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I also want to add that I am so excited for you! You 2 have sure gone the extra mile on your relationship and it wonderful to see a couple so dedicated to each other to go thru this You 2 soooooooo deserve for everything in your life to work out for the best. Some things seem to be "meant to be".........

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I'm kind of annoyed that everyone keeps asking me 'are you getting nervous?' It's silly to be annoyed about it but it's annoying me. If one person asked it wouldn't bother me but everyone is. No, not nervous. I just want him HERE. I have noticed the last few weeks I can't stand to talk about the wedding and it's so rude but I just kind of give basic, simple answers when someone asks me were we are getting married, when are we getting married, were are we going for the honeymoon, is all my planning done... i mean EVERYONE is asking me these things and they should, right? It's the polite thing to do, I would ask! Idk... to me yeah, the wedding is a big thing but the first important thing to me is seeing him walk through that gate.

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I'm keeping the both of you in my thoughts, OG. Wishing you all the best in the days to come....


PS, Are you nervous? Jussssssst kidding!!



Thank you Heart.


lol - I don't know why it bothers me so much... I think it's the frequency with which it's being asked. I almost feel like I should record an answer and just play them the answer back...

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I'm kind of annoyed that everyone keeps asking me 'are you getting nervous?' It's silly to be annoyed about it but it's annoying me. If one person asked it wouldn't bother me but everyone is. No, not nervous. I just want him HERE. I have noticed the last few weeks I can't stand to talk about the wedding and it's so rude but I just kind of give basic, simple answers when someone asks me were we are getting married, when are we getting married, were are we going for the honeymoon, is all my planning done... i mean EVERYONE is asking me these things and they should, right? It's the polite thing to do, I would ask! Idk... to me yeah, the wedding is a big thing but the first important thing to me is seeing him walk through that gate.


I think that once you share details about your wedding plans as you have been (not judging you for that at all -your choice!) then you open the door to those types of questions (for better or worse). I wouldn't ask a bride to be if she's nervous because I like to keep things calm and happy - I might ask if she's excited if she's describing some particularly exciting detail about the wedding/honeymoon. I'm glad he's arriving soon!

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I think that once you share details about your wedding plans as you have been (not judging you for that at all -your choice!) then you open the door to those types of questions (for better or worse). I wouldn't ask a bride to be if she's nervous because I like to keep things calm and happy - I might ask if she's excited if she's describing some particularly exciting detail about the wedding/honeymoon. I'm glad he's arriving soon!


The thing is, I DON'T share details of the wedding outside of our LDR blog and this journal. In that instance yes, I can understand people talking about it. It's hard to explain. I in no way get annoyed when another ENA member asks me something about the wedding but someone IRL? It annoys me and I don't know if it's because I'm constantly having to repeat myself (Which is a HUGE pet peeve with me, ask L).


And I guess the reason the whole 'nervous' talk annoys me is because it DOES project that idea that I'm suppose to be a nervous bride who is scared of entering into marriage. To me, at least, if I felt that way, I WOULDN'T be entering into marriage....

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I wouldn't read too much into the "nervous" bit, OG. It's okay to be nervous and it's okay not to be nervous. The fact of the matter is, many people get nervous before their weddings. My father got cold feet and wanted to leave, lol. My mother was nervous as well. I can see myself as the sort to contemplate the "permanence" of what I'm about to do and get myself some bad gas or something, LOL. It doesn't have so much to do with being unsure or afraid of marriage, it's just the anticipation of starting a NEW chapter in your life. That fact within itself can be a little scary. Heck, I'm almost done with college and I'd be lying to you if I said I wasn't nervous. It's because it's the start of something NEW and unknown, becoming a Mrs _____, the embarking of a commitment that you hope and work toward lasting a lifetime. It's a lot to take in, and the official beginning of all of this happens on ONE DAY.


I think people just ask you if you're nervous because they themselves were nervous so they may assume that you are too. But not everyone is!

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The thing is, I DON'T share details of the wedding outside of our LDR blog and this journal. In that instance yes, I can understand people talking about it. It's hard to explain. I in no way get annoyed when another ENA member asks me something about the wedding but someone IRL? It annoys me and I don't know if it's because I'm constantly having to repeat myself (Which is a HUGE pet peeve with me, ask L).


And I guess the reason the whole 'nervous' talk annoys me is because it DOES project that idea that I'm suppose to be a nervous bride who is scared of entering into marriage. To me, at least, if I felt that way, I WOULDN'T be entering into marriage....


Oh it's just one of those silly things people say (just wait till you're pregnant to see how silly people can be). Maybe they're asking since you're both getting married and moving to another country?

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I think that may be why I'm not nervous because I don't see this as the official beginning... I have always felt like L's wife, we just never said the vows and I don't share his last name so, for me, it's just a continuing of what we have. legally it's the beginning of our lives together but emotionally, for me at least, it's just cementing how I already feel if that makes any sense.

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Oh it's just one of those silly things people say (just wait till you're pregnant to see how silly people can be). Maybe they're asking since you're both getting married and moving to another country?


I don't know if it is but that's another line of questioning I find myself having to grit my teeth through...

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Yeah, I can understand that. You guys have been engaged for a long time now so I can definitely see that. What I meant by "official" was more of the legal sense and also in the eyes of your family/friends, because they get to witness it. And that's a really big thing.


I don't think being nervous/not nervous is indicative of any problems/lack of problems within a couple. We all just handle big milestones differently. Some (like you) are doing great and others (like me) tend to cry a little and get gas. You are really taking this in stride and I'm very happy to see this, OG. You're going to be a beautiful bride and a wonderful wife long after the wedding is done with.

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Yeah, I can understand that. You guys have been engaged for a long time now so I can definitely see that. What I meant by "official" was more of the legal sense and also in the eyes of your family/friends, because they get to witness it. And that's a really big thing.


I don't think being nervous/not nervous is indicative of any problems/lack of problems within a couple. We all just handle big milestones differently. Some (like you) are doing great and others (like me) tend to cry a little and get gas. You are really taking this in stride and I'm very happy to see this, OG. You're going to be a beautiful bride and a wonderful wife long after the wedding is done with.


yeah, and I agree. It is a 'new beginning' in the sense our family gets to see that bond we have always had and they get to see the transition of non legal to legal.


I don't think it is either... I'm just like uhhhh! I'm just ready for this to be over with. I'm tired of wedding planning. I'm tired of being asked questions about it - I just want to be his wife. That's it. over. End. out. Thank you Fudgie.

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I can relate to the annoying questions. I think as brides to be, we get so excited about the wedding at the beginning but as it gets closer, we're just so ready to be done and we don't want to talk about it anymore b/c there's more to life than the wedding, you know? But the ones around us may not share that same line of thinking.


It's like hairdressers always making coversation with you...the first thing they go to with me is "Are you in school?" B/c that's a safe area to explore when you're talking to a random person. It's there, it's a big part of your life, and it's easy to talk about. Same with wedding planning. Safe subject to discuss, you know?


I'd like to say don't be annoyed but you will be anyway Just sit tight. You're almost done. And then after you're married, no one will ever talk about the wedding again (as has been my case haha)

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And that's it, right there. It's one day. I'm not excited about it, I'm excited about the MARRIAGE.


I feel bad when I don't show such much 'excitement' as the people asking the questions because they are genuinely excited for me! Like today, the director of my department was just beaming from ear to ear and when i walked in said 'wedding week!!!!' and told me multiple times she was excited for me. I'm excited, most def, but I felt like I was having to pretend, so to say, that my excitement level was THAT high. And again, coming from other ENA members this does not bother me. I know you guys are excited for us and everyone who reads this long rambling journal is collectively holding their breath for L to get here but that in no way annoys me - if anything, it makes me smile to know I have such caring friends all over the world.


I'm weird, we'll just leave it at that.

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Thank you Renny.


I just finished packing the car - in the dark, that was fun [not]. It was like playing puzzle maniacs trying to fit everything a certain way but still conceal so people don't look in the car and just see a bunch of stuff. I managed though. I'm winding down for bed now. 5 1/2 more hours until his flight leaves....

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