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There wouild have been something very wrong had you not been upset. Imagine if you had thought "Well, thank goodness that's over and done with and I don't have to see him again for all that time!!"


lol, very true DN.


It was emotional but we knew it had to come, just sometimes no matter how much you prepare or know something is coming, it still hurts. I'm okay (for right now). I'm home and I stopped and pick up a nice Subway sandwhich - with extra, extra chiptole - to drown my sorrows in, lol. I cried half way from Atlanta and gave myself a headache and then the other half I just rolled the windows down, blared Michael Jackson, and sang along at the top of my lungs. It was so weird driving without him next to me... I could almost still feel his hand on my thigh (he's very against holding hands while I was driving but he would rest his hand on my thigh).


And I never realized just how safe I feel with him until after he had left. While he was here I never even thought of my own safety because he did it for me and then it was suddenly him gone and BAM! - I had to look out for myself again. Weird.

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Not that this will lessen your feelings but six weeks after my parents were married my father went off to fight in WWII and they didn't see each other again for three and half years. Time does pass and quicker sometimes than you might think.

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Not that this will lessen your feelings but six weeks after my parents were married my father went off to fight in WWII and they didn't see each other again for three and half years. Time does pass and quicker sometimes than you might think.


Yeah, things like that always put it into perspective. I know Victoria's husband is off fighting in a war - at least L isn't in danger, he's just not here. i know the next few days will be weird with me having to adjust to not having him around or having him next to me at night... Jasper isn't exactly a substitue but he's a fluffy sleepng companion at least.

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I don't know how you do it...I'd be emotionally wrecked. At least you are in the final stretch. Pets can really offer a lot of comfort...my husband works nights frequently and I feel so much less alone when I snuggle up to my dog. Is there no way to meet up after six months? I guess all your money is going towards the move?

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I don't know how you do it...I'd be emotionally wrecked. At least you are in the final stretch. Pets can really offer a lot of comfort...my husband works nights frequently and I feel so much less alone when I snuggle up to my dog. Is there no way to meet up after six months? I guess all your money is going towards the move?


We could do a visit in six months but that would push me moving there into 2013. So we COULD but it would prolong the LDR as a whole - and as much as it hurts and sucks, we would just rather do a full years stretch of not seeing each other knowing at the end of that year, I'm there and not going any were.

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Well then I guess you are between a rock and a hard place but then again you just went a year in a LDR so at least you know it can be done I am not built for that...I think you are a very strong woman and I really admire your marriage!

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Well then I guess you are between a rock and a hard place but then again you just went a year in a LDR so at least you know it can be done I am not built for that...I think you are a very strong woman and I really admire your marriage!


Thank you Saywhen.


I think we haven't already done a year a part we wouldn't be able to do this year stretch - less than a year, really - so we def know we can get through it. And there is a huge prize at the end of it!

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Right now you should just try to distract yourself... of course you're weepy now... you just got married and you want to be with him!


But remember you were doing fine before and you'll do fine again once you get past this initial parting... try to distract yourself with movies or TV or books or friends or doing anything that take your mind off it. Have a good cry for a day or two, and really pamper yourself!

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Right now you should just try to distract yourself... of course you're weepy now... you just got married and you want to be with him!


But remember you were doing fine before and you'll do fine again once you get past this initial parting... try to distract yourself with movies or TV or books or friends or doing anything that take your mind off it. Have a good cry for a day or two, and really pamper yourself!


Thank you Dove. I am. I straightened my room and put away all wedding things. My sister, her husband, my nephew, and L's groomsmen came over earlier and we were all sat in the living room talking and laughing. It def distracted me and I'm trying to watch some tv shows now. I know it's going to come in waves and phases - some hours I'll be okay, some I'll be a weepy mess - I just hate the process of it. I want it to be 2 days from now and be fine. But I know it's a healing process almost.

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I'm sure Jasper is glad to have you home.

When do you get your professional pics back?


God yes, he is. He hasn't let me leave his sight since I walked back through the door.

Not sure, really. with 2 photographers they took a million pictures so I think if I don't hear back by the middle of next month, I'll inquire.

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Awww OG *hug*


We'll be here for you during the next year though...and after!


I know you guys will Fudgie.


It's like I know this blah phase will pass and I'll be fine once life gets back into it's old swing but the first two days without him are always hard, adjusting to him not being right there to talk to or sleeping next to me. I feel so alone in this bed that I have put one my pillows behind me to simulate L being there. So sad but true, lol

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