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True, and I can see my mom's POV which is why I always try to correct the issue with him when I see him doing it. I kind of know why he does it. Jasper likes to move his water bowl around so when I had my apartment I would leave the kitchen and bathroom sink faucets on drip and he would just hop up, drink, and then hop back down.

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cats like what they like! I had a cat who loved sitting in the sink (don't they all?) My boy wanted to sit in the kitchen sink, I wouldn't let him. One time, he was like, going to jump, I said, "NO!" He tried to jump again, I warned "NO!!" And again. Then he turns around and gives me this nasty, "meeeeooooowww" like he was saying to me, "Screw you!!" and walked off with his tail in a huff.

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lol, awww. Yeah, Jasper is protesting his punishment. He was waling around my room meowing in THE loudest, most annoying meow ever, standing on his back legs to look at himself in the mirror that hangs on the back of my door, swishing his tail purposefully to knock stuff off... currently he's given up on annoying mommy and is passed out asleep - although he is on my pillow so I guess in his silent way he's saying 'screw you, if I'm stuck in here I"m taking the pillow."

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ThiS has been the Monday from Hell. Someone on first just didn't show up, didn't call or anything and the boss didn't realise it until 11. She called me at 1115 and asked could I come in early so I finished up eating, got dressed, and made it to work by 12. L and I got into a tift on my way to work (one of those we are just sick of hearing each others voices and want to see each other things) and right now at 330 is the first time I have sat down since I got here at noon. Aye. On top of tha I got the flu shot and those pesky 24 hour symptoms are coming on. Blah. I hope it's that and not a sinus thing....

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I hate when cats get on the counters!! It's so gross bc of their feet and the litter box thing and then cat hair on the counters. I'm with your mom on this one!


I hope things get better for you. You're almost there.


On a side note I waited on your doppelgänger today. She looked identical to you. Same nose, hair, hair color, build, mouth, the whole 9. It was creepy.

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Thank you ladies. it will get better.. Has to. Tomorrow is a week til L arrives!


On a side note I waited on your doppelgänger today. She looked identical to you. Same nose, hair, hair color, build, mouth, the whole 9. It was creepy.


Hahaha. That would have been awesome to get a picture of. I swear I have seen MetroGirl's granddaughter like two times at my work, each time I have to do a double take and then I catch myself looking for MG herself, ha.

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Also I had a client in atlanta who would leave his bathtub on drip for the cat. I'd get to the house and look for the cat and he was always in that tub. It was his favorite place ever I guess!


It was def. Easier to just leave the sink dripping - our water bill was tied into the rent so we never had to worry about going over - than clean up water every, single, day from the kitchen floor. Even with me having it in one of those foil tray things now, he still knocks it over by pulling at it.

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I have no idea why Jasper moves his water bowl around. And then he will only drink from the corner of it, never the big part of it. Once wee move I'm just going to have to get one of those really big self watering bowls that weigh like 10 lbs so he won't be able to move it around!

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Well the second part of my day got much better and easier, I even went home at 8 since the second part of 2nd shift came in. I could have stayed til 9 and gotten a measily extra hour but I was exhausted, my shins hurt (I see you cracking a smile now L), my bad knee was acting up, I had a headache.. I was just falling apart. So OG decided to ditch the last hour (I don't lose any since I came in an hour early) and hand off some of her responsibilities. In fairness, that was the boss' game plan at the beginning of the day to let the other worker do all the day rooms and me just concentrate on the hospital side. So I did.


Tomorrow is a week til L arrives. Which means 4 more working days for me!! I need to run into town on Wednesday (my day off) to do some last minute trip shopping. I would do it after I get out of work off first shift on Thursday but that's L's birthday and since I'm working, that time between me getting off and me getting home is all we will have to talk and then Friday I'm working 11-9 and the things I need to do will closed or too dark for me to do them at.


I need to get a fuse for my cig lighter in my car so we don't have to use our laptops to keep my crappy Droid charged for the five hour trip to the beach. I have a car charger but it doesn't work. Well, the charger does, but my cig lighter is blown (or the fuse is) and it's just a simply replacement... same thing use to happen on my old Chevy Cavalier. I also need to get the car washed (which mom offered to pay for so I don't run our water bill up) and my brother offered to vacum my car out for $1 - I am not above sibling labor here - and I need to get a few last minute wedding stuff.


L's aunt (or great aunt, I can't remember) gave us some money for a wedding present (Which was super sweet) and so he went and bought his wedding outfit with that - 2 shirts (they were on sale), trousers, a new belt, and socks. And he bought a 2nd adapter (which meant we had 3 now (I think) - he had one and bought one off Amazon and then bought this one but in getting his suitcase out and everything found one in there. So we have 4 - I think. Maybe 3. I can't keep up with it.... his gran is giving us 100 pounds (don't have the sign on my American keyboard!) but she's going to give that to us closer to my move over so, well, I can buy household things with it, of course.

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I am cheering you on OG and I know this time it will all work out wonderful! I saw this tonite and thought you might get a kick out of it and help with your stress for a few minutes anyway.



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Are you stalking my facebook Truegrit?? I seriously, no lie, posted this SAME article to my facebook earlier tonight from the Daily Mail.

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OG - there is still time for you to plan your perfectly creepy wedding photo that will be perfect for awkwardfamilyphotos!!!


ROTF. I guess I could have a picture of me drapped in the Union Jack flag with my veil. I"m sure I just called the flag the wrong name. It's something when it's on a ship and another when it's on land... I can't keep up with it, haha


On a serious note, I forgot waaaayyyyy back when we had to change the time from 2 to 11:30 to tell our OFFICIANT this. Thankfully I asked him a week before!!!

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I was looking up random videos on youtube and stumbled accross Country Stodden's music video. I'd really like that thingie from Men in Black were they erase your memories.


It's not the fact that she's 17 and married to a 50 some year old Hollywood actor or all the plastic surgery rumors... I just think she tries TOO hard to be sexy and that just makes her look like a drugged up Barbie Doll....

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I can't believe it's nearly here for you OG! How exciting! I checked the weather app on my phone (hey, I'm English so obsessed with weather ;-) ) and the next week is clear. Seeing as I'm further north than CS if anything weatherise was going to happen then I'd get it first

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Today was a much better day than yesterday at work and I am off tomorrow! Woohoo! I'm going to do my best to finish up ALL wedding stuff tomorrow as well as straighten my car out for my brother to vacum on Sunday, that way I'm completely open Sat and Sun to do nothing but wash and pack stuff.


A week from today L will be here. *does dance*

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