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Darn, I just got caught up reading your LDR blog and that post by CS seriously brought a tear to my eye! I complain about my husband working nights...it sucks being alone in bed when you are married to someone who you love...but it really put things in perspective reading that post.


Are you making a wedding scrapbook?

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Darn, I just got caught up reading your LDR blog and that post by CS seriously brought a tear to my eye! I complain about my husband working nights...it sucks being alone in bed when you are married to someone who you love...but it really put things in perspective reading that post.


Are you making a wedding scrapbook?


lol, he's been making me cry ALL week Saywhen! Every night he sends me a sweet little email and I'm just like 'awww!' - and then I cry because it's so darn sweet. I def think he's having a harder time adjusting to us being apart this time - although I suspect that's because he still hasn't went back to work - lucky bugger - and once he does and gets back into the grind, it will get better. I obviously miss him just as much and it hits me at certain times HOW much I miss him - but he's def in a romantic phase right now.


I am. I haven't started planning it out yet though, I really don't want to until I see the professional pictures (I think eveyrone who took photos at our wedding has uploaded them, and some of them are amazing shots!) but being the scrapbooker I am I kind of have an idea how I want it to go and such.

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Our scrapbook is funny...I made it for my husband as a gift and boy did I ever underestimate how much cash I'd have to invest in it! Probably $200 or so total. Most of the pictures are of us drinking beer...LOL! Every trip we take is a "beercation" and our wedding trip was no exception. Of course, there are some wedding photos and I saved things like our receipt from getting the marriage license and the little notes the hotel manager left us after we got married (he was one of our witnesses). I bet it'll be fun and therapeutic for you to scrapbook


I'm sure L feels like he wants to be there for you as much as you feel the same...I'd really, really have a hard time being separated physically like that especially right after the wedding. You are both very strong people individually and together in your marriage...I love reading your posts. When I don't see my husband for two or three days it flat out sucks! I can't even imagine a year. I guess if you know you have to do it you just gear up mentally. What has to happen specifically before you move? It has to do with L's promotion, right?

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lol, yeah, it can get EXPENSIVE. I estimate I will spend about that myself on ours as well....


It really is a mental thing. Emotionally too but for me, I think I'm taking it so well this time around because i know okay, that was it. That was the LAST time I ever have to put my husband on the MARTA and stay behind. The next time I see him, I'll be coming home to him and not having to say goodbye - that's really the only reason I am prepared to do this year (actually 11 months to be specific) apart from him because i know this is it. This is the final stretch for us, next October the distance ends.


Yep, it's his promotion. He makes the yearly amount now but we have to show x amount each week and on his current salary with the price of renting a house, council tax, food, etc, we don't have that x amount but when he gets his promotion in April we will. But then we have to wait 3 months after that to file to show 3 months of that income. I mean, we possibly could do it sooner but with everything we have to pay, Oct. is the perfect time to make the move because it gives us enough time to save and have everything ready.

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That's a really good mentality. I guess then that the distance was necessary if you have to show all of that before you can move over. Seems pretty strict...my dad is South African and my mom is American...when they got married he got his green card immediately and was able to become a legal resident here in the US. I guess the UK doesn't work that way? Such a shame, but like you said, there are some pros in that you can save up and plan for the move. Are you excited to live in the UK?

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Immigration is def. a lot stricter that it use to be, especially for a country the size of England because they CAN literally run out of room because they are only an island. For most people it's not as long of a wait as ours, they get married and file quickly after (because they already can show that x amount a week) and such. For us it's that plus the expense to move Jasper. That's going to take me about 6 months to save up in itself!


I am. I have always loved the country and the history and just everything. I know it has it's problems like every other country and it has it's rough spots - and I'll have to invest in some rain boots - but I am excited.

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Oh yeah, def. I mean L makes a good living but I would never expect him to be the sole bread winner for us - except for when we have kids for a few months after the birth - and I would go crazy with no job, lol. It is crap everywere. I'm fine with working something low key though, although my top goal would be something in retail.

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Another long day at work (blah!) with a flowery email from the hubby and I even got to talk to him 4 times today! We webcamed before my shift, we talked on the way to work, on my lunch break, and on my way home (L's sleep pattern is gone to H and a basket). Now I'm trying to deciede whether to start on figuring out were I am with my scrapbook projects - which would mean organizing my scrapbook STUFF - or continuing crafting on my sister's Christmas present. Hm. First thought, I'm hitting the shower!

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