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It is, especially when I live in a house with 3 other people who AREN'T watching what they eat. When I move with L it won't be that hard, it will just be us and we can chose what comes in the house but right now, it's hard. Portion sizing is a HUGE thing for me as well, as well as eating when I'm bored. I def packed on a few extra pounds during the honeymoon - I can feel the difference in the way my scrub top fits! - and I don't feel good about myself, at all. I just have to keep reminding myself it isn't going to come off as easily as it came on and I can have slip ups, the goal is to get back into exercising more.

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Jared eats when he's bored too. I'm a little bit better about it, mostly bc of how broke we are (that has made me extremely cheap). He makes me mad on road trips bc he can't not get something at a convenience store if we stop for gas.


I don't feel the need to eat healthy but I do make myself do certain things...like having just one soda a day, drinking unsweet as opposed to sweet tea, not snacking so heavily before bed, stopping at one bowl of cereal instead of moving onto two, etc.


It takes so much will power though that it's almost miserable b


Food is my one vice and I can easily become a slave to it.

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I was going to hit the gym starting yesterday but now I have to wait until thursday (payday) to get my gym membership back to current status. I did do some walking around the work site today though, not as much as I could have but some is better than none.


I will have to grocery shop this weekend too, I don't have a healthy thing to eat in the house.

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Fast food is my weakness. The road I have to drive home from work is the main road in our town and has NOTHING but fast food on either side. I literally have to leave my debit card at home sometimes because I know if I'm even slightly hungry on the way home, I'll whip in and get fast food. If I could cut the fast food out except for once every few weeks, I would be doing great, along with my soda intake. I really need to cut back. I'm going to buy some cans tomorrow and have 2 cans a day to start out with. I'm still having it more than once but I'm trying to trick myself into thinking I'm still having that one bottle a day.


Same here... same here. I'm addicted to it. I don't want to diet because I know I can't handle that, I suck at it and that in itsel f makes me miserable but I need to get a handle on my portion sizing, the amount of times I eat a day, and my soda intake.

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I was going to hit the gym starting yesterday but now I have to wait until thursday (payday) to get my gym membership back to current status. I did do some walking around the work site today though, not as much as I could have but some is better than none.


I will have to grocery shop this weekend too, I don't have a healthy thing to eat in the house.


I have to call tomorrow and get this months' gym code. i paid last month (comes directly out of my check) and I havne't been in... 2 months? Yikes!


I'm going to shoot for longer work outs but lesser days. Instead of doing a 30 min workout 5 days a week, doing like at least an hour to an hour and a half every other day kind of thing.

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I really miss working out. I was thinking about it the other day, when I would have those really stressful days a great work out would usually smooth things over plus I really want to be able to fit into some nice clothes.


Oddly enough, I miss it too. I have no idea if what I was doing was actually working but I felt great after a work out. Yeah it was a pain sometimes to go after work and cut into my down time before bed but once I got off that treadmill I felt amazing!


...until I would stop and get a subway sandwhich with extra chiptole sauce.

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My big thing I'm working on is not eating just bc I feel a little bit hungry. I'm practicing drinking more water or tea when I feel hungry instead of reaching for a snack (do this a lot at work...it's so easy to grab a fry or chip and walk off without thought). It's lik I'm so scared to feel a tiny hunger pang. Just bc you're hungry doesn't mean you have to eat. Really trying to not be that way.

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My big thing I'm working on is not eating just bc I feel a little bit hungry. I'm practicing drinking more water or tea when I feel hungry instead of reaching for a snack (do this a lot at work...it's so easy to grab a fry or chip and walk off without thought). It's lik I'm so scared to feel a tiny hunger pang. Just bc you're hungry doesn't mean you have to eat. Really trying to not be that way.


I feel your pain, I'm the same way. I'm SO afraid to get hungry I over eat. Then I feel like crap and wonder why I over eat. Or I eat whenever I'm not hungry, I just 'feel' like it's time to eat so I eat. Or if I see other people eating and I'm not hungry it's like my mind says 'supper time!' when it's not.

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If food is there and it's free, I want it. I go nuts qt pot lucks and buffets, like I have to stock up almost bc it's there. At work it's just as bad bc if food can't be sent out we get to eat it free. If I'm busy and can't immediately eat the food, I start getting anxious bc I may not get any before everyone else eats it. It makes me miserable.

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I think there is a skinny girl inside me and I keep shutting her up by stuffing my face, lol! Seriously, I look back on pictures when I was in HS - I was a size 7, weighed 135 lbs - and I don't like the way I looked. Too skinny, not enough curves. I want to lose weight but I don't want to lose curves.

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I wonder if I have a subconscious fear of poverty and emaciation.


I am with DN. It's rational...and biological.


Also, we humans are actually biologically programmed to stuff ourselves silly in the presence of foods. So many years ago, we were actually nomadic and had to follow the herds to hunt them. We didn't know when would be the next time that we would have a large amount of food. So what happens? We stuff ourselves silly with high calorie (read: high energy) foods like carbs, sugars, fats, meats, etc. That's why we crave such foods because those foods contain the most energy for us to survive. A human who craved only vegetables probably wouldn't have lasted long in those days. So after we'd stuff, we'd (hopefully) be okay for quite some time until the next meal happened.


This doesn't work today because now there is a McDonald's on every corner and in America, there is just abundant FOOD everywhere. I've been to other countries and I've never seen quite as much food as there is here. It's so prominent. I guess our instincts here are sort of working against us, lol.


I'm trying to lose weight too and it's hard but I want you to keep this in mind, part of why it's hard to lose weight is because it goes against biology. HOWEVER, I do believe that it's possible reform habits and "train" yourself to enjoy new foods that are healthier for you. As for stuffing yourself (I'm guilty as charged), there are mechanisms you can use with yourself to help stop or curb that. It's just a matter of CONTINUALLY reforming yourself and reinforcing yourself to keep those good habits and lose/keep the weight off. But I know you guys can do it!

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I don't think it's healthy to try to curb hunger by just drinking and gritting your teeth, because hunger is the body's cue that you need energy. I think it just backfires, because eventually, your hunger signals will compel you to eat more than you should next time you have food in front of you. The body does NOT take well to starvation mode, and it sees chronic hunger as that. In fact, it'll even slow down your metabolism to compensate for the fact that you're not eating when you're hungry, to conserve energy/fat. And obviously, you don't want that.


Though I'm not technically overweight and am within normal range, I'm heavier than I have been in the past, and would like to drop about 10 pounds. I felt and looked better in my opinion when I was around that weight. Here are some things I've found from personal experience have to be observed diet/food-wise to make a difference:


1. No roller-coaster quantities: worst thing ever is to alternate with binges/overeating in a sitting and then trying to compensate by eating very little/getting hungry. I've got no science to back this up, but I believe eating large quantities may stretch the stomach and re-training your body means keeping your portions more consistent in size, gradually reducing portions and getting your stomach to "know" it's full without having gorged yourself


2. When you're hungry EAT -- BUT EAT SMART. Don't eat processed snack foods. Eat small amounts of nutrient-dense foods; it's more effective to eat more often but eat healthy things


3. Eat many small portions throughout the day to keep yourself from getting hungry in the first place


4. Make sure your snacks have something satisfying in them; just veggies can leave you feeling hungry still, which will cause you to overeat later; eat snacks with healthy fats and protein, like lowfat yogurt and nuts (or natural nut butters without added oils), since these will feel more "filling" for the small amount you're eating


5. Don't have one big meal in the day (guilty as charged), and if you do, make it lunch, not dinner -- in the evening, your metabolism slows down, so you're burning less and saving more up as fat


6. Don't eat dinner less than 2 hours before bed (guilty as charged -- eating late-night dinners is kind of what did me in)


7. Get lots of sleep (I know this sounds strange, but I've found and now read that sleep deprivation can cause weight gain; it makes total sense to me metabolically, and I've just noticed that it's true for me)


Of course, I can't say enough for exercise, where you get your heart rate up. You don't need a gym for that -- I went to this hilly neighborhood where I live recently and boy, was that a cardio workout!! I'm going to have to scale it back on slightly gentler hills and flat ground and build back up, it was such a workout. Burning calories through heavy exertion is really key.


I think you can train your body to not think it's hungry all the time, but you have to not abuse or punish it by feeling deprived. You have to gently wean it in that direction by keeping the hunger pangs from coming and being very careful not to suddenly eat huge amounts, because that tells your brain, "I have a big container I NEED to fill up". It reinforces that message. So when you see a big buffet, you tell yourself, "I can always come back here some other time, I don't need it all now" or "There will be other occasions. There will always be another time to splurge, it's not my last chance to enjoy food."

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A lot of times, when we are "hungry", even if we know we have eaten just recently, we are really just lacking water and hydration. That's what I meant by saying I am focusing on drinking more water adn such. It actually does help curve hunger.


I never implied I was starving myself or using liquids to fight off all hunger.

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Have you seen the 'lose it' app? It's pretty good at tracking caloric intake. Good for the shock value of a Big Mac meal deal! 55% of my daily intake?! Oh my. hehe Seriously though, if you can get into portion control and keeping an eye on the numbers it can help. I would definitely suggest cold turkey on sodas. Those are probably good for 20lbs a year, nothing good about those suckers.

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Have you seen the 'lose it' app? It's pretty good at tracking caloric intake. Good for the shock value of a Big Mac meal deal! 55% of my daily intake?! Oh my. hehe Seriously though, if you can get into portion control and keeping an eye on the numbers it can help. I would definitely suggest cold turkey on sodas. Those are probably good for 20lbs a year, nothing good about those suckers.


I can't go cold turkey because when I do, it sets off my migrains even worse. I tried going cold turkey a few years back and had a week long migrain - nope. I'd rather slowly ween myself off than go through that again...

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I've trained myself to be able to drink sodas only when I eat something, and if I have more than 1 a day now, I feel gross. I can't just sit there and drink a soda...it has to be with food or else it tastes gross to me. I'm grateful that I've been able to accomplish at least that. Sometimes I'll go a day or two without a soda at all and I like those days!

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I can't go cold turkey because when I do, it sets off my migrains even worse. I tried going cold turkey a few years back and had a week long migrain - nope. I'd rather slowly ween myself off than go through that again...


Ah yes, bummer. Have you tried a substitute like tea? Or is it the sugar/corn syrup?


Good for you Hers! Sodas are just bad for us. It's funny when you stop drinking them they are completely nasty when you try them again. Almost undrinkable - almost. haha

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Ah yes, bummer. Have you tried a substitute like tea? Or is it the sugar?


Good for you Hers! Sodas are just bad for us. It's funny when you stop drinking them they are completely nasty when you try them again. Almost undrinkable - almost. haha


It's the sugar. I'm hoping to get down to like Hers eventually - only drinking one a day with a meal and drinking other things when I'm not eating.

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