I freaking love strawberries but I find that the colder they are, teh less I like them. I have to eat mine almost room temperature. Otherwise they're too sweet and have almost a "pucker" effect on me. Like I'd just eaten something sour.

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I freaking love strawberries but I find that the colder they are, teh less I like them. I have to eat mine almost room temperature. Otherwise they're too sweet and have almost a "pucker" effect on me. Like I'd just eaten something sour.


That's a good point, actually. These had been in a contrainer in the fridge all day and it was almost like they were TOO cold (and mushy and seedy) so I'll try some at room temp as well. At least I know I like broccoli!

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i jut cut the tops off, then slice them down the middle vertically. if they're really huge, i cut them 3 ways. never have a problem that way. i've never diced them b/c they'd be too small for me.


what does she mean cut them in circles?

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