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If it is her ovaries they are not going to catch that one a pap, unless on palpation they find something or blood work like you said. The tilted uterus is not so much a worry. I have a retroverted uterus as well and my dr said it usually begins to tilt the right way after the birth of your first child. Hopefully they do not have to take her ovaries because that will put her into menopause at 20 years old and she will need hormone replacement, but if she has cancer I am not sure how that works because replacement can cause cancer. I can not imagine menopause at 20, that would be horrendous, I feel bad enough about it at 44. I guess it is very lucky she had her son when she did. I know I waited too long to have kids, and so my son is a miracle to be here too.

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From the way she described it it was her cervix. But I admit I was pretty shell shocked and don't remember alot of the information afterward. But from what I remember the doctor told her she had a tipped uterus to begin with but after T it tipped the wrong way again. idk. I know she said if they laser them off and they come back she will have to be on blood replacement or something or another and she's already animic (sp).


I was looking at T last night after all this and couldn't help but think of him as a miracle baby now, even more so than before...

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Fox, how often do you have exams there? I remember reading once it's only once every five years whereas here it's once every year.

It has changed quite a bit. When I was 18 you went for one as were considered sexually active and then on it was every 3 years until you were 50 then 5 years (I think!), now the first one is at 25 and I think every 3 years. I was told after my last one this year that I'd be 3 years instead of yearly as my last 3 had been clear. There was a famous reality star here called Jade Goody, she died as she was under the age of 25 so didn't have any tests until it was sadly too late. So there are campaigners here trying to lower it again.


As far as I'm aware the docs/nurses in my experience never turn you down for a check if you ask.

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If it is her cervix that is pretty fixable. They do cryo surgery and or laser them off and she just needs paps like every 3 to 6 months to make sure they never return. The tilted uterus I would not worry so much as I said I have one too and got pregnant 5 times. Lots of women have a retroverted uterus and have kids. Here we have Paps every year once you are sexually active. And mammograms every few years once you are over 40.


Just keep faith it will turn out ok OG. It will.

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It will OG! Everything will be fine, the sooner it's found the better

I had a cone biopsy and laser treatment with the first and a colcoscopy with the second - no idea what that is though!

Oh and you also get a smear a few weeks after giving birth here, 6 week checkup I think?!

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It has changed quite a bit. When I was 18 you went for one as were considered sexually active and then on it was every 3 years until you were 50 then 5 years (I think!), now the first one is at 25 and I think every 3 years. I was told after my last one this year that I'd be 3 years instead of yearly as my last 3 had been clear. There was a famous reality star here called Jade Goody, she died as she was under the age of 25 so didn't have any tests until it was sadly too late. So there are campaigners here trying to lower it again.


As far as I'm aware the docs/nurses in my experience never turn you down for a check if you ask.


Yeah, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing one every 3 years, I'll be honest. I'd want one every year if possible. 3 years is just such a long time to go without checking on that...

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I hate them. I think I went 9 years without one once because I hate them so much. So after my son was born and then 9 years after I had one. I am lucky though I have never had a negative report on one. Everything is always ok.


Oh believe me, I hate them as well. I have had one once every year since I went on birth control at 15. I hate them with a passion but it's one of those things I'm not willing to risk.

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I went to Walmart tonight but couldn't find that bikini touch thing Hers posted about. They did have some other kinds of the same thing so I picked one up that had a few different heads in it for bikini line, eyebrows, face, and trimming. Let's see how this works....


Just 6 more working days... I'm SO ready for this vacation on a whole host of different fronts.

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L was apparently bored and flipping through cat breeds yesterday and found one he likes (I told him he could have say over the kind of cat we got after Jasper got use to his surroundings and all). He's apparently taken with the Egyptian Mau:

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I only like their coats in the bronze type color.. I just don't like how the silver coat looks with their markings. But I'm okay with his choice. I don't know how I feel about possibly having a thin cat though. Apparently I like my cats like I like my men - lots to snuggle to.

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So I have been using Stumbleupon to look at craft blogs (thanks Hers, it is addicting) and I'm sat here and I remember Jig saying something about my wedding decorations, how I should do something with that. I'm beginning to think Jig may be on to something. I'm looking st this stuff going 'I can do this easily' and I have ideas running thrugh my head. I can't start full force when I move over - do need a job to craft! - but yeah. I'd also need to get some better tools like a Cricut - note that for a future Christmas present hunny - and some stuff though...

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Very little left on the wedding front:


x. pick up 3 more vases for some flower arrangements

x. hot glue ribbon and bow onto said vases

x. sand for the smoking pot were people can throw their cig butts in

x. finish fixing up wedding/parking/smoking signs

x. burn ceremony and reception cds (will do this after L lands)

x. write thank you notes out to the bridal party

x. print out L's letter


...and done!

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We are! 7 more days as of midnight tonight, 5 of those are working days for me (woohoo!). And apparently they are expecting the temperatures to be steadly like they are in England so no snow worries!!! *knock on wood* I hope all my ENA family knows how much of a mess I"m going to be from the time L leaves his house Monday morning until I see him walk through that gate - please excuese any random, Mad Cow ramblings and worries from me. And thank you in advance for putting up with me since L will be out of touch except for for a quick 'I'm here' email.


I caught Jasper on the kitchen counter and that is a BIG no-no when it comes to my mom. She loves him but she hates cats on counters (I don't care either way but she does and it's her house so her rules kind of thing) so I now have him in my room with the door shut and he is NOT happy with me. He likes being able to come and go as he pleases and he's talking up a storm right now while getting into EVERYTHING. He's driving me to the point of grabbing the nearest can of air freshener (he does not like it when you spray air freshener).

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I watched some TV show a few decades ago. There was some surveillance camera footage on "what your perfectly behaved pet does when you aren't home." Dogs, cats, on the counter, on the kitchen table, doing every bad thing, etc..... lol!!


my cat in high school - I would be on the bed with my eyes mostly closed, pretending to sleep. She would be on top of the arm chair/recliner in my bedroom. She'd look at me, look at me, look at me, and then scratch scratch scratch!!! I'd be like NO!!!! And then she'd run, lol. She knew what she was doing was bad, she just didn't want to get caught.

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