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Yep that's the same one he went to. He liked the food haha. Then we went to dinner at a hooters rip off called wingstop. He got boob service twice today!


haha, I saw. L was like 'did you see Her's newest facebook status?' I was like yeah. I didn't realize it was a franchise, wow. And they are in a lot of states! I was really taken aback though. I can honestly say I was NOT expecting to see that when I walked into the pub.. I thought I had made a wrong turn down the rainbow or something....

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Our server at wingstop had an amazing rack. We liked her haha


lol! I remember our last day at the beach we were walking back to the hotel and this woman jogged by in a bikini. L made some comment, I can't remember and I looked and was like 'she's hot. She doesn't have any boobs but her butt is great.'


Apparently I'm a butt girl - who knew!

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I'm obsessed with wings right now and he went to tilted kilt with a friend today and left his leftover wings at the place so he promised me wings for dinner. I was supposed to get his leftover wings but he forgot them! So wrong!


We are staying in altamonte springs right now. Whereabouts are you in Orland?

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So L and I got onto the discussion of babies today. When that time comes he doesn't want us to tell anyone - and I mean ANYONE - until after the 3rd month and the man doesn't ask for much so I'm more than willing to go along with that. However, as of right now (because even he admitted his feelings could change on it) he doesn't want to know the sex. He's fine with me knowing the sex but he doesn't want to know until that moment... that isn't going to hard at all, right?


So no nursery decorating until after the baby is born (I think the craft person in me can handle that. I'll just dive into other projects) and if people buy us someting it will have to be in blue and green (I am more than happy with putting a girl in blue or green) and no announcing (around him or anywere he can see).... only my husband, right?


We talk about this most outrageous things sometimes...

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My "baby room"....can't really say a nursery because it wasn't one, just a plain room with a crib in it....was a light blue. It's still my room today when I go back to the family home. My mom painted it that way before I was even conceived. I think blues and greens are fine colours, no matter who is in the room or wearing the item.


When you say "that moment", do you mean that he doesn't want to know the baby's sex until the 3rd month, or doesn't want to know the baby's sex until it's born? Cause some people do that. They don't want to know the gender until the doctor pulls it out, looks, and says "Hey, it's a boy/girl."

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My "baby room"....can't really say a nursery because it wasn't one, just a plain room with a crib in it....was a light blue. It's still my room today when I go back to the family home. My mom painted it that way before I was even conceived. I think blues and greens are fine colours, no matter who is in the room or wearing the item.


When you say "that moment", do you mean that he doesn't want to know the baby's sex until the 3rd month, or doesn't want to know the baby's sex until it's born? Cause some people do that. They don't want to know the gender until the doctor pulls it out, looks, and says "Hey, it's a boy/girl."


I def want to use my crafting to decorate the baby's room. I'm not a fan of pink for girls, I'd like to do a purple nursery with a butterfly theme for a girl. It's obviously something that isn't 'needed' but one of those little nesting things I would like to do. Other than that what's actually in the room I don't want to go all out for. No changing table or anything like that.. I really don't even want a crib until after the baby is born because I'd like the baby to sleep in a bassint in our room for awhile.


He doesn't want to know the baby's sex until they are born. I'm fine with him wanting that, I just know I couldn't. 9 months of not knowing? I'd never survive, lol

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I think I could see it getting potentially problematic if YOU know the sex, and he doesn't....you will likely tell your friends/family, right? Because they would want to know? But what if it leaks back to him? Or are you just not going to tell? And what if you want to paint the room beforehand, how will that go? Will you just not allow him to go into the nursing for 9 months before the baby is born because the "theme" may give it away?


LOL, sorry I'm really curious. I'm not sure how exactly this works. Most people I know found out the sex via ultrasound and that was the end of that.

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I think I could see it getting potentially problematic if YOU know the sex, and he doesn't....you will likely tell your friends/family, right? Because they would want to know? But what if it leaks back to him? Or are you just not going to tell? And what if you want to paint the room beforehand, how will that go? Will you just not allow him to go into the nursing for 9 months before the baby is born because the "theme" may give it away?


LOL, sorry I'm really curious. I'm not sure how exactly this works. Most people I know found out the sex via ultrasound and that was the end of that.


If L doesn't want to know the sex then no, I won't tell friends or family the sex either. I will just say we as a unit don't want to know the sex until the baby is born. I preferbally would like to paint the room - er, have L do it since I can't be around paint while pregnant - but I also understand his feelings on 'putting your eggs in the basket before it hatches' concept. I can easily wait until after the baby is born and we get settle into parenthood to do their room. It doesn't have to be done before they are born.


well usually that is how it is. The couple either wants to know or doesn't. I completely understand why L doesn't and I respect that and so I'll do what I can to keep it a secret from him but no way could I not know.

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OG, you won't need to be told if you are the mother carrying the child. Somewhere between the 5th and 6th month, you will know the sex of your child. Every woman I have talked to has told my they KNEW what they were having before the last trimester. I did, too. I told everyone I was having a boy and not to buy me anything in pink. I had a boy. Moms just know the gender of their children before they are born. Men? Not so much.

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OG, you won't need to be told if you are the mother carrying the child. Somewhere between the 5th and

6th month, you will know the sex of your child. Every woman I have talked to has told my the KNEW what they were having before the last trimester. I did, too. I told everyone I was having a boy and not to buy me anything in pink. I had a boy. Moms just know the gender of their children before they are born. Men? Not so much.


lol, I have heard of this too. I as an aunt KNEW my bestie was having a girl. There was just no way she was having a boy.. I had the aunt vibe. lol I even knew my sister was having a boy before she did.

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I didn't have a clue what I was expecting other than a baby! It's the only nice surprise you can have in life, I'd rather wait. And the nursery can be sorted before you have the baby and painted afterwards as I'm guessing little one would be in with you both for a while

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I didn't have a clue what I was expecting other than a baby! It's the only nice surprise you can have in life, I'd rather wait. And the nursery can be sorted before you have the baby and painted afterwards as I'm guessing little one would be in with you both for a while


Exactly. The only things that would be in there when they arrived would be a dresser for their clothes to go and whatever toys people buy for them. Other than that, they are with us in our room for a few weeks or months so I can def wait to decorate until afterward.


Surprises I don't do well wtih. If I know it's there I have to know what it is. L is learning not to say 'i hace a surprise for you' because i hound him to tell me waht it is!

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My son's room was yellow because he would not show us the goods before birth. I had about 7 ultrasounds after the 3rd month and each one there was no way he was showing us the money shot. He would just turn his back or tuck his legs in every single time! So he was mystery baby. So I did the room yellow and bought some yellow and green and white sleepers for the hospital and a green outfit for going home. My mother said if it was a girl she would go and buy a pink going home outfit. I KNEW he was a boy though. I wanted his room done before he was born though so it was a gender neutral colour. He had a crib in his room and one in our room but as it was he slept with us anyway. It was just so much easier.Shrug.

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I somehow "knew" I was having a boy within the first trimester. (but of course it's 50/50 so who knows!). We chose to find out mostly because my husband felt a little left out since I was so sure I "knew" lol. I would not have been comfortable with only one of us knowing. I never decorated a nursery or had any desire to. My focus was on finding a safe, solid and reasonably attractive crib and also the safest strollers, car seats, bouncy swing. My living room is now "decorated" in primary colors mostly given his toys lol. I remember when he was a newborn I had a cleaning lady who asked me to put away the stuffed animals (that were in his room, not in the crib!! -they were all gifts) because the dust was bad for the baby. She was probably right! He loves his room because there is little furniture (crib/table/dresser -never had a changing table) and he can run around and around the crib with his ball or go on his ride on toy. The other item that ended up being a must is the glider. It was fabulous for putting him to sleep when he was a newborn and it's one of my favorite pieces of furniture in general and it's great for story time, eetc.

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I def understand why some women don't decorate nurseries, just like I'm sure there are women who think they need changing tables and all that stuff. I know for me I am a crafty person. I love decorating and creating things I have always wanted to decorate my child's room. For me since the baby will be with us for the first short haul i don't see a crib as a 'must' before they are there - picking one out before, of course - but the other stuff they will need like clothes, changing stuff, bag, swing, etc. i would want to get before they arrived. Like I said, I'm more than willing to help L not find out (he rarely asks for anything of me and I think I would be a controlling wife I said no the few times he asks!) so everyone else is just going to have to get over not knowing, lol. Who knows - pregnancy hormones may calm me down and I may decide myself not to find out with him. Stranger things have happened!

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I loved decorating his room, it's still my favorite room of the house! I agree a glider is a must, though ours is in the livingroom right now, but I loved to sit in it when I was pregnant and feeding him as a newborn. It's also nice because it's in the livingroom so it's extra seating for when people are over. I didn't want a traditional changing table, so his doubles as his dresser (though I do have an older dresser in his closet that was my husbands). I do use his changing table everyday for every change, but I know A LOT of people who don't. We also have a full size bed in his room (because we had it anyway, was my bed before I moved in with my husband) and I have matching bedding on that bed and the crib (I'm nuts, I know!) but unless we move that bed will be taken down because baby #2 is going in there as well, so things won't match as much as I'd like them to, but that's okay. I also had him in our bedroom for almost 4 months and still have the pack and play set up in there just in case, and that'll be #2's bed too until he/she can sleep through the night.


This is what I have for a changing table/bookcase/dresser:

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Once I realized that crib bumpers weren't safe (IMO -I know there are differing views on this) and I knew I wouldn't be buying a bedding set I was even less interested in decorating -and I knew we'd be moving in 6 months. He slept in a crib in our room for the first 6 months.

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