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Dear courthouse and said courthouse website,


Please inform your empolyees of the laws and what people, including those marrying foreigners, will need. We understand you are a courthouse in a small town and haven't ever been outside the county zone but please try to be informative. A simple 'may' will not suffice. It gives those of us marrying unjust heart attacks and stress two weeks before our wedding when we don't need it. Know your bloody laws!



Your disgruntled couple,


OG and L.

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We don't even know what they will except at this point. They require a social security card which he does not have - obviously - and when I said that, the poor woman floundered over her words. She could not give me a firm yes or no if his passport would be sufficient. So he's bringing an old DL and he's already bringing some stuff in case the EOC asks him to provide proof tha he isn't just going to marry me and stay. I'm sure it will be fine. Our other forum has a ton of people tha got married on the visa waiver program.


I just need a drink right now...

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don't worry it will be ok! i agree with L bringing more, rather than less paperwork, IDs, documentation etc..... it will be fine! like i told you, worst case scenario, you'll do the courthouse route in another county. I recently applied for a tourist visa and it was rejected the first try, they sent it back wanting more information about my trip, my finances, etc..... so i sent it and it was approved. but what a pain!!

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Fudge - I think they do that because they don't require you to be a resident to get married in my home state.


Annie - it will be. Trying not to stress. I mean we have the documentation from the London embassy saying it's legal to get married on the Visa Waiver Program, as long as he leaves after the marriage.

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I think the other thing that is potentially confusing is that you are getting married in the US but he does not intend to stay here (you are moving over there...) So, that might be throwing these local officials off.


does georgia still require a blood test?

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" Enter the U.S. on a tourist visa, get married and return to your home country Many foreign nationals want to know if they can come to the US on a tourist visa to get married, but with the intention of going back to the home country after the marriage.’


Nothing says that you can't get married on a tourist visa, but this can be tricky. You can get married and go back home before your visa expires, but you'll need hard evidence to prove to the CBP officials that you intend to return your home country. You have to come armed with lease agreements, letters from employers, and above all, a return ticket. The more evidence that you can show that proves your intention to return home, the better your chances will be of getting through the border. "

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I think the other thing that is potentially confusing is that you are getting married in the US but he does not intend to stay here (you are moving over there...) So, that might be throwing these local officials off.


does georgia still require a blood test?


I think it does. They are use to people getting married here and staying, lol


No, both GA and SC did away with having to have a blood test.

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Do they still have National Insurance Cards in the UK? If so he could bring that.


They do - I believe - but I mean, the courthouse really couldn't do anything with it. If they have never heard of the visa waiver program they are going to look at me like I'm handing them a card from the future when I saw National Insurance Card.


I feel better about everything thanks to Annie and my other ladies. It'll get sorted out. I'm going to take Renny's advice and call a bigger city's probate court tomorrow (like the State capital's) and see if they know anything concrete. I also need to make sure when they say 'wait 24 hours' they mean 24 hours or 24 BUSINESS hours, which is apparently 3 days. I'm sure it's the former.


I'm off work though!!!! YAY!!!! I'm going to clean my room tonight so I can work on wedding stuff tomorrow after I have had 12 hours to unwind from work. Need to put stuff in the storage building and finish up projects.

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