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Ahahaha I am so happy I do not have FB. It saves so many issues.


Yeah. It's not that I don't mind having her or my MIL on there - it's I guess I was being childish and not taking that first step, you know? I was waiting for them to take it.


My mom added L as her SIL on facebook though without any suggustion from me. At least his MIL likes him.

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The upshot: I got my next job through facebook! The downside: My future boss is on facebook and is my friend. she'll know when i'm goofing off!! can't have that!


lol, yeah. I have some co workers on there that every now and then, I have to reset a status post if I post while I"m at work in case they tattle with our boss. With facebook's new settings to pick who can see pictures and your statuses, it's not too bad.

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I started to make a new thread with this but I think it belongs here more.


My BIL bought my nephew over today for the five days my mom and I watch him. While I was making myself something to eat I over heard him say something about blood results for my sister and out of the corner of my eye I saw my mom shake her head in a 'don't say anything' fashion. I pressed them for answers and they said something about she was having blood clots from her C section so I didn't give it a second thought. I was sat here working on some wedding stuff when my sister walked into my room. My BIL had told her what I had over heard and apparently told her that she needed to tell me the truth. So she did.


My little sister, who just turned 20 last month, has ovarian cancerous cells.


She had apparently been having pain below her underwear line and she went to have it checked out. After her C section with T her cervix has apparently dropped majorly low - so low, they couldn't even do a full pap smear on her. They did find two quarter sized tumors on one of her ovaries and they are testing them for cancer. If they are cancer she has to have a full hysterrectermy (sp). If they aren't cancer they can laser them off and hopefully they won't come back. On top of that she has to have her cervix brought back up to were it's suppose to be.


My sister and I have never been the best of buddies. We are complete polar opposites in everything in life but she completely blew me away with her maturity today. She has apparently known for a few months now but didn't tell me because of the wedding and actually wasn't going to tell me until after L left to go back home. Usually I would be furious at her for keeping something from me but I can't be....


The doctors also said for the tumors to be the size they are, she would have had to have had them for a year and a half... which means she had them when she was pregnant with T. Knowing this now, they think this is what ultimately caused her placenta to tear away and cause T to be born 2 months early. And he has to go when he turns 2 to have his blood tested for cancerous cells.


I just don't know what to do. I hugged her, I cried, I told her everything would be okay... but will it?

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Holy crap. I'm so sorry. I know you guys have had your arguments and all but this is so sad. I'm hoping for the best for her.


I know T was born to her when she was *very* young but I'm glad that she has him in the event that she has a hysterectomy, so at least she has one child of her own.

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Holy crap. I'm so sorry. I know you guys have had your arguments and all but this is so sad. I'm hoping for the best for her.


I know T was born to her when she was *very* young but I'm glad that she has him in the event that she has a hysterectomy, so at least she has one child of her own.


Yeah. Kind of puts all those petty arguments into perspective, you know? I did ask her if I could post this on here though before doing so.


So am I. She said though even if all this clears up, they don't think she will be able to have another baby. She apparently has a tipped uterus like our grandma and it's tipped in such a way that isn't good for pregnancy I guess.

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That is so sad. It makes me sad to see when infertility strikes those of us who actually WANT to have children of their own. Heartbreaking.


I hope she will be okay. Ovarian cancer is not good at all but it sounds like she may have caught it early (if it is indeed cancer) so that's good.

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I keep telling myself cancer cells don't men for sure that it is cancer and they did catch it relatively early. But even if it is cancer she has to be approved by this insurance before anything can happen because they themselves can't afford the procedures that will need to be done.

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Fingers crossed that is is NOT cancer. I’m sorry OG, for the moment I don’t know what else to say. I do think that this will draw the two of you closer. Benign ovarian cysts and tumours are scarily common. Thinking of you and your family. Do you mean pre-cancerous cells?

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Fingers crossed that is is NOT cancer. I’m sorry OG, for the moment I don’t know what else to say. I do think that this will draw the two of you closer. Benign ovarian cysts and tumours are scarily common. Thinking of you and your family. Do you mean pre-cancerous cells?


Thank you Rose. It's just... mind boggling. I have been a HUGE advocate for women getting yearly exams for this reason - it's the reason I go every year. She said that apparently when they did the half pap smear they tested her and it came back positive for cancerous cells or pre cancerous cells. The only people that know are me, her husband, and our mom. That's the way she wants to keep it as well.

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If they did a PAP smear and it came back for pre cancerous or cancerous cells, wouldn't that mean that those cells were coming from her cervix, ie cervical cancer?


Ovarian cysts are quite common. I got one a month ago and all. however, it's the CANCEROUS ones that you have to worry about. All things given here, I'm glad she's getting looked at and if they are bad, then she can get surgery.

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If they did a PAP smear and it came back for pre cancerous or cancerous cells, wouldn't that mean that those cells were coming from her cervix, ie cervical cancer?


Ovarian cysts are quite common. I got one a month ago and all. however, it's the CANCEROUS ones that you have to worry about. All things given here, I'm glad she's getting looked at and if they are bad, then she can get surgery.


I can't remember if she said the difference. I'm going to sound stupid but I thought ovarian and cervix cancers were the same. Aye.

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I can't remember if she said the difference. I'm going to sound stupid but I thought ovarian and cervix cancers were the same. Aye.


No worries.


Your cervix is the sphincter between your vaginal wall and your uterus. It's the part that they actually scrape when they do your PAP. Cervical cancer occurs here.


Ovaries are the small organs, one each to the left and right of your uterus, that produce the eggs. You can't actually "touch" or scrape at your ovaries unless they open you up for surgery. They likely found the tumors on here by either having a gyno feel her or having an ultrasound.


Here is a diagram:


image removed

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Can you tell I failed human anatomy 101? lol


She did say the lady felt the tumors - which I associated with the same thing they do in my pap smears when they insert their fingers (shudders) and press down with their other hand.


Yep, when they do that, they are actually feeling for ovarian cysts/tumors. Of course, they aren't actually TOUCHING them but they can feel for them because they know where to look.

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It's just so surreal. My sister wrote the book on middle child syndrome and I don't think I have ever felt as close to her as I did when she told me she didn't tell me because of the wedding. It was just so not like her and it was just... selfless, you know? She did say she was going to ask off for that Friday night (she works third) and ride down with my mom so she could come to the wedding.

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Thank you Victoria. I feel better about the whole thing this morning. I probably scared the crap out of L this morning. Right after my sister left I sent him an email with nothing else in it to call me as soon as he got it. I ended up catching an early night last night (about 12:30ish I guess) and I think L woke me up with the call at about almost 2. Just hearing his voice and hearing him say everything was okay for right now helped.


10 more days until L arrives.

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I had Pre cancerous cells at 21, got treated and went onto to have children. Yearly smears ever since and have been Pre cancerous again twice, once again with treatment and once checked with another follow up smear. Due to NHS cutbacks they've now upped the age to 25 here before your first smear. You *can* request though bit it's up to your doctor or practice nurse (they're the ones who tend to do them here).

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