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It does. I mean, for my position I make pretty decent compared to others and the benefits from working at a hospital are pretty awesome.. excpet medical insurance. Who would have thhough?


It is. Monday morning at like 10 or 11 my time he will either leave or arrive at his hotel at Gatwick (I can't remember which). I was like 'I want an email when you leave the house, when you get on the bus, when you arrive, when you check in, before you go to bed, when you get up, when you get to the airport, when you check in at the airport, and when you get on the plane.' L goes 'No. I'll email you when I get up, when I get to the hotel, good night at the hotel, that morning, and when I get on the plane." I was like fine.


We are going to Myrtle Beach.

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do they not offer medical insurance??


yay gatwick!! my first time in london I was there because I was flying elsewhere in europe. I flew into heathrow and out of gatwick. I built in an 18 hour layover, where i did the biggest mad rush tour of the city, lol. it was fun.

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Oh they do, but it's $100 a month for just a single person, it's even more if you have a family. Their dental and vision are AWESOME. I pay $30 a month for dental and only $8 a month for vision. The dental covers pretty much half of anything really big I need done (like my root canal I'll have after the wedding, it covers half that) and the vision is just yeah, awesome. I only paid $50 for my glasses because I had the night time reflective but on them, otherwise they would have been free.


lol. I can't wait to see London. I think we have pretty much decided to spend a week in London instead of Paris for our 2 year anniversary. The history nut in me is going to go C.R.A.Z.Y.

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Won't see Paris for many years since we'll have the kids but yes, one day. L has been before but not in a personal capacity... although he has been to The Louvre. I'm jealous.


I'm really excited for the London trip. No stress of having to fly, we can literally catch the bus or drive... perfect baby making atmosphere. Hopefully.

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My stepdad found a job though! He went back to an old compnay he use to work for and they pretty much hired him over the phone. it's a pay cut though so things will still be tight for a while.
Does that mean the issue of them getting to the rehearsal is not a problem now?
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Does that mean the issue of them getting to the rehearsal is not a problem now?


Eh. Money is still tight so we will still have to give them gas money (because he won't actually start working there until next week MAYBE the week after next) so he won't draw a paycheck for another what.. 2 or 3 weeks? And what money they have saved up has to buy them food, gas in the car to get my brother back and forth to school, anything my nephew needs, etc.

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Eh. Money is still tight so we will still have to give them gas money (because he won't actually start working there until next week MAYBE the week after next) so he won't draw a paycheck for another what.. 2 or 3 weeks? And what money they have saved up has to buy them food, gas in the car to get my brother back and forth to school, anything my nephew needs, etc.
It's horrible when money is tight. Going through that myself recently although there is a light at the end of the tunnel (just hope it isn't an oncoming train)


Do you have to give or can you lend?

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It's horrible when money is tight. Going through that myself recently although there is a light at the end of the tunnel (just hope it isn't an oncoming train)


Do you have to give or can you lend?


lol, an oncoming train. It is horrible though. I mean, money has been tight with me and L but that's because we have been paying for this trip, and after the trip we start the process of moving me over.. and then money is going to be REALLY tight with just L supporting us until I can find a job.


Mom hasn't asked me (which I'd have no spare cash to give now anyway) but I did tell her I would pick up the $30 a month for the internet on my phone. She's never asked me to pay for it but it's a small burden off her.

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My only worry would be my student skills. I'm never the best student. I start off really strong but once I hit a subject I know I have problems in - like math - I just completely fall to pieces. I love history though and wouldn't say no to teaching it one day perhaps.
I would love to teach history. I am teaching acting and theatre skills to teens right now which is great but I would also love to teach history - I sometimes allow it to creep into the acting class.
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I would love to teach history. I am teaching acting and theatre skills to teens right now which is great but I would also love to teach history - I sometimes allow it to creep into the acting class.


Ancient history at that. Anything before Tudor era England I adore and have probably seen every documentary ever done on it.

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I don't know what it is but I just have never been able to get into anything recent history wise. Even the WW's I just find myself nodding off. I know enough to get me by but nothing like ancient Egypt or Greece. I guess it's about looking back at were we were and how we were bale to do SO much with none of what we have today.

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Well, to get an undergrad degree, you have to take some classes you don't necessarily like. I love math and history, but I hate chemistry and health. Physics was cool, but Bio bored me to tears. The point is, you've got to take it all to get the degree you want. Self discipline and ambition helped me through the boring stuff. One of me degrees is in history and you take more classes on the more recent stuff than you do ancient history, though that is included. You need to get the full view of human history and that generally includes just about everything from the antiquities, to Asian history, South American history, European history, and about a zillion classes in American history. It's worth it, though. I love having a degree in history!

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