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When are you making The Big Move? I hope you won't have to be seperated very long. Just think, you are going to spend many, many, years with this wonderful man!


Next Oct so 11 months apart. It's less than a year though, we are hoping to have me moved over before his birthday (Oct. 6th) but the deadline is before our 1 year wedding anniversary. It's going to be hard but as L says, 'if it were easy it wouldn't be worth it'. He and my uncle actually had the 'father in law and groom' talk the night of the reception while I went to get pizzas. When I got back I was helping unload the car and my uncle comes up to me and kisses my cheek and says 'you may marry him'. apparently whatever L said was the right thing.

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I love the fact that L and I are so comfortable with each other that we can both be in the same room but doing other things. Right now I'm uploading wedding photos and he's surfing the web on his Mac. And he's such a good husband - he's letting me watch the Jersey Shore finale tonight while we relax in bed.

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Oh man my husband JUST got the Iphone yesterday. He had the EVO for a long time and the Iphone just made it's way to Sprint the other day and he always said "Ohhh I'd never get the Iphone I LOVE the Evo" let me just say that Iphone has not been out of his sight since it arrived. Oh and every 10 minutes he wants to know if I "want to see something cool" the phone does! He uses the Syri (sp?) thing where you ask it a question and laughs because he thinks its so clever. I personally like my blackberry, but I am VERY basic and need an actual keyboard, but the Iphone definitely looks really cool.

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Oh man my husband JUST got the Iphone yesterday. He had the EVO for a long time and the Iphone just made it's way to Sprint the other day and he always said "Ohhh I'd never get the Iphone I LOVE the Evo" let me just say that Iphone has not been out of his sight since it arrived. Oh and every 10 minutes he wants to know if I "want to see something cool" the phone does! He uses the Syri (sp?) thing where you ask it a question and laughs because he thinks its so clever. I personally like my blackberry, but I am VERY basic and need an actual keyboard, but the Iphone definitely looks really cool.


L was showing me a video about the Syri with a Scottish accent and it was pretty awesome.. it made me want the 4s, lol. I use to be against touch screens but then I got my Droid HTC Eris and I couldn't go back to a keyboard. Sometimes the keyboard would be easier but that's because Driods suck. At least mine does. lol

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Yeah, I think if I learned I'd be fine but I'm like the most basic phone person ever. My husband can do ALOT with his phone, like he actually uses it for what it does and gets the worth of the phone where as I would text and call and maybe use the Internet 2x a week, if that makes sense. I had a nice blackberry but then Mark spit up on it and it got water damage so I needed to 'upgrade' or in my case down grade! I have the blackberry flip phone because it was free and it's an okay phone but my old one was better. I will say I am very, very impressed with the Iphone camera. The pictures I just put in my journal were taken with the Iphone we would have NEVER gotten him to smile in a photo like that had it not been for the quick shutter that phone has. He just snapped a bunch of pictures in record time and the quality is awesome.

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You guys are all making me want the new iPhone. My plan doesn't come up for renewal until Dec., so I have to wait a bit.


OG, glad to see that you are having a good time. What movie are you guys planning to go see?


If I can kick this cold, I am going to hang out at the DZ again this weekend.


We are going to go see the new Musketeer's movie. I think the showing we are going to is at 1:40ish tomorrow and then we are going to this sushi buffet place for dinner. Well, I'll have sushie. L doesn't eat sushi so he'll have some of their hot food.

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God I love sushi. Jared owes me some. It's a fight to get him to take me out for sushi b/c he doesnt like it!


Sounds like L. I went in to make sure they had hot food so he would have something to eat! It's been a while since I had sushi so it'll be a taste testing to see what I like again.

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