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People often struggle to find the right things to say in good times as well as bad. My daughter recently had a miscarriage and some of the things people said were eyebrow-raising but she knew they meant to be kind.

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I think they just ask if you’re nervous so that they can empathize/bond if you want them to. Just like when you get engaged, it’s “when’s the date?” or “let’s see the ring” right away. Rather than get annoyed, I just thought about how glad I was that strangers and family alike are proud and supportive of the relationship.


Soon it will all be done, so no worries!

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People often struggle to find the right things to say in good times as well as bad. My daughter recently had a miscarriage and some of the things people said were eyebrow-raising but she knew they meant to be kind.


This is true, and I know it's something to do with ME and that they are only being nice, but it's still hard not to find it annoying.



Well, I just got the email. L's on the plane.

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Woohoo! You must be so excited to see him Will you be posting here at all throughout the week?


I am. I'm anxious just to make sure he lands and gets through - I think I have given myself heart burn this morning with worry, lol.


Oh yeah, I'll continue to post all week and through our honeymoon. L and I are the type of couple we wake up, kiss, and roll over and both grab our mobiles so we can serf news apps while lying in bed together.

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I just took that flight! Lordy it's a long one! The upside is Atlanta customs/immigrations is a lot quicker these days. The lines moved super fast, including the non-citizen lines. You guys have fun! This is a great time of year weather wise up your way.


Yes it is. Atlanta is a HUGE airport though - L didn't believe me until he walked through it last year

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Hi everyone!


So it's been a LONG ass day. I have been up since 4:30 and am about to pass out with exhaustion. But, quick recap!


I left for Atlanta about 11 AM this morning and arrived at the MARTA station about 12:30ish I guess. Made it to the airport at 1:22 (his flight landed at 1:40) and than began THE longest and most stressful hour and a half wait of my life. No joke. By 2:40, a hour after he landed my stomach was literally on fire and in knots because I hadn't seen him and every balding man wearing a black shirt got my hopes up. I kept thinking right, they aren't going to let him in or his plane has crashed and no one has told me.... And then, there he was. And my heart fluttered and I got the butterflies in my stomach. Quick hug and kiss, grabbed his luggage, and back onto the MARTA we went.


I'll post a funny post in our funny blog about a certain thing that happened on the MARTA - completely and totally my fault, as well.


Then we got the joy of driving through rush hour traffic in Atlanta. >.


Obviously I'm estactic to have L lying right next to me now, just, no idea guys. No idea. It's been a whole year and the second he put his arms around me, I felt complete. Corny, I know but that's how I felt. So that's all for tonight from this puckered girl - if I'm not back up in a few hours thanks to insomnia!


Thank you to everyone who dealt with my craziness over the last 8 months on worrying about him getting here and who continue to support us. You have no idea what it means to us!

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