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Do you guys have similar screen names on other sites or instant messaging?


Yes those are my thoughts too.

This is the only place where I use the "Fudgie" handle for this reason.


I've been googled before on other handles and was linked to other sites, including a "weight loss" one and I got embarassed.

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Well even if an ena member knows your real name and isn't on your fb, depending on your fb privacy settings, they can see your friends list. If they know your sisters name, they can write her. That's always been my biggest fear about this site.

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Yeah that's why I hide my friend's list from people that i don't know and including friends. You won't see it anywhere on my profile regardless if I have someone as a friend or not. In the past, you used to be able not to do this, now you can.

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Okay ladies, this is the last time this will be mentioned in my journal. I will no longer be talking about my sister or her husband, due in part by my mother asking me not to (never could say no that woman while she was crying) and overall me cutting ties with my sister over this. I ask all those who normally post in my journal to please not post anything about the situation after this post. If you have any questions about it please PM me.


On another note, I have seen the message that was sent to girl-who-will-not-be-mentioned. I'm more convinced it was an ENA member. I won't go into specifics but another board member outside me and CS were mentioned with specifics about their place on ENA. I do not know who this member is and very well may not ever, but I am a believer in karma, and am 100% certain it will come back to bite them.


That said, I'm starving since I haven't ate today because of all the drama and I treated myself to Arby's.


If I haven't said it yet, I apologize for all this. It obviously sucks when your ENA life is thrown into your real life and people can't understand it and I'm sorry for all the drama.

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It's okay OG, I understand. I'm still upset right now but I'm getting calmed down and we will move on from this. It will be okay.


Karma bites, that's for sure.


Girl, you enjoy that Arby's, you deserve it! I'd love a curly fry right now.

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lol, we should have t-shirts with that made on it.


I have. I'm not a big fan of those really. Maybe I had a bad batch but they really left me wanting more. The only thing I eat from Arby's is the Roast Beef with melted cheese. Slab some Arby's sauce on that sandwhich and it's like I'm orgasming without sex, lol

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I love the Golden Girls!!! That will cheer you up.



Me too. She reminds me of my grandma. Little packed with a bunch of punch, lol. Sadly, I remind myself of Rose. Like the episode were they get broke into and she gets so scared, buys the gun, and then shoots the vase? That would be me.

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Rose is adorable. I love it when she shoots the vase...oh man.


I identify with Dorothy, honestly. I love her dry comebacks. I can be really sarcastic IRL so Dorothy reminds me of her.


Sophia always makes me laugh though. hahaha...

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LOL...that's funny. Yeah I always saw myself as Dorothy a little bit.


B hates the Golden Girls (!!!) because of Betty White....I think she did something that rubbed him the wrong way when she was younger and he just never liked her. But he will watch them with me without much fuss.

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