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If you talk to a PT at a local gym, you may be able to hash something out. The lady who teaches the fitness classes for my gym offered to do a once a week training session, meal plan, and various routines with me for a monthly fee, as opposed to paying the full cost up front.


I know my gym teaches classes but i work when they occur or it's too early in the morning and not worth the gas.

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If you truly want to get healthy, not necessarily lose weight but get healthy, you will do it. After my bf died, I weighed myself and saw what our unhealty lifestyle had done to my weight and my body. I started walking and riding my excercise bike and I NEVER eat processed food anymore except for the occasional (once a month) pizza. I eat fish, sushi mostly, lean chicken, lots of salads and fresh fruits and veggies. I no longer drink soda and stick to V8, water, and coffee. I have lost a TON of weight and look completely different. Today, I was walking and two men called my beautiful. Guess what? I now am! Just do it for your health and not you weight. And....stop the binge eating! It will kill you.

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3 more weeks of work left until I'm on vacation... God, please, hurry up! L only has 2 left the little bugger. Must be nice to be able to take a WHOLE month off. He worked hard for that flexi time though, and it gives him a chance to see his gran for her birthday before he leaves. And hopefully her pictures and card will have reached there by then if the postal system isn't shoddy.


Jasper is completely healed from his little watery eye mishap. And spoiled as ever. He's barely spent any time with L but he's got his daddy wrapped around that little paw.... it's going to be interesteing to see them interact for the first few days L is here. And when I say interesting, I mean L finally gets to see what I put up with at night.

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If you truly want to get healthy, not necessarily lose weight but get healthy, you will do it. After my bf died, I weighed myself and saw what our unhealty lifestyle had done to my weight and my body. I started walking and riding my excercise bike and I NEVER eat processed food anymore except for the occasional (once a month) pizza. I eat fish, sushi mostly, lean chicken, lots of salads and fresh fruits and veggies. I no longer drink soda and stick to V8, water, and coffee. I have lost a TON of weight and look completely different. Today, I was walking and two men called my beautiful. Guess what? I now am! Just do it for your health and not you weight. And....stop the binge eating! It will kill you.


It's hard, I won't lie. Getting healthy is the top goal but losing weight for before pregnancy is another. I want us to be able to set a good example for the kids and not have them with the same crutches I have. I eat no differently than I did in high school, the only difference is I am not as active as I was when I was in the marching band and I'm slightly older. When the bestie and I were shopping Friday she turns to me and goes, "You realize it's been five years since we graduated HS?" THAT made me feel old. I'm not but putting it in time scales it's like has it REALLY been that long????

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I know you are trying, I hate the gym and would just never go. Watching my bf die because he just couldn't give up unhealthy eating put the fear of God in me. I won't touch gravy, sweets, chips, hamburgers, any of that stuff. He suffered when he died and I don't want to go like that. He thought he could live forever because both his parents live to be close to 90, but you don't when you eat junk. He didn't even make it to retirement age. Please don't leave L too early. It will hurt him. Badly.

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Well form isn't so much it. I just don't know if what I'm doing in general helps. The machines have a little picture and instructions which I follow pretty well, I just don't know if what I'm doing is going to effect what I want it to.


sure - it all helps. you'll get more muscle, which will help your body eat up more fat. muscle uses up a lot of calories. usually what i do is 2 reps of 15. at a weight where I get tired by the 13th. wait about 30 seconds-1 minute between reps.

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That's L's biggest fear and one of the reasons he pushes me to do better. He doesn't want me to leave him alone with our kids in my early 30's because my heart has given out. I def could not be a complete healthy eater but I do need to eat 95% healthier.


yeah, that is really what it's all about. it's nice to fit into a bikini, but even nicer to just be alive!

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yeah, that is really what it's all about. it's nice to fit into a bikini, but even nicer to just be alive!


Speaking of that I just tried on some of the sexy underwear I bought for the honeymoon... *sigh* Even the largest size they had - XL - my hip fat sitll eats them alive. Oh well. Good thing L isn't a butt guy.

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please try!! i know it's not easy, i think you should talk to your mom about trying to eat healthier as a family. things don't have to be expensive either. a bag of apples can be the same price as a bag of chips. it's hard to eat healthy when there are corn dogs in the freezer.


are there any discount grocery stores in your area? i know we talked about Aldi's but i think that's far away for you.


broth based soups are great because they will fill you up.


do you watch that show "extreme couponing?" they are able to find some great deals with some patience and coupons!

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And that's the biggest thing. The rest of the house isn't trying to lose weight and when I try to eat right portion sizing, there is all this stuff around. Why have water when I know there is soda in the fridge?


There are a few but my mom shops at Quality Food.


I haven't seen it. I tried couponing years ago and I think I missed out on the secret because I never saved. I have a Facebook friend who gets $175 worth of food and pays $30 for it - I just never could find out the secret...

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well - it's not a huge secret. but it takes a lot of time. basically, most food goes on sale every 12 weeks - it goes in cycles. you stock up when it's at it's low point. if you can combine that with coupons, you can get the items for practically free. especially if the store you go to has double coupon days, etc... it's just a lot of research and timing. the crazy ladies on "Extreme Couponing" spend like 40 hours a week trying to match up the coupons with the right stores at the right time.


i got a box of slim fast shakes for 1 dollar last week! they were at walgreens, for $2.20 ish, down from the normal price of $8. That, plus a dollar off any item at Walgreens, I got the box of canned shakes for $1.20.

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a couple of ways - check the ads in the sunday paper - they have the items listed for sale that week. or go to the store's website - it should say on there, including if there is a double or triple coupon day, and what the conditions are. the sunday papers have a lot of coupons. in addition, you can print some if you have a printer.


i actually get a decent amount of food at walgreens - their items go on sale often and there are good prices - i try to stay away from their junk food sales. but they often have good deals on canned soups, tuna, coffee, cereals, granola bars, oatmeal. etc... that sort of stuff.


oh yes, oatmeal! very cheap, healthy and good for you! it's like 20 cents a serving.

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I love you Annie but I can not do oatmeal. *insert barf smiley* bad experience with it as a kid... Bad, bad, bad experience. When I was a gas station clerk I would always lift through the Sunday paper... I guess it's time I got off my rump and started back, although until after the wedding I'm just going to have to watch my portion sizes as all money is going toward final preparations.

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And that's the biggest thing. The rest of the house isn't trying to lose weight and when I try to eat right portion sizing, there is all this stuff around. Why have water when I know there is soda in the fridge?


There are a few but my mom shops at Quality Food.


I haven't seen it. I tried couponing years ago and I think I missed out on the secret because I never saved. I have a Facebook friend who gets $175 worth of food and pays $30 for it - I just never could find out the secret...


This is the worst thing for me too!! No one else in my family is dieting except me and they're constantly trying to get me to go out to lunches and buffet lunches!! It's hindering my weight loss and it's so freakin hard to not give into temptation. Meanwhile they're all really thin and I don't think it's fair of them when I'm the only person overweight in the house


I've put on close to 10kgs in around 4 months and I'm not going to let myself get any bigger. I got my new treadmill and I'm able to do 45 mins a day on it, it's the only exercise I can sort of enjoy and stick to because I can just blast my loud music and not even realise im exercising

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My boss rang me at 7:30 this morning. One of the first shift people called out - again - and they don't have anyone on a specific area in the hopsital. This is the week for Joint Commision so she asked me if I could come in at 10. So here I am, up and barely awake at 9. I may stay till 9 tonight, depending on how I feel when my help comes in at six. If I feel like I feel now, I will be coming home at 6.

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