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How about just uploading a few photos? You could shop the william mask onto L's face, job done!


ROTF - I guess that is something to think about.


I know here we won't be posting any pictures of us - me and the wedding things we will - but I think we will be posting them to our LDR blog (since that already has L's mug on it but I don't think we have discussed that yet.

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Editing the video with that mask and then, placing the video clip in a pw encrypted .rar with a non descript name is the best option I can think of.

Also upload it to a private server.

Maybe eNA admins can help with that.

Just have people PM you that you trust and send them the PW & link.

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Editing the video with that mask and then, placing the video clip in a pw encrypted .rar with a non descript name is the best option I can think of.

Also upload it to a private server.

Maybe eNA admins can help with that.

Just have people PM you that you trust and send them the PW & link.


Okay, that first sentence is another language to me Dark, lol. I'm sure L is going to read it and go 'oh yeah, I know what he's talking about' and I'm sat here going pw? .rar? non descprit name?


But yes, if we do this - big if - it would be to a select ENA members that both of us have to approve of.

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Oh yes I forgot your Fiance is a Mac Guy.

Then maybe he will be able to setup a private server for a short amount of time, although it will cost some bandwdith during that time but it's not like there are going to be many people downloading the footage.


But there's also the time factor as the wedding and honeymoon is priority.

Also just enjoying being together.

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Problem #1 the week before the wedding:


Remember when my stepdad got that speeding ticket? Well he went to court and they dropped it down from a speeding ticket. Awesome. Except, he still lost his job. No idea how but, anyway. So that's out things in a huge crunch. Mom can't drive the car she has because something in it - a pulley or something - is missed up and with his losing his job they may lose the truck. So mom doesn't know if she will be ale to make it to tbe rehearsal.


L and I pretty much sacked our heads together to figure it out. Mom said if thy didn't lose the truck before the wedding the problem would be gas getting there so if that's the case, I think we are okay with giving her the gas money to get there. If they lose the truck... Idk. Haven't worked that problem out yet.

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Something always has to throw a spanner in the works. Just breath. I did not even know if my dad was showing up at my wedding till the second he did and he was walking me down the isle, I had my brother as a stand in, but he was the best man too. My grandparents refused to come because my dad and them were not allowed to the reception, everything was a pig's mess. Oh well, I am still married and that is what counts. I know it is vital to have your mother there. I would have died without my mom. Just breath.


I will put in some prayers for you that all works out.

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I just spent like the last HOUR in my mom's shed going through boxes that I had stored there from my apartment. Can I just say, how does any ONE person accumulate this much stuff in two years?! I know I went through 15 boxes out there and I STILL have at least 10 more at my best friend's house. 0.0


Thankfully most of it was just shifting through to see what I would give to my sister. I did keep some of the cuter Halloween decorations that my mom had given me (and that I couldn't remake myself over there). I decieded not to ship my beach decorations because half of them I can just make myself once I'm over there, leaves more money to ship Christmas stuff.


I came accross this old blue jean jacket I had years ago. I loved that jacket. I tried it on and yeah... did not fit. At all. Poo. At least I can still wear my letterman's jacket though!

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Will she be able to make it to the wedding if she can't to the rehearsal? Will your sister be able to take her maybe??


As long as they still have the truck next week she can make it, we will just have to give her gas money which L was all about doing last time I talked to him. My sister isn't going to be able to make the wedding due to work and even if she could, she would have been riding with my mom because her and my BIL"s car is falling apart just like mom's car is.

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I don't. I learned my lesson the hard way on those and refuse to ever hold another credit card. Mom doesn't have any for the exact same reason.


I think it's really important to have one for your credit history. then again, if you are moving overseas, it might not matter. you can even get one with a low limit, just for emergencies like this.

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I think it's really important to have one for your credit history. then again, if you are moving overseas, it might not matter. you can even get one with a low limit, just for emergencies like this.


Oh believe me, my credit history doesn't need any more history... but no, my credit doesn't transfer over when I move, I'll essentially have a clean history when I move there. I think L and I discussed having one card to have in case something happened back here - mom got sick or God forbid, died - we would have the access to book me a quick flight over.


Other than that, I am very, very, very, very against credit cards.

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Pretty productive day. Cleaned the bathroom and my room, straightened up and went through my stored boxes and all while dealing with a nagging headache all day. I'll be glad to put my head down in the next hour since I have to be up at 5:30 for first shift. Blah!


Steve Jobs -one of the founders of Apple - also died apparently. There had been rumors galore over the past few months but I doubt it's a hoax since it's on Apple's website....

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