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The indications are that October will bring a change in the pattern with pressure generally higher than of late meaning rainfall levels are expected to be below the seasonal average for much of the UK. The expectation is that the month overall is likely to be a cool one, but temperatures shouldn't be too far from the norm.

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well - you can only do what is in your control. he's going to be at the airport the day before, he'll get to the gate early, he'll have his passport and wallet, and apart from that, there is nothing else you can do. if it's going to snow, it will snow. his plane might be delayed, but probably not be delayed for days. i know it's scary when things have gone wrong in the past, but you just have to have faith that it will work this time!

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PS - I suggest L look into some travel insurance. I am not sure how it works there, but here, travel insurance will cover you if you have expenses relating to a flight delay, baggage delay, etc.... it might be worth it on this trip!


I think he already got travel insurance tbh. I forget how it came about but we got a great rate and it would even cover the cost of the wedding stuff if he couldn't make it over.

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Definitely travel insurance. Good point, annie!


OG- I have a feeling that this is all going to work out for the both of you. Try to relax


I'm trying. I don't think it would be bothering that much if my stomach wasn't also upset all day from some chicken I ate at lunch. I have just been in a blah, sick mood and it's just kind of feeding the worry, you know?

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I know you could probably make other arrangements and I KNOW L will make it accross the pond okay, but here goes: If he doesn't get to come, would it be legal to have a wedding by proxy? I know this is still used in some parts of the world. Not perfect, but you two would be married!

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Yeah last December was bad and everything stopped but that was December! I can't ever remember October being closed due to snow and I'm further up north than CS. Also, as soon as October comes you can get a more accurate weather forecast for the weeks and days ahead. And he can plan or rearrange accordingly.


Don't panic OS! UK weather forecasts tend to veer to the side of worst case scenario since the hurricane of the 80's on which a famous weather forecaster on TV dismissed a woman's claims about hurricanes blowing her roof off! It was funny

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I know you could probably make other arrangements and I KNOW L will make it accross the pond okay, but here goes: If he doesn't get to come, would it be legal to have a wedding by proxy? I know this is still used in some parts of the world. Not perfect, but you two would be married!


I don't know about that but if for any reason this doesn't happen, I already told L we were scrappin the big wedding and I was moving over on a fiance visa. I will not go through this a third time.

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I finally threw up about 7 AM this morning. Felt better afterward but lord and behold, the next time I woke up I was sick to my stomach again. @#$& I can't call out from work because there is NO one else to work my shift as my counterpart is on a last minute bloody vacation. I'll just have to tough it out again tonight.

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OG, he will make it here ok. Do not stress yourself. I am sure it won't snow and even if it does I very much doubt it will be all that had in the UK in October. Even where I am there is no snow in Oct, have never remembered it in the beginning of Oct EVER. It won't happen. Just breath. Breath. Everything will be fine. My son was born in Oct and it was over 70 degrees the day he was born. Just take heart ok.

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OG, he will make it here ok. Do not stress yourself. I am sure it won't snow and even if it does I very much doubt it will be all that had in the UK in October. Even where I am there is no snow in Oct, have never remembered it in the beginning of Oct EVER. It won't happen. Just breath. Breath. Everything will be fine. My son was born in Oct and it was over 70 degrees the day he was born. Just take heart ok.


Thank you Vic. It never snows here in October either - we would all think the world was ending if it did! - shoot, last year we had our first white Christmas since the late 1800's.

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i'm sorry you are sick - hang in there!!!!


I'm okay right now since I ate a bowl of cereal, but we'll see. It's been I'll eat and feel better and then a little while later I'm nauseated again. If I'm still stick tonight when I get off I'll just have to suck it up and go to the ER. I still have 6 to 8 days of work straight in a row. I can't afford to be sick.

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even if there is snow (slim chance), the flight would be rescheduled. there are a few days between his arrival and wedding, right? when i travel internationally, i am at the airport ticket counter at least 3-4 hours before the flight is scheduled to depart. that's in case there is a delay through the x-ray screening, or they hold me up at customs, or whatever. then i can sit at the gate and read a book, and if there is a problem and the ticket agent has to rebook us, i can jump up and be the first person in line to get rebooked.

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