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I'm okay right now since I ate a bowl of cereal, but we'll see. It's been I'll eat and feel better and then a little while later I'm nauseated again. If I'm still stick tonight when I get off I'll just have to suck it up and go to the ER. I still have 6 to 8 days of work straight in a row. I can't afford to be sick.


not sure if milk is a great option. stick to really bland foods like rice, potatoes, chicken broth, diluted gatorade. i think some of this is stress as well.

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even if there is snow (slim chance), the flight would be rescheduled. there are a few days between his arrival and wedding, right? when i travel internationally, i am at the airport ticket counter at least 3-4 hours before the flight is scheduled to depart. that's in case there is a delay through the x-ray screening, or they hold me up at customs, or whatever. then i can sit at the gate and read a book, and if there is a problem and the ticket agent has to rebook us, i can jump up and be the first person in line to get rebooked.


There are a few days inbetween him arriving and the wedding but not a lot of wiggle room. With the county we are getting married in you have to wait 24 hours to get your marriage license after filing for it. So if, for some reaosn, his flight was delayed, he would have to get here no later than Wednesday or early, early Thursday at the latest because the courthouse isn't open on Saturdays. L always gets there like three hours early for an international flgiht and just plays around on his laptop, lol


When I flew to NY I actually moved to 2 different gates. The first time they just decided to move my gate and once I got to the new gate and our plane landed, they found something wrong with the plane so I had to move to the third gate of the day. Glad I got there like 3 hours early to wander around...

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It was nice Vic, L didn't mean anything by it. It's just his humor - sometimes I don't even pick up on it and I'm marrying him. 0.0


hahaha yeah, the English sense of humour does not translate well in written word. I do enjoy it but more so when heard. I enjoy a lot of English comedy and my dad's family is English and so are my in-laws so I do understand the dry sarcasm, it just does not translate well this way


My in-laws are not dry or sarcastic but my father's family sure is and I can be so as well. My mother never gets it, the English sense of humour but she is French, so she sits there and shrugs and thinks......whatever.

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hahaha yeah, the English sense of humour does not translate well in written word. I do enjoy it but more so when heard. I enjoy a lot of English comedy and my dad's family is English and so are my in-laws so I do understand the dry sarcasm, it just does not translate well this way


My in-laws are not dry or sarcastic but my father's family sure is and I can be so as well.


It really doesn't. I remember in the beginning we would have a few tifts over something he said in email that now knowing his humor, I completely took as none humor. Some people (like certain family members of mine) don't even take the verbal English humor well. It really shows the difference in American humor vs. British humor... see, I just don't find English comedy funny. L's goign to be sitting there in stiches one day and I'm going to be like 'why is that funny?' lol Now their dramas? OMG. I love their dramas.


L is like the King of Sarcasm, and I love him for it. I TRY to be sarcastic and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. L nails it every single time. If I need someone to be given the blunt truth, I hand the reigns over to L.

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It is just one of those things about being English........lol. I LOVE English humour cause I was raised with it so I get it. As my husband says I can be the Queen of Sarcasm and his parents are off the boat so to speak so he is more English than me.......lol.


My mom never got it and still doesn't. I have adapted to her sense of humour too though so it is all good.

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I'm now gazing into my crystal ball: "Your stomach problems are of the 24 hour variety and you will be feeling better very soon. You and L are going to have the wedding of your dreams. He will look extremely happy and handsome and you will be a most beautiful bride." Crystal ball over and out.

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Good idea, OG! Don't want to upset the stomach.


My college just last year got ginger ale in the dining halls and it's awesome for me. I get stomach aches a lot because of the medications I'm on and ginger ale is my elixir when that happens. It always makes me feel better.

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Well Jig was right - whatever I had was a 24 hour thing because my stomach has been fine ever since I had that bowl of cereal today. Was still a little iffy on the way to work but yeah - no feeling like I want to pluck my stomach out with a hot iron. I even managed to devour a piece of pizza one of the kitchen girls had. Work was long and hard today. I had to get our clinic up to par for JC and it took me 2 damn hours to do so. >.


As I was pulling into the yard I also saw some beedy little eyed creature in front of the tree I always park in front of it. Closer inspection turned out to be a sunk. So then I was sat in my car figuring out how to get in the house without scaring this critter and it then spraying me (because no way was mom letting me anywere near the house if it sprayed me!) for at least five minutes. I finally just honked my horn and it scattered to the winds.


My mom tells me when I get in that my sister lost my nephew in their house today. She could not find him for anything and then noticed the clothes she had just washed and dryed were in the floor. She bent down to look and, sure enough, there sat my nephew IN her dryer. what a mess.

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