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That's all they told me too so be glad you didn't wait they would've turned you away once your number was called because your name wouldn't have been in the system yet. Wait 24-48 hours before you go back.


Oh no, the DMV told me as long as I had my license and the recipet for the SS office I could change my name. When my mom got married a few years back she actually changed her driver's license before her SS card - I just didn't feel like sitting there for over an hour to do it today.

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Maybe your state is different because that's what the lady at information told me too that the receipt and marriage license would suffice but then when the gentleman that had my number up he said it wasn't in the system yet so it couldn't identify me and I had to go back a few days later.

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Welcome to the family Mrs. K


I have to spread more love before repping you again apparently.


So excited that you're official! Once it's done on your social security card, you're official!


How's it feel???


It feels pretty awesome. I mean, I have felt like a K for awhile now (kind of like I felt like his wife before becoming his wife) but it's pretty awesome to me the K legally now!


i just have to get use to saying OG K instead of OG S!

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Well looks like Apple took the hold off my account, yay! Smartly I stored $100 from when I got paid last week into my other account so I still have some in the other for gas and some food this week and can put that $100 toward saving for whatever is wrong with the car. I'm still going to get the $15 test Friday but as far as him actually fixing it, it will have to wait for the end of the month. L's already been paid and applied his to bills and such (he only gets paid once a month) and if it's the head gasket, it's going to take 2 pay checks for me to have that $500. At least with that spare $100 I'm not starting off from scratch.


Just means Christmas will be a little tight but it was always going to be a little tight. Also means I probably won't get my root canal done until after the first year but it was always looking like that anyway.

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Take to Pinterest for gift ideas for Xmas. THat's what i'm doing. My SIL's bday is a few days after mine adn I'm making her homemade foot scrub and maybe something else. For Xmas, I'm doing cakes-in-jars for everyone!

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This will def be a I make a gift for everyone year! I'm making my sister this zebra print plaque (i need white paint to finish it up) and I'm thinking I'll make my best friend a zebra printed lamp. My nephew and niece I'll buy something for since they are too young to 'enjoy' something made for them.

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I'm gonna try to make this for Jared's sister for her birthday, along with some body scrub.


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I know she would love this. It's so her!


Oh it's pretty!!!


I have always wanted to get into jewlery making but with scrapbooking and crafting, I can barely get those projects done!

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Tomorrow also starts my new attempt at eating better. L and I both have agreed we need to lose some weight - or just get healthier, pretty much - whereas before it was only me. It's hard to keep on top losing weight or changing something if no one is going through it with you as well. It's still going to be hard because he isn't HERE doing it with me but he's at least doing it. He can't do traditional exercises before he broke his ankle when he was a teenager and running for any length of time agitates it so he's joining the local pool and going to take up swimming. I wish our gym had a pool - I would so be in there every day! So with L doing that I'm going to start back at the gym starting tomorrow night. Going to shoot for every other day (however my schedule allows that) and I'm going to pick up some stuff from the store tomorrow to make salads and pick up some strawberries and broccoli for snacks. Going to try to reteach myself if I get bored and wanna pop food in my mouth to pop a strawberry in instead of a bag of chips.

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It's so hard eating better. I'm currently trying to eat better too. Not dieting or going without my normal foods but just watching my portions. I'm currently at a weight where I feel like I look bad, and I'm usually narcissistic....I have ridiculously high self esteem but lately I just haven't been feeling it. So I'm trying to stick to 3 meals a day and much less snacking at work. I'm on I think day 4 and have been much better about it (except I was purposefully trying not to eat before bed and Jared went downstairs to make himself a snack and brought me a PB&J without telling me he was making it or asking, so of course I had to eat it!).


3 meals instead of 7 meals is my daily goal now.

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