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I went to school with a gril who got married in Vegas last year and it was one of the nicer ones. No Elvish impersonator, they were married in a pretty church and married by a priest, she had a white dress on and he a tux and they did pictures. You would think it was a home wedding but for the fact they were the only 2 in the pictures.


Bridezilla is awful. I can't watch that show having planned my own wedding now. I made our bouquets and the only reason it took me FOREVER to do them is the fact you have to hold the flowers tight while you are wrapping the ribbon around and the damn ribbon keeps wanting to bunch up. I'm going back and touching up our wedding sign (has our last names and an arrow point to the venue). I did them free hand and at first I just didn't care how they looked but the craftsmen in me can't take it. It's painting though, and I would much rather paint than color! I did dark blue paint on a white poster board so I'm just going back with a smaller brush and with white paint around the letters to 'tidy' them up. No bad so far.

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The big bucks weddings are also tawdry, just for different reasons. Like I said, I do not like Vegas, it is a plastic city full of plastic emotions. I've been there enough times to know. I also used to work there and what goes on behind the scenes you don't want to know. I congratulate you OG, on not going that route.

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Yeah, Vegas is not either of our styles. I wish we would have gotten married while we were in Gatlinburg simply so I wouldn't have to be planning this, lol, and Gatlinburg is really special to me. I had went there with my ex years ago but my trip with L was so much better. It always makes me smile fondly remembering how we spent the entire week pretty much holed up in our cabin watching DVDs I had bought from my mom's and taking turns cooking dinner. I even managed to make spagahetti without burning the cabin down.

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when someone insists on having a destination wedding, it's something i think is good. i know some people who get married in jamaica or wherever. that's nice, but then you have to stay at their resort, etc.... gets very pricey. i know what you mean about vegas being plastic and artificial and seedy - yes, it's all those things. but i like that it's a central destination (especially, say, if the bride is from the west coast and the groom is from the east coast). vegas is affordable as well.

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There's a place here famous for weddings called Gretna Green, it's the first town accross the border in Scotland from England. In the olden days if a couple were too young to get married or the families were against them they'd elope accross the border to get married over the an il in Scotland - where the age laws didn't apply. Most people I know of who marry there now do so because it's their second (or third), nice idea.

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There's a place here famous for weddings called Gretna Green, it's the first town accross the border in Scotland from England. In the olden days if a couple were too young to get married or the families were against them they'd elope accross the border to get married over the an il in Scotland - where the age laws didn't apply. Most people I know of who marry there now do so because it's their second (or third), nice idea.


I would kill to be married in a English church. *drools*

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and this isn't directed at OG or anyone in particular....


sure, it is nice to have a customized wedding, but sometimes if people are planning it for 2 years, spending thousands of dollars, it gets ridiculous. not even so much the money, but even if you are DIYing the thing, that's still sooooo much time spent driving to this place to buy this, and that, and then making the thing, etc.... in the end, if you total up gas costs, are you really saving money? someone i know made her own bridesmaids dresses (pretty much the week before the wedding!) only to find that 2 of the 3 didn't fit the bridesmaids). all that time, kind of wasted! luckily, the bridesmaids (who all lived out of state) brought dresses in the color that the bride requested as a backup plan, so they went with that.

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and this isn't directed at OG or anyone in particular....


sure, it is nice to have a customized wedding, but sometimes if people are planning it for 2 years, spending thousands of dollars, it gets ridiculous. not even so much the money, but even if you are DIYing the thing, that's still sooooo much time spent driving to this place to buy this, and that, and then making the thing, etc.... in the end, if you total up gas costs, are you really saving money? someone i know made her own bridesmaids dresses (pretty much the week before the wedding!) only to find that 2 of the 3 didn't fit the bridesmaids). all that time, kind of wasted! luckily, the bridesmaids (who all lived out of state) brought dresses in the color that the bride requested as a backup plan, so they went with that.


It depends on what you are DIYing if you are actually saving money. For me I live an hour away from any crafts store (other than Walmart, and they don't have a large selection) so for me I just scheduled picking up supplies whenever I had to go back to my hometown. Weddings can get ridiculous. My mother really wanted me to have napkins with our names and date on them - that was a detail L and I didn't see as important enough to spend the money on. I did get engraved wedding flutes (which actually have the Feb 16th wedidng date on them) but I also got them on the cheap for $20 with shipping - same ones on David's Bridal were $60.

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I don't know if I could handle a second ceremony... I don't know if L will want a simple ceremony so his gran can attend or not. I know we talked about it long time ago but it's not something we have discussed since.

A blessing on your anniversary would be nice! Word of warning, English churches are COLD!!

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Could just be a simple ceremony in a church with gran and L's family. No fancy invites, just wear a nice dress, don't even worry about a reception. It can be in the afternoon sometime, then you guys can go out for tea or something later!


P.S. L has been to London, right? Ask him if he's been to Fortnum and Mason's. It's in the Harrod's building. BEST. TEA. PLACE. EVER. I've been there a few times. You will love it OG. Please go there when you go to London sometime. They have comfy chairs.

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Could just be a simple ceremony in a church with gran and L's family. No fancy invites, just wear a nice dress, don't even worry about a reception. It can be in the afternoon sometime, then you guys can go out for tea or something later!


P.S. L has been to London, right? Ask him if he's been to Fortnum and Mason's. It's in the Harrod's building. BEST. TEA. PLACE. EVER. I've been there a few times. You will love it OG. Please go there when you go to London sometime. They have comfy chairs.


Honestly the only 3 people I would want there - and that would show up - would be his gran, grandad, and his friend. And I think you have to be baptized in England to marry in a church last time I checked...


He has, I'll ask him if he's been there. We were thinking of going to Paris, France for our 2 year wedding anniversary butttttt being the history buff I am, we are seriously considering just going to London instead for a week.

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Oh bummer, sorry to hear that OG.




In the times that I've been there, I've been to like every single little park I can find and just walk around in it.

I hope you go to a pub as well. I had one of my first "drunk" experiences in London with my father when I was 18. Good times. I like the atmosphere there and the food rocks. OH and it's just lovely to walk around. I'm not a city person but I LOVE London. It's the only city that I actually could walk around in all day and just feel great. NYC and other places make me feel sick after a while.

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What's a blessing?

Well it's just having your marriage blessed under the eyes of god (says me, the agnostic!). A lot of couples here do it after 10, 20 years or whatever but get dressed up in their wedding stuff all over again.


Also as for being baptised in church here, not sure you're right on that. It depends more on the individual vicar. Old time ones will refuse to allow divorcees to remarry in church but I've seen so many do that now. I *think* as long as one of you or family is from or loving on the parish it's ok.

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