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I agree with Hers. I also would put a nice picture of the beach or one of you and L as your background on your laptop.


I got a great feeling from that photograph. So beautiful and relaxing. It's a reminder of the many more beautiful times that you have ahead of you with him, just accross that ocean.

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I agree with Hers. I also would put a nice picture of the beach or one of you and L as your background on your laptop.


I got a great feeling from that photograph. So beautiful and relaxing. It's a reminder of the many more beautiful times that you have ahead of you with him, just accross that ocean.


L installed windows 7 on it for me so I actually have pictures from our wedding day and I have it set so every 30 seconds it changes to a different wedding picture. Pretty neat to be honest, lol.


That's a wonderful way to look at it Fudgie, and so true. The next time I see the Atlantic I'll be flying over it to go home.

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I'm sorry OG. It sucks to be so far apart from your love! Well, thankfully with technology, the gap won't be too bad and the year will pass quickly. I like the idea of framing that beach picture and keeping it with you.


take care of yourself!!

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Be aware that after a while you may find you become a little (or more) irritated with each other. This is misdirected negative feelings about being separated and there tends to be a subconscious blame attached to the partner. It is normal and natural but it is best to be on your guard and have mechanisms for dealing with it.

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First day back was okay. I had a butt load of energy and didn't take my first break until 5:30 - won't be like that in a week, I assure you - but it wasn't busy, at all. I wasn't over exerted or anything. Everyone was so happy to see me, my bosses were like 'we are so happy to have you back!', lol. And everyone loved the pictures.


L and I web cammed for a short while before I went to work and we were gonna skype on the way to work but my poor hubby was so knackered he fell asleep. i woke him up when I called and told him to just rest up, I know he had a long slog. I think the distance and being apart is hitting him tonight, he's sent me a lot of sweet iMessages and emails, it always hits us at different times. Whenever I drop him off that's my time to process the distance and saying good bye and missing him and then I have the hours and day afterward to continue to process it. L can't do that because he's concentrating on getting home, traveling for over 24 hours... it always hits him after he's gotten home and settled in and a few hours sleep. I haven't cried today but I obviously still miss him - I miss him every second of every day - but I think throwing myself back into work has helped the adjustment period for me. L won't go back til Tues so he doesn't really have anything to occupy his time or get back into a routine to shed that loneliness. I understand it though.


Tonight is one of those nights I can feel every single mile of the 4,000 miles between us. And it sucks.

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(((HUGS))) it will all be worth it when you are finally reunited.


sorry if it's too early to ask, but what is next on the agenda as far as your move to England? is there anything you need to be working on at this time for the visa (apart from saving money?)

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(((HUGS))) it will all be worth it when you are finally reunited.


sorry if it's too early to ask, but what is next on the agenda as far as your move to England? is there anything you need to be working on at this time for the visa (apart from saving money?)


Pretty much at this point all we can do is start gathering up what we will need - like bank statements, pay stubs - the visa rules change (and the change own't go into effect until april at the turn of the fiscal year for England - so we are going to have to keep an eye on the requirements. A few months ago it was we had to show 6 months prior to our visa application on bank statements but right before the wedidng they were talking about the entire length of your relatoinship so who knows. We have back tracked everything though so even if they shorten the time frame for those things, we will still be covered.


I'm going to try to get as much done as i can with everything that needs to be done with my teeth before Jan - but who knows. The root canal alone is like $600 out of my pocket I think. But pretty much just keeping track of everything until Jan, then I'm taking Jasper to get microchipped but then he won't need anything else done until his vaccine renewl in June.

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