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It feels weird for it to be 4 o'clock in the afternoon and me already having worked a 8 hour shift, lol. Work flew by though, I guess it does when you work a shift that you normally don't. Going to try to stay up for a few hours since I don't have to be up til like 9 am tomorrow morning (working 11-9, long shift!). We found out today that the hotel we were taking Jasper to charges $15 PER day for having a cat (we are staying 4 days) and we just can't fork that out for Jasper. So he'll be staying here with my mom.

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My son's cat, Ming, HATES it when my son goes somewhere with his friends for the weekend. Too bad. My son is mildly autistic and I value that in his life he has made good friends that include him in most of their fun outings. So many people who are "different" don't get to do that. So, Ming doesn't like it, but I tell my son to go anyway. Jasper will be fine!

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Get used to British food, which from what I hear (I have worked with several people from the UK) is rather bland and gas inducing. I know know how true that is because the only English food I've ever eaten is authentic British Fish and Chips, which are yummy. I just know they enjoyed the variety of food we have in this country, which they said they didn'thave in England, but maybe things have changed in the last twenty years.

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I dont even know what 'British' food is, apart from Fish and Chips and a Sunday Roast.

Steak and Kidney Pie

Irish Stew

Lancashire Hot Pot

Shepherds Pie

Cornish Pasties

Devon Cream Tea

Pork Pies


Black Pudding

Veal and Ham Pies

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Steak and Kidney Pie

Irish Stew

Lancashire Hot Pot

Shepherds Pie

Cornish Pasties

Devon Cream Tea

Pork Pies


Black Pudding

Veal and Ham Pies


Irish Stew? Really? By definition that isn't British


I've never even heard if a Veal and Ham Pie.... sounds yummy though

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Steak and Kidney Pie

Irish Stew

Lancashire Hot Pot

Shepherds Pie

Cornish Pasties

Devon Cream Tea

Pork Pies


Black Pudding

Veal and Ham Pies


Ewww god my mother-in-law makes homemade steak and kidney pie. It makes me want to puke whenever I smell it. My husband LOVES it. I just gag it down to be polite. She makes a mean Shepherd's Pie though and I make that for my son because he LOVES that.


My husband used to have Haggis when he was in a Highland unit.

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Careful, I am of Irish ancestry ;-)


My husband is part Irish too. He is Irish, Scottish and English on his mother's side and his dad's side they are all English ( or rather Anglo Saxon) where as his mother's family is much more Celt. It is funny because my husband has black hair but when he sometimes grows a goatee, that is red, looks hilarious.

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Today was a long shift. Blah! 11-9 on very few hours of sleep... I went through a lot of coffee today. Doesn't help that I was a none stopping moving machine the first 5 hours. In the middle of me putting out resident clothes they decided to throw a fire drill. >.


My stepdad found a job though! He went back to an old compnay he use to work for and they pretty much hired him over the phone. it's a pay cut though so things will still be tight for a while.


I'm sitting here watching Tyler. It's so weird to see the little person he's becoming. when you ask him to hand you something he'll hand it to you and say 'Here ya goo.' or if you wave at him he'll say 'bie'. And I heard him say thank you for the first time tonight. We also learend he can't wear 18 month size clothes... he's in 24 months! Never would think this little boy was born at 3 lbs 15 oz!

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that is great for your stepdad!! yeah, it really sucks - this economy - when people are finally getting jobs, they are at big paycuts. which it's great to have a job, but it's too bad it's not at a level of where you were before. i could get into some political crap now, but i wont.


4 days until L is here! that's exciting! where is the honeymoon again?

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