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He did but he broke the screen this summer and with the wedding we didn't have the money to replace it so he has a stoneage phone now. But once he gets back to the UK he's going to get one - whether it's a iphone 4 or 4S he hasn't decided yet. I can't use FaceTime because I have the first Ipad and it doesn't have a camera on it.

Aww what a shame! There are some seriously good deals on the iPhone 4 contracts here at the moment from £27 a month, anyway, go enjoy your honeymoon!! .

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Aww what a shame! There are some seriously good deals on the iPhone 4 contracts here at the moment from £27 a month, anyway, go enjoy your honeymoon!! .


Yeah, he can't decide if he wants the newest gadget or get the iphone 4 (at a cheaper price) and wait for the iphone 5 to come out to get the 'newest' one.


I also discovered the ancient answer to getting the man to put the toilet paper back on the roll - instead of setting it to the side of the sink or such - but I can't divulge this secret or my husband will kill me.

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That's nigiri, sashimi is thinly sliced salmon/tuna/whatever by itself. Sashimi is also the highest grade fish. Both are fabulous! Love me some sushi. BC rolls, Dynamite rolls (yellowtail), Rainbow Roll, Spicy Tuna, oh all of them! lol Anyone been to the conveyor belt sushi places? Super fun.


I agree. I went to one this summer with friends, and that was cool. Nice to pick out single serve stuff off the conveyor belt, and it wasn't too expensive.


I'm probably just going to go with the iPhone 4S. Not sure if I can wait till the iPhone 5. I've ALWAYS wanted an iPhone.

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There is a place, a higher end restaurant, about 15 miles from where I live that is run by native Japanese people. They have authentic Japanese Sushi, not the stuff you get in the conveyor belt places. Very few rolls, NO CREAMCHESE, just traditional sashimi. I like the rolls somewhat, but after you've had REAL sushi, they pale in comparison.

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There is a place, a higher end restaurant, about 15 miles from where I live that is run by native Japanese people. They have authentic Japanese Sushi, not the stuff you get in the conveyor belt places. Very few rolls, NO CREAMCHESE, just traditional sashimi. I like the rolls somewhat, but after you've had REAL sushi, they pale in comparison.


This is true. The fellow is on my husband's crew at the squadron. He lived in Japan for about 10 years and that is where he met his wife.(obviously) He was telling us about this resutrante where they copped the tentacles off the live squid and you eat them that way. And things you eat while still alive. And eating sea urchins and so on. Some of it made my eyes oggle, but I am an adventuresome eater so I might try all kinds of things if I went to Japan. They are really well traveled and have been all over Asia and Africa, Australia and many other places. They are really a nice couple and really interesting to talk to.

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I also discovered the ancient answer to getting the man to put the toilet paper back on the roll - instead of setting it to the side of the sink or such - but I can't divulge this secret or my husband will kill me.


Ohhh...do tell, inquiring minds want to know!


Glad to hear the both of you are enjoying your honeymoon!

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Yeah, he can't decide if he wants the newest gadget or get the iphone 4 (at a cheaper price) and wait for the iphone 5 to come out to get the 'newest' one.


I also discovered the ancient answer to getting the man to put the toilet paper back on the roll - instead of setting it to the side of the sink or such - but I can't divulge this secret or my husband will kill me.


I am waiting on this as well. Tap tap tap tap tap......because I have two men here that never replace the roll.

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I don't like salmon but I've had the yellowtail and it's delicious.


I also like sashimi sushi (the not rolled up kind, piece of raw fish on a small thing of rice) YUM.


I love sushi, but I won't eat raw salmon. Raw freshwater fish makes me nervous, and I am unsure whether salmon is considered a fresh or saltwater fish. >_>

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I love sushi, but I won't eat raw salmon. Raw freshwater fish makes me nervous, and I am unsure whether salmon is considered a fresh or saltwater fish. >_>


It's freshwater. We have a giant lake where I am and people go salmon fishing all the time in there.


The reason why I don't eat salmon is because the local salmon here have high levels of mercury and you're not supposed to eat more than 2 dinners of local salmon a year. Ugh, no thanks. My dad eats a lot of salmon but he has to get the expensive, imported kind that doesn't have all the mercury in it. I just would rather not bother!

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I am waiting on this as well. Tap tap tap tap tap......because I have two men here that never replace the roll.


Ohhh...do tell, inquiring minds want to know!


Glad to hear the both of you are enjoying your honeymoon!


lol - sadly I can't divulge. Let's just say it's something I didn't MEAN to do (and if L had done it he would have gotten shouted at) but it got him to replace the old role with the new one. I was genuinely shocked when I walked into the bathroom, lol

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Well we went and saw The Three Musketeers today - in 3D - and I wouldn't recommend it. Sad really. I love historical movies (or movies done in historical time) and they just completely went over board. They had flying war ships for crying out loud! The acting was good but the plot? Meh. Could have been better. After the movie we walked around Broadway for a bit and decided to eat Italian tonight instead of sushi so we went to this resturant called Amici's. Before we had decided what resturant to eat at though we were walking around looking at menu's and stuff and we came accross this pub like resturant. I suggusted we go in and see what they served to see if it was what we were feeling and we walk in and I see a woman (hot woman, I'll give her that) walk towards us wearing nothing - I swear - other than one of those Catholic school girl skirts and white shirt that showed her stomach and massive amounts of clevage. This was the resturant's uniform apparently. Before I can even turn around and say anything L goes, "No, we aren't eating here." We walk outside and I give him a quizzical look - because what man wouldn't want to eat with a pair of boobs in his face? - and he says (And I swear this is without threat from his wife), "I don't want a pair of boobs in my face while I'm eating. I want to relax while I'm eating and not be distracted by massive amounts of boobage."


He got a super big smooch and a promise of, ah, well, you know. ;p


So later we were sat at the table in the Italian resturant - which had THE best chicken parmesan, btw - when we got back on to the subject of the half naked pub, some how. L's response to something I said was - 'If I were single I woudn't mind being served by a woman dressed like that. But I'm a married man, I have to think of my wife.... along with my testicles.' which just sent me into a fit of giggles at the table. Def. one for our blog.

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It's freshwater. We have a giant lake where I am and people go salmon fishing all the time in there.


The reason why I don't eat salmon is because the local salmon here have high levels of mercury and you're not supposed to eat more than 2 dinners of local salmon a year. Ugh, no thanks. My dad eats a lot of salmon but he has to get the expensive, imported kind that doesn't have all the mercury in it. I just would rather not bother!


I eat salmon all the time and I have no idea where it comes from. >_>

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I eat salmon all the time and I have no idea where it comes from. >_>


Salmon has the ability to live in salt and fresh water. They spawn and are born in fresh water and make their way to the ocean. They go back to where they were born themselves to spawn. I am sure there are those that do live in lakes but many many salmon are ocean dwellers, ie, Pacific Salmon.

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Has the best hubby in the whole world! I told him I wanted him to take the Ipad back home with him - he can get more use from it since I now have my laptop - but he bought it for me as a birthday/Christmas present, he didn't want to just take something back he had given me. But he also was talking about getting me ANOTHER Christmas present, no matter how often I told him the Ipad was fine enough. So he's gong to take the Ipad back with him and get me an iPhone 4 as my Christmas present!!


Since I'm eligiable for an early upgrade we will only have to spend $100 on my iPhone 4 and I can order it Wednesday!

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I am torn between upgrading to the 4s (I have the 3GS) or just waiting for the 5 that supposedly was designed by Steve Jobs before he died. Ugh. Congrats on the 4 though...it is a great phone!


Saywhen, the review L and I watched on the 4S said the only reason they could give someone to upgrade to a 4S is if they a) had never had a iphone before or b) had a 3GS. If they already had a 4 they might as well just wait for the 5.

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