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I think it's normal actually. I think some people are attracted to those who may seem familiar. Just a hunch I have. Like dating someone with a similar body type. I married a guy who's super short like I am without considering that I really liked that about him. Like maybe a subconscious thing? You and L have a similar body type but that's all I see about you guys looking alike

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I think you guys look alike! I think that's a good thing. I read some article somewhere that said that couples who look alike have a higher probability of staying together. i think importantly it was dimensions of facial features. ie - you can even be different races but have some proportions of facial features.

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I think you guys look alike! I think that's a good thing. I read some article somewhere that said that couples who look alike have a higher probability of staying together. i think importantly it was dimensions of facial features. ie - you can even be different races but have some proportions of facial features.


I think it's normal actually. I think some people are attracted to those who may seem familiar. Just a hunch I have. Like dating someone with a similar body type. I married a guy who's super short like I am without considering that I really liked that about him. Like maybe a subconscious thing? You and L have a similar body type but that's all I see about you guys looking alike


Very true. I mean, I can KIND of see it around the mouth area but I'm or European descent - and obviously L is European! - so I chalk it up to that. One co worker though is like 'you guys look like brother and sister!' and I'm like really? blue eyes, brown hair, that's all you got to go on?

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I went a bit crazy with crafting supplies today...



$50 worth. BUt a good bit of it I'll reuse and reuse so it's not a one time thing. I have been itching to do something crafty the last few days so I'm working on my sister's Chrismtas present. She's done her bedroom in the zebra print theme so I'm making a plague with the zebra print and the first letter of their last name in hot pink in the center. My first experience with Mod Podge.

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Mod Podge is super easy to use, I've found out. I'm already on my second bottle of it. Did you check out that blog I told you about?


The reusing thing is the excuse I feed to Jared when I buy new crafting supplies haha.

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I did! I accidentlly was signed in under L's email so when I liked it, it went to his facebook. Ha. But I looked through it while on break at work and it got the creative juices flowing.


lol! A FEW of the tools I didn't need but it's nice to have them. I can't buy too much with the fore thought that I have to ship all this in less than a year....

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If I were you, I would contact FB. I think that's ridiculous. I know how many people tag photos and what you do is you upload a WHOLE bunch, put it into an album, and then tag. I think that's how most people do it. So "most" people are abusing the feature. Well dumb move on their part!

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If I were you, I would contact FB. I think that's ridiculous. I know how many people tag photos and what you do is you upload a WHOLE bunch, put it into an album, and then tag. I think that's how most people do it. So "most" people are abusing the feature. Well dumb move on their part!


I think they are trying to make people use that feature were you save tags and facebook recognizes faces before you upload them to an album. That's alright, I got around them - I just logged into L's facebook and tagged the rest.

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Do you know what triggers your headaches? They have meds (I have them) that you can take at the first sign of a migraine and it goes away completely, and they do not make you sleepy. The name ends with triptan, there are several different ones. Ask your doctor about this. I used to suffer from them but then I got tired of it and got treatment. Since I have gotten these pills, I have had very few headaches and they come farther and farther apart.

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I have many triggers. Having my hair up in a ponytail for any length of time... I have a stigmatize in both eyes (why I have glasses)... The first bone in my neck is out... And they are hereditary. Everyone in my family had them, my aunt had to take Loratabs to get rid of hers. Unfortunately I don't have a doctor - no insurance - so I battle them with taking six Tylenol at a time and icy hot - my migraines are right were my hairline is.

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