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Does that mean whether he will be able to support you and that you will not be claiming unemployment benefits while you are there?


Pretty much, yes. They are now stating when we file we have to show 27 months worth of him being able to support me (which is considered my probationary period before I file for ILR), we just need the Agency to clairify if that means we PHYSICALLY have to have that full amount in the bank or if just showing on the bank statements were his check deposts is enough because apparently the only 'bills' they consider are council tax and mortage/rent. After those 2 come out he has to be able to show he has 105 odd pound a week to support us.

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OK. Can he do that?


Here's something that may be useful - hopefully you won't need it. If something goes wrong when you are there and some immigration case worker thinks you should be deported at some stage, go to see the local Member of Parliament. It used to be (when I was over there) that an MP could have a temporary hold put on a deportation order while an appeal was made to higher authority. They may have changed that so check it out.


something to keep in your back pocket.

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After his promotion in April yes, he has that extra month weekly. Now that equals to like 420 pound a month or so. Times that by 27 now if we have to have THAT in our bank account at the time we file, no way. I don't think it has to physically be sat in our bank account but it's something we need to have clarified.


Thank you DN. I will. Hopefully once I'm over all we will have to do is deal with the ILR paperwork after the probation period.

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Regulations are constantly changing because there is a huge influx of immigrants to the UK and they are trying to stem the flow.


Exactly. We knew the process was subject to change before we filed, but we didn't realize it would be THIS. Apparently people like to 'park' which is were your parents or someone gives you a lump sum and you let it sit in your bank account for the previously required three months and you list that as income on your visa when it's not part of your normal income.

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That sucks they are changing the playing field, after the fact, esp since you guys have been led to believe that all you needed was "x", but now you need "x" AND "y".


It sucks but like I always say - the only constant thing in a LDR is change. We knew it was up for some kind of change but yeah, not this. It def is going to take getting some clarification on. Even the PETs process to move Jasper over has changed in the last 6 months. Before he had to wait 6 months from the date his positive blood test came back that the vaccine had taken before we could enter the country, so I was gong to have to get the blood test done in like March or April. Two months ago DEFRA changed their entire process. They no longer require the blood test and the waiting period between getting the vacine and entering the country is only 21 days but that isn't effective until Jan 1, 2012.

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I just checked that Maintenance page you mentioned and it is concerning that they want bank accounts etc. but are not asking for records of employment income. I agree you need to get that clarified.


Oh they are asking for employment income, we still have to show payslips as another form of how L is getting his income to show he can support us. What concerns us where it says 'cash funds'. We aren't sure if that means the whole 27 month lump sum or just that we have that cash every month via his pay check.

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The National Insurance Number is issued to every UK citizen at the age of 16, it isn't an id as such but you can't work or claim benefits without one. They (dept. social security) have to be informed of house moves, name changes etc but the number is with you for life. A percentage of your income is paid to tax and some to NI, the NI contributions go towards your retirement (state paid) pension. I would say it's a pretty important document (card actually!) to show to the guys in the US along with the rest. I would also, as DN mentioned, get a load of stuff photocopied and drafted up in a friendly way for CS to post off to his local MP just to get to know him should there be a problem in the future.


I looked into, on a whim ( ), marrying in the states as we're over there next year and the laws vary so much from state to state it's crazy!

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I always find doing craft stuff calms my stress level. Don't know what it is but something about keeping my hands busy with intricate details always focuses my mind and keeps me calm. I rounded out a scrapbook page today of my niece - one from like Feb 2010, and I haven't even finished some from before THEN - about when her mom and I took her to the park one morning. It's something different than my normal page layout so I'm proud of it in that sense. I also started touching up our other wedding sign. I'm no painter but something about the act of painting (which for me is usually touching up objects or changing an objects color to something I want) is calming as well.


Also, that skunk is back because it sprayed outside the house and it smells awful.

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I think it's one of mine and L's stronger points that as a couple, we actually are always working opposite of how the other is acting. Like normally I go into freak mode when a problem comes up and L is the one that remains calm and collected but today during how whole little thing of us finding out about the extra visa stuff, we switched roles. Any time L freaks or shall I say, becomes worried about something, it kind of unnerves me. I know he's human and he worries but I never see it, probably because I'm doing enough worrying for 20 people and he doesn't want to add to my worry hysteria. But there have been a hand full of occassions were L has let his worry show, and it always has the opposite effect on me than how I act normally. It's like when one of us is worrying, the other is in calm and collected mode... I can't ever recall a situation were both of us were freaking out. Even in the subway in NY our last day there were L REALLY got a taste of Mad Cow, one of us was calm, the other was freaking out.

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Hey optimisticgirl - DN is right; there are changes going on about immigration here in the UK, it's a real hot political topic; my friends are here from the US and the rules keep changing. Without being political, I think things are likely to get tighter over the next couple of years, so the best thing is to do what you're doing, and keep EVERYTHING, and be able to prove EVERYTHING.

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Hey optimisticgirl - DN is right; there are changes going on about immigration here in the UK, it's a real hot political topic; my friends are here from the US and the rules keep changing. Without being political, I think things are likely to get tighter over the next couple of years, so the best thing is to do what you're doing, and keep EVERYTHING, and be able to prove EVERYTHING.


And that's all we can do really. Requirements change and stuff, it's just a stressful process.

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L is apparently trying to maime himself before walking down the aisle. he was leaving for work this morning and tripped going down the stairs. Ended up with a nasty bruise on his ankle and some blood blisters. It was hurting him to the point were he couldn't go to work and more than likely won't tomorrow as well. Which means he's officially on vacation now.

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Finally home!


Work wasn't bad at all today, a very relaxed day compared to normal but with 7 surgeries tomorrow I doubt tomorrow will be relaxed. At least I"m off Friday though. While I was at work mom texted me. She had went to pick Bryon up from school and on their way back the car over heated. So our neighbor came and towed them back home and after I got off work I ran mom to my stepdad's work to pick up the truck. I have a slight headache though - boo - and waiting on the pizza to cook in the oven.

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I use the Bikini Touch. It cost me $10 at Walmart and I've had it for years. It's not a razor and it's not a waxer or cream. It just shaves everything down very smoothly. I do it about once a week. I can't wax or use creams b/c it makes my face break out and I don't want to shave my lip, so I use this and it's awesome.


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I use the Bikini Touch. It cost me $10 at Walmart and I've had it for years. It's not a razor and it's not a waxer or cream. It just shaves everything down very smoothly. I do it about once a week. I can't wax or use creams b/c it makes my face break out and I don't want to shave my lip, so I use this and it's awesome.


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Yeah, I wasn't too keen about trying to wax my upper lip (I know I don't break out from my eyebrows even though I am now a plucker maniac. I'll do it right before work) but lip? That's all I need in a wedding photo...


I'll def see if my Walmart has that and pick it up though. $10 isn't bad either... (Hers, I want you to know I just saw your new Yes, That's My Husband thing and I started to put '$10 ain't bad either' and then I thought, that isn't right.

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