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That is cute Tink!! I hear you on decorating. I'm a very artsy person and I love doing stuff like that, especially themes. Our bedroom is going to be an ocean theme and so far I won't have to buy decorations for it because I can make what I want. I'm visual in that sense I can see something and know I can make it for cheaper than the price tag. I love the idea of a purple room with a yellow and white butterfly theme (for a girl, of course) and a blue room with airplanes for a boy.

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I didn't have a clue what I was expecting other than a baby! It's the only nice surprise you can have in life, I'd rather wait. And the nursery can be sorted before you have the baby and painted afterwards as I'm guessing little one would be in with you both for a while

Believe it or not, you are the first woman I have ever heard of that didn't know the sex of their baby. One of my friends KNEW she was having a girl even though there had NEVER been a girl in her bf's family for about 200 years. All of his cousins from his male uncles (he had no aunts except by marriage) were boys. Yep, she had a girl! His family made her get a DNA test and it proved her bf was the father. My mom knew what sex all of us would be, I knew, all of my friends knew, I just assumed ALL women knew what sex their baby was going to be.

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Is more than a little ticked at Apple.


The sound on my phone stopped working unless the headphones were plugged in yesterday. I called Appl since the phone wasn't a week old and they wanted me to bring it in to the nearest store 40 miles away. Ah, no. So the rep was like oh, you can do a express arrival for $30. We will ship you a replacement, you send us your phone and if we can fix it we send it back. If we can't you just keep the replacement Phone. Great.


So what did he fail to mention?

Oh, the $500 hold they put on your account... Which overdrafts mine.




So I call Apple and witch them out but they need the case number (which is at home) or the serial number to the phone (phone was dead at that time because I left my charger at home). Woonndderful. I get in touch with a supervisor and he is going to call me back when I get off at work tonight to see what he can do for me.


Stressed, very much.

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Serial number of the iPhone is on the back of the phone, I believe, down aways.


I'm sorry about the stress. It may be easier to just drive to the Apple store to get it fixed than for them to overdraft your account for a hold on $500.

Then again, I'm a little biased. To me, 40 miles is nothing. The city I go to near my house is about 35 miles away, my boyfriend's home from my house is about 25. I am used to driving 100+ miles in one day if I'm busy. My car gets about 37 mpg.


I could definitely see gas being an issue though.

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L couldn't sleep tonight - which is not a good thing because he has to work tomorrow morning! - so we skyped on my way home. He's still taking the seperation hard but I'm hoping once he starts work again and gets back in the grind it won't be so bad on him. It's bad on me too but I just kind of threw myself back into work - I didn't have a whole week after he left doing nothing, you know? He got his iphone today though and we got FaceTime to work! Another method to our communication added!


Waiting on the Apple guy to call me back....

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so the phone will arrive tomorrow about noon. Hopefully I'm back from the SS office and DMV by then so I can intercept it. I have to tell Fedex to ship it back to Apple and if I don't catch them when they come to the house I have to go to my local Fedex store. Wonderful. But as soon as I tell them to reship it I have to email the supervisor and as soon as they have a return tracking number for the package he can take the hold off the account.

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Which droid did you have? I love my phone. I mean they have glitches for sure, but I like the interface a lot. I do like the iphone, but I can't stand apple. I don't like that you can only use their products on the phone and they don't open their products up for others. I like that the Android OS has an open market.

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so the phone will arrive tomorrow about noon. Hopefully I'm back from the SS office and DMV by then so I can intercept it. I have to tell Fedex to ship it back to Apple and if I don't catch them when they come to the house I have to go to my local Fedex store. Wonderful. But as soon as I tell them to reship it I have to email the supervisor and as soon as they have a return tracking number for the package he can take the hold off the account.


FYI I don't know about your state but don't make the mistake I did and go to the DMV right after SS office. There was a 24-48 hour period for your name to update in the SS system.

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I have a Droid 2 and it is FAST!! I can do just about anything I want on it and it does it well. My friends with iPhones like their phones, too, until they use mine. Hehehe. I have no complaints about the battery life and the open market is awesome. With Apple products, you are very restricted and I don't like that.

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When it rains, it pours.


I dropped the car off at the mechanic today before my mom and I headed to the SS office. I was on the phone with Apple the ENTIRE 30 mins because I called my bank today and if this hard posts to my account no matter if Apple takes it off, I will incur over draft charges. Not a happy OG. So I called Apple and channeled my husband and told them they needed to take this off TODAY or I would report them to the BBB considering it was THEIR rep who did not tell me of this before hand. The supervisor I talked to was more than willing to get it done. But I had just pulled up to the SS office so I had to email him back when I was ready so he could call me back and he could 3 way my bank.


The SS office took all of 15 minutes. I should get my card in 2 weeks. I was going to go to the DMV to go ahead and do my license since I was up there - all I needed to show them was my marriage license and reciept that I had changed my name - but that line was LONG. So we headed to the mechanics to see the verdict... it's either a head gasket or a intake gasket. @##$%@#$%@#%@%$ And that mechanic isn't familiar with the newer model Chevy's so I'm having to take it to another mechanic we know. He's going to charge $15 to find out exactly were the leak is - mom graciously agreed to cover me for the $15 until I sort the bank out - but if it's a intake gasket the price is between $275-$300 and if it's a head gasket it's $400-$550.




And I am now currently on hold again with Apple to get a hold of a supervisor to call my bank.

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My Monte Carlo didn't leak but it overheated constantly. It was the intake gasket, but mine is under warranty so I paid nothing. Didn't your dealer give you the option for a warranty? With a used car, ALWAYS get at least a six month warranty. If you bought if from a private party, I guess your stuck. I love my Monte and before I had this car I swore I would never buy an American car. It gets excellent gas mileage for a car that has some size to it. I get almost 30 mpg. Nice.

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My Monte Carlo didn't leak but it overheated constantly. It was the intake gasket, but mine is under warranty so I paid nothing. Didn't your dealer give you the option for a warranty? With a used car, ALWAYS get at least a six month warranty. If you bought if from a private party, I guess your stuck. I love my Monte and before I had this car I swore I would never buy an American car. It gets excellent gas mileage for a car that has some size to it. I get almost 30 mpg. Nice.


There was no warranty with my car but even if I had, it would have expired. I have had the car over a year now. It's never over heated ever but the first mechanic was saying once they replaced the radiator and 'fixed' that problem and eveyrthing was working properly, it put pressure on probably an already weakened gasket. So fixing problem B caused an exisiting problem A to happen. The second mechanic said as long as I keep water in the resovir, I'm okay. The only reason the head would blow is if it runs out of water and the engine over heats.

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