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Don't take too many; it can cause you to have more heartburn!


I am really excited to see how it all goes just about a month from now when the wedding takes place! I must say I really admire you both. I certainly could not get married and then spend a year away from my husband...I think it is a great testament to your individual strength as well as the strength of your relationship. I seriously wish you the best!

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Don't take too many; it can cause you to have more heartburn!


I am really excited to see how it all goes just about a month from now when the wedding takes place! I must say I really admire you both. I certainly could not get married and then spend a year away from my husband...I think it is a great testament to your individual strength as well as the strength of your relationship. I seriously wish you the best!


It finally went away. Thank God.


Thank you Saywhen. the past year has not been easy and the next following year won't either but I know what keeps me going is the fact that after this next year, we won't ever have to spend another year apart. Sacrifice in the short term for the long term... But he's worth it all. And more.

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hahaha! you know what you need to cut back on then!


as for weight - i struggle with it too - just work on baby steps - eating more vegetables, trying to walk more, trying to snack on fruit. even if you "only" lose half a pound a week, that's still 26 lbs in a year which is not bad.


are you a stress eater? i am!!

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I can't cut that out. I love it. It's actually spicy food that does it too me which KILLS me because I love spicy food!


I was doing good at the gym with walking for 30 mins a night. I don't know if it was doing anything or not but I was making myself do it.


Oh God, I am an everything eater. Stress, emotional... I can't just have a small portion, I gotta have extra.

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After the wedding I'm seriously thinking about talking to L and seeing if we can afford for me to do weight watchers on top of everything else we have to pay for for my move.


Yeah, like this morning. I grabbed something quick to eat with my antibiotic - corn dogs - I didn't stop at one or two, I had four. fOUR! Not good.

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WW - they have a "monthly pass" program which is $40 a month. that covers unlimited meetings and all the online resources. you wouldn't have to buy anything else. it's something to think about.


just journaling/tracking helps me so much (even though it is annoying!) i am much better at eating well when i am writing down what i am having and can see right there in black and white where i can improve, etc....

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WW is really awesome. You can also journal via your mobile phone, so it's not that bad.


I'm not with WW but they have some helpful guides on learning to eat healthy when eating out and those help a LOT. It's the eating out that gets me because I don't always know the calories. It's so much easier when you eat at home and you know what they are because it's right on the box.

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I hate normal exercise. L's sister does this pole dancing class, I would love to do that.


I think it comes down to what you hate more - being at an unhealthy weight or finding an exercise program you can afford and stick to. Walking/running are inexpensive -you need good sneakers and any comfy old clothes will do. Many gym memberships are inexpensive (but more expensive and time consuming than working out outdoors because you have to travel there and back). I exercised for 26 years before I got pregnant at 41 but after I gave birth I wasn't motivated to go back to it -I was so tired and felt icky. What motivated me was my poor health (a post-pregnancy complication) that I knew would improve if I went back to an exercise routine. You really do have to make that decision even if you hate typical exercise. My guess is you will hate it less once you start seeing and feeling the results. I never thought I'd get as much pleasure from power walking feeling the breeze on my shoulders and being surrounded by trees as I do from chocolate. But I do. Those kinds of changes are more than possible and you're young enough that changing that mindset and the unhealthy habits are far easier than for older people. Good luck!

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I hate normal exercise. L's sister does this pole dancing class, I would love to do that.


I do too - that's why I go to dance class. I have some exercise DVDs that are kind of fun as well. that is another option - go to the library and check out some exercise DVDs. i agree that walking/jogging is great exercise, but depending on your neighborhood/safety, that might be something you can't easily do.

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I do too - that's why I go to dance class. I have some exercise DVDs that are kind of fun as well. that is another option - go to the library and check out some exercise DVDs. i agree that walking/jogging is great exercise, but depending on your neighborhood/safety, that might be something you can't easily do.


I can't do any DvD workouts here - small living room that always has someone in it watching tv but yeah, again, something I would love to do when we get out place. And yes, I would not jog outside on this road. Ever.

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If you talk to a PT at a local gym, you may be able to hash something out. The lady who teaches the fitness classes for my gym offered to do a once a week training session, meal plan, and various routines with me for a monthly fee, as opposed to paying the full cost up front.

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