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Nice relaxing day! L and I decided to have a relaxing day since we have been on the go none stop every single day since he landed. We woke up about 7:30 and we were going to go to McDonald's for breakfast but on our way out we noticed the breakfast cafe in the hotel. $9 per adult for all you can eat and that included drinks as well so we went for it. Such good food! We did have to run into town - Walmart, to be more precise - for sun block and some milk for our tea and coffee and then came back and went for a dip in the hotel's pools. The one outside was FREEZING but the indoor one was heated and felt great. We even spent a little while in the hot tube before we went and tried the lazy river they have. Then we went down to the beach and literally sat in the surf for a good bit (and of course got silt and sand in places that it should never be!) before coming back and ordering pizza and watching the history channel.


And in true L and OG form, we then took an afternnon nap. lol


Once we woke up we watched Steel Magnolias - I cried at the funeral scene, of course, and L just looked at me - and in his words the entire movie was like 'listening to another language when it came to the southern accent', lol. After that we went for a night walk on the beach which is my favorite thing to do. I love the sea in the daytime but at night it's just a different creature all together, so much vaster and it plays on your senses better. We even came accross this awesome looking sand castle just right in the middle of the beach.


Sunrise from out hotel today...

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Me sat out on our balcouny - farmvilling, no doubt

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And this awesome sand castle we stumbled accross on our beach walk tonight

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Pretty good honeymoon day. L and I got up this morning and went to Ripley's Aquarium and had a GREAT time! I'll upload a few pictures when I sort through them in a little bit. they had this Shark exhibit as a side exhibit and we both love sharks so of course we hit that. Nothing huge of course but we learned a few thins we didn't already know. Then we came back to the hotel and I crashed after we had lunch from an upset stomach. While I was asleep L went down for a swim in the indoor pool. I can't leave him alone for 45 minutes without some women hitting on him once they hear his accent. After L got back from swimming and I woke up we went and grabbed a quick dinner and are lying here currently watching NCIS. If it's not raining tomorrow we are thinking about going for a swim again tomorrow - or, if it is, swimming in the heated pool at least.

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oh, sounds so perfect and relaxing! I am glad you are having a great time! I've never been to myrtle beach. I will put it on my to do list for sure.


I highly recommend it - although if you like going out and doing stuff, I wouldn't come this time of year since it's the off season but I highly recommend the hotel we are staying at!

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aww too bad. I've actually never been to a wedding (well, when I've been old enough to appreciate it! as a kid weddings just seemed like big dinners lol), but I'm sure it was really... something!


lol, we don't remember any of the odd sounds that came up in the video. I couldn't tell you that my niece was up walking around or that my nephew cried out and my mom covered his mouth or that the photographer was on the ground feet away from us... all I can remember is looking at L's face. We didn't even hear the car horn go off!

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^^ Yup, I always tell people this, they won't remember or hear squat but their own vows and each other's face. People never believe it though till they get married for themselves.


I think it's def easy to get caught up in the moment of thinking such and such is important. and during planning it is and I made sure everything was perfect that I dealt with beforehand so I wouldn't be worried about it the day of. The ribbon on one of my BM's bouquets unraveled and I was just like 'oh well'

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