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Wow...not a cool prank lol my heart would have stopped as well!!! I was very relaxed when I got married but then again all I had to do was leave our suite, go out on the deck to meet my hubby and then go back inside afterwards I truly think if I had invited guests I would have been so concerned about them that I wouldn't have enjoyed the wedding as much...but I totally understand why guests are so important to most individuals! Plus some families would have a cow if left out of the wedding of a relative. Luckily my family and his family didn't mind...probably because we fed them food and alcohol at our pre-wedding celebration .


Where are you honeymooning? I think you said the beach?

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So L and I have been up since about 6 AM this morning. Blah! we decorated the reception from 9-12 and OMG. I have never been more annoyed in my life. It wasn't anything L did, it was the woman who runs the house. At one point I was downstairs trying to listen to L who had stacked chairs together and they were sliding down and she just kept yelling down number of chairs and number of tables to me. I was like uuuggghhhh!!!!!!! I lost my temper a few times, and of course poor L got the brunt of it. We got it al set up though, and I even managed to put the sandwhich meats in a nice circular pattern on some trays and then plastic wrap the trays to keep them fresh. Note to anyone who is thinking of rolling balogne: do not roll thick sliced balogne, it does not roll very well. Lesson learned the hard way! I took a few pics of the final step up for you guys:



this was the best wide shot of the reception room I could get:

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And this is the other side of the reception room ( you can see our table without a table cloth, gotta get one)

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Close up view of our table with our centerpiece:

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This is the drink area (left) and the chip area (right):

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ha, I wanted L to be the one in it but he was like naw. I was like okay, I'll do it then.


Well it's 7:30 am the day of the rehersal. L and I actually slept in instead of being up at the butt crack of dawn! The bestie is picking me up at 10 to get our nails done (I'm going to have a french manicure) and then L and I are heading down to my uncle's house to help get the house ready for the rehersal at 5:30. L and I burned the ceremony and reception cds last night so those are taken care of. My mom is ironing L's shirt tonight - because OG here doesn't know how to iron, ha - and I need to stem mine, the MOH, and the BM's dresses tonight (and not steam my thigh again!).

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Tomorrow is the big day! I was nervous right before walking down the aisle. My stomach was doing flip flops while I was getting my makeup and hair done, lol. You'll have to tell us if you got nervous haha. I got a french manicure too and it chipped easily just FYI. Probably look into that gel polish supposedly it lasts longer.

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I don't know why but this seems surreal for me.


You know that's actually how I myself feel Dark. It's like, I spent 8 months worrying so much about getting him here and everything, it still feels surreal to have him lying next to me and to think we are getting married tomorrow. It's like you wait for something for so long, worry about it for so long and then when you get it your like... okay. lol

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Kind of a stressful day. My MOH and I went and got our nails done today. I wanted to get there at 9:30 since L and I had to be at my BM's house early today to help her clean since she graciously is letting us use her house for the rehersal dinner. I was only going to get a French set and she was getting a manicure. WELL she ended wanting a pedicure as well which completely put us past me leaving when I wanted. She wanted me to have one as well so she paid for mine as a wedding present - and then without me knowing it paid for my nails as well, which was very kind of her. She didn't have to. So L and I were late getting set out but we got here. We were going to stop on the way and grab something to eat so we could eat once we got to their house. We stopped at McDonald's and guess what? Their power was out - which meant the ENTIRE street we had to drive down (because my hometown is so small it has one main road that everything is on) had no power... including traffic lights. Have you ever driven through 6 traffic lights and they have no colors because they had no power? It's not fun.


But we managed to stop some were and grab food and then head down. and then my aunt called me because my mom had called her panicking about how to get to my uncle's house. my mom knows how to get half way here and then she was suppose to call me for me to give her directions the rest of the way. nope. She just went into drama mode and put more stress on me. And my bestie hasn't left yet. ugh!

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