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So there's no way L can move here? It sounds like you are closer to your family than he is to his. Forgive me if I'm wrong on that.


On no, your right on that Jig. Abut the only one he really is close to is his gran and grandad. He could move here, most def, but he has to do a lot more to move here than I do to have to move there (like if he were to move here, he has to have a medical exam that costs us $200, I don't). On top of that I by myself don't make enough to meet the income requirement to show I could support him until he found a job.


He's more than willing to move here but it's either be close to a family unit and barely scrape by vs. Being away from the family unit and being able to give our kids a moderatly well better life than here.

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Oh yeah, I plan on keeping my citizenship and applying for British citizenship when I can. We want to raise our household in the context of both worlds, English and American. The kids will always relate more to their English side but will know about mine, know the American lingo as well as the English lingo for words.

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Day 1 or 12 - or 13, I'm not even sure - in a row done with. Whew! I had to do some deep cleaning in our clinic because Joint Comission is coming any time. I'll be so glad when they come and go... My mom is taking even more of an active role in wedding preparations the closer we get, which is comforting. She even suggusted we get some peannut butter for the kids to smear onto their crackers as a 'lighter' snack for the kids. She asked me tonight what all we had left to get reception wise and I told her knieves and those plastic plates that keep alluding me.


Tracking info says my niece's dress arrived at her mom's house but the bestie didn't know anything about it (assuming it arrived after she left for work). Noting big planned for tonight. Going to continue to work on our wedding signs to get them neater while watching Pawn Stars.

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Now I understand. Well, maybe with his job someday you can live in both worlds. I would miss the U.S. too much to move. I'm a big baby like that. You must love him immensely! He's a lucky man.


Not really. I mean, L makes a GREAT living but the cost of living is more expensive there and we want a big family (3+ kids) so both worlds just won't happen. Not unless we hit the lottery. I do love him, a lot, but I have never felt 'at home' here, which is odd because I have never been outside my countries' borders! But that's the best way I can describe it. I always knew I would move away and live some were else and I think that's what my mom has latched on to in the process of her preparing herself for me moving 4,000 miles away. Ever since I was a little girl I talked about living in England or Ireland and so for her it's me doing something I always wanted to. And she knows I have never felt at home here, that I have always wanted to go out and see the world.


If for any reason I just loath England L is more than willing to move here though. So far the only thing that scares me over there is the thought of driving in a roundabout. >.

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The original plan was for me to move there - and if fact in some ways I wuld be more comfortable with that. Since I dont ahve a relationship to speak of with my family it would be easier than B, but she has seemed adament for awhile now, so we're going to give it a try. If she dosen't like it, well we'll move back to the US.

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Hey OG, are you guys getting married in the US? And have you been to the UK at all yet?


Yeah JW, we are getting married in my home state. Haven't been yet and with the price of everything for the move - getting a place ready, visa fee, moving the cat, moving ME - we won't be able to afford a 'trial' visit. But L is willing to move here and most people aren't so willling to pick up and move so in that sense I'm very lucky to have a guy like him. I could look at him a year after I move and go 'I want to go home' and he'd be the first one on the computer filling out a means for us to move back.

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