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I don't know but I'll tell you, if people (like my family) found out the stuff I've written on here, I'd just DIE. There is a really definite line and it shouldn't be crossed, ever.


OG, I really hope everything is going ok and I hope the drama (if any) is minimal.

Crap, I really wish I hadn't said what I said because now the sister's going to read it and want my head on a plate. And maybe OG's and anyone else who spoke badly.

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Everyone was within their right to say what you did. ENA is a place to post problems and work through them and get insight. I as a human being, as we all are, have the right to work through problems. Be it keeping them inside or talking through them. My sister and I will eventually work things out. She knows I love her and after all, I'm entitled to my opinion. She doesn't have to agree with it.


I don't know who sent it to her but to me that speaks multitudes of their character to betray another ENA members trust like that. We all are are hear to work through our problems, I wonder if they would like it if it was done to them.


I will not, however, stop posting. I can't vent in life and o refuse to give up this thread. Unless a mod closes it, i kind of have to then, lol

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Good and I agree with you. I hope that you guys are able to find out who did this. And I hope your sister comes around. While we all said some horrible things about the situation--they were mostly true being the dynamics of your sisters situation. It's horrible that she found out how other people feel about it, in this way.

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There are only a few select people we're friend with on here and facebook, and that friendship status extends to both OG and I in general. I would like to think that it wasn any of those 3 and believe it wasn't. As far as I'm aware the sister dosent frequent ENA and was provided by a 'friend' with the link. Needless to say this is hassle no one needs, least of all OG.


I can't speak for OG about weather she chooses to end this journal there, that's not or me to say, but obviously there's at least one seriously untrustworthy person on this board and, to be frank, it stinks. For my own part I wouldn't care if her sister reads my comments, bit I don't live in OGs situation day in day out and she isn't my sister.


I'm trying hard to stay on the right side of the ENA rules here but as you can imagine I'm really quite angry at the perpetrator. We will find who it is and you will be reported, I promise you that.

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Sophie- in answer to your questions those people in our lives know we met on a site but not the name. I have mentioned ena before on Facebook but not in months. I don't leave the window browser up on my computer when i leave and I always clear history. She could have stumbled accross it by accident hut I doubt it.


Right now she isnt responding to me and that is her right. She and i can both agree our relationship has always been rocky. I will continue this journal though.

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I hope you guys can find out who did this. It's a serious breach of trust. OG, I'm glad to hear things are going to be okay.


My question is, yes you have ENA friends on FB and all, but does anyone else in OG's life know about ENA? I know you two met on here. Did you tell anyone that you met on here? It's possible that someone has been lurking.


My heat goes out to both of you. Heaven knows I've posted a lot about my relationship on here, of which many people in my "real" life aren't aware of. I can't even stand the thought of these 2 places colliding. I hope everything will be okay.


EDIT: oops, sorry OG, I just saw your previous post.

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^^lol yeah, you know how fast posting on phones go. It doesnt.


We will figure what happened out. It's not going to detour me from posting about my personal life though. I am American, I do have that whole freedom of speech thing. if someone does not agree with what i wrote, on here or real life, they can simply chose not to read it then.

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^^lol yeah, you know how fast posting on phones go. It doesnt.


We will figure what happened out. It's not going to detour me from posting about my personal life though. I am American, I do have that whole freedom of speech thing. if someone does not agree with what i wrote, on here or real life, they can simply chose not to read it then.


So your sister TOLD you that someone from this site sent her the link?


I'm curious as to how someone from this site(without knowing you outside of the site) could EVEN know who your sister is, how to get her the information, her name, etc. It sounds like someone may know personal information about you. Which is really creepy. Hopefully you and the mods can get down to who did it--because obviously, whoever that person is, they had malicious intent.

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She told my mom that. She still hasnt said the name of the person, if it was sent. Like i said, she isnt talking to me and she has a right not to just as I have a right to post my thoughts and feelings.


It is creepy and lioe I said, speaks of their character to betray trust like that (if it did happen).


And here I was all happy to have my engagement ring, lol. It will be fine though. Like I said, if anyone has a problem, they don't have to read it.

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I can't believe someone would do That!! I've ways been scared someone would do the same to my family. I'd just die too.

As for the food stamps wic thing, its awful to have a kid and expect the country to pay for it. That's the worst kind of breeding.


Hope things get better for you both.

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I actually had my mom read my original entry while i was on the phone with her. Bit odd directing my mom aroumd ena, lol


My mom was upset that I called my brother in law a stupid reneck (or something to that effect). Should i have? Perhaps not, but I don't feel 100% bad considering at one time he mistook something CS said on facebook and called him a tea drinking fag. We moved past that without an apology.

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Should i have? Perhaps not, but I don't feel 100% bad considering at one time he mistook something CS said on facebook and called him a tea drinking fag. We moved past that without an apology.


Like I said at the time, insulting my tea drinking skills? Ouch. Or not.


Water off a ducks back to me.

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I actually had my mom read my original entry while i was on the phone with her. Bit odd directing my mom aroumd ena, lol


My mom was upset that I called my brother in law a stupid reneck (or something to that effect). Should i have? Perhaps not, but I don't feel 100% bad considering at one time he mistook something CS said on facebook and called him a tea drinking fag. We moved past that without an apology.


Oh wow. I'd be embarrassed for my mom to read my posts. lol. Wow I'm sorry this got dragged out to your mom too. yikes. But if that "redneck" part was the only thing she was upset with, then I'd say that it isn't so bad.

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Ha, that'd be nice wouldn't it! Unforunatly I doubt she'll betray the betrayer!


Ahhh there goes me and positive thinking.


New thought: OG how "private" is your profile, really? do you know what information shows up to others when they are not friends with you? Some people give more info out than others in that regard. I'm not sure if this is something you've already considered.

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