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I have a book called "The Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide" and it has a flow chart on back pain. Do you want to go through the flow chart together?


First question: Did your pain occur after a severe blow or jolt to your back or after strenuous work or lifting?


Nope. No lifting or strain.

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Uh well I don't have good back support and yep, I'm over weight lol


"Your extra weight may be putting a strain on your back. Read the articles listed at the right for help in losing weight." (Then there are some articles listed in the book.


Ok, so there are two possibilities... If we continue on, the next question is "Are you over 40?" (I know that's a no.)


The next question is: Is your back pain accompanied by pain in your abdomen or pelvis that intensifies quickly and then subsides?

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I had something like that once. Sharp pain when I inhaled or exhaled. I had pleurisy. Sounds like what you may have. I had no fever or anything like that, I just had pain in my back right below boob level. Get it checked out, it's nothing to play around with.

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No fever, nope.


I woke up with no pain so I guess I'm good. It's 8 am and L leaves today....


awww, i am so sorry about L going today. hopefully you will be reunited soon.


I'm glad your back feels better today. There are a few more questions about the back pain if you wanted to chat longer, but it sounds like things are better.


One other thing that the book doesn't mention, I sometimes get random aches and pains when I'm stressed out (and of course, taking a husband to the airport would stress me out!)

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you can get that kind of back pain from just riding in the car a long time... could be a pinched nerve or spine gets out of alignment and pulls muscles/ligaments from sitting too long... you drove a lot recently, yes?


also could be gall bladder related or stomach gas pain... what they call 'referred pain'... i used to get pain there when i had a gall bladder attack... if you're eating habits change and you eat a lot of high fat foods at once or a lot of alcohol it can trigger it...

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