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I think that's exaclty what it is Hers. The closer we get the more I'm looking at stuff going 'really? Do we need that?' Yesterday I was walking through WalMart going 'why did I spend 60 bloody dollars on a pair of glittery ballet flats? What was wrong with white flip flops?' If I was wiz like L on Ebay I would try to sell them to get some money back.

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I'm really tired of wedding planning. Not planning but just doing things for the wedding. Did anyone else feel like this right before the wedding? I just don't care about the small details. I don't care if there are any extra decorations or if the stuff looks good - I just want it over with so I can be his wife.


Yeah, I was exhausted by the time the day came. I had so little time tough. I planned my wedding in 6 weeks.

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I'm really tired of wedding planning. Not planning but just doing things for the wedding. Did anyone else feel like this right before the wedding? I just don't care about the small details. I don't care if there are any extra decorations or if the stuff looks good - I just want it over with so I can be his wife.


Haha, girl, you and I are in the same boat! My wedding is just about 2 weeks away and I'm tired of all the small stuff. We actually decided not to do programs because I just don't care anymore. I don't want to put the effort into a piece of paper that's going to be chucked.

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Haha, girl, you and I are in the same boat! My wedding is just about 2 weeks away and I'm tired of all the small stuff. We actually decided not to do programs because I just don't care anymore. I don't want to put the effort into a piece of paper that's going to be chucked.


Me to! I had them printed out on comput paper and had drawn a daisy on each one and colored them in - on 45 programs - and was going to reenforce the back with yellow scrapbook paper. Well the program was so big I could only fit one program per scrapbook page. A 12x12 scrapbook page is .59... I would need 45 of them just for the use of programs. I said F it.

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One word: Facebook invitations.


(I'm totally kidding btw). Even if that sounds like something I would do if I got frustrated enough, lol.


I have no idea how you brides do/did it. Planning a wedding is so stressful.


If only I used Facebook, lol!


Yeah no kidding and doing it without a coordinator and working a 40+ hour a week job adds to the fun-ness.

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One word: Facebook invitations.


(I'm totally kidding btw). Even if that sounds like something I would do if I got frustrated enough, lol.


I have no idea how you brides do/did it. Planning a wedding is so stressful.


it's probably a good idea! sure, send the pretty, official invites, but it's ok to accept rsvps through any method.

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I'm going to be honest and say that if I had my way (no influence from anyone), I would skip paper invitations and just do a private FB even or something, that's if I get back onto FB. >


Of course that will not happen because in the future, if I get married, my mom would NEVER let me do anything like that.


RSVP or I will poke the hell outta ya! Lol.

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do they have packages like that? i think vegas is nice if you have family all over the US - it's a good location, usually lots of cheap flights there, plenty of hotels and lots of stuff to do. i love vegas. great place.


They do but you can also rock up to any chapel with a license and get married. We contemplated it for a few days.

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vegas does have some nice packages too - especially the hotels - they have some nice chapels and i think can do a very nice job - it's not just the cheezy thing you see in the movies.


sure, diy can be cheap.... but if you are running around every weekend trying to get this cloth or this ribbon, all that time and money adds up!

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I'm going to be honest and say that if I had my way (no influence from anyone), I would skip paper invitations and just do a private FB even or something, that's if I get back onto FB. >


Of course that will not happen because in the future, if I get married, my mom would NEVER let me do anything like that.


RSVP or I will poke the hell outta ya! Lol.



well, since the US postal service might be abolished by the time you get engaged, facebook could be the way to go!!!!

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For me I always wanted a big, family oriented wedding. Not big like fancy but more than a courthouse - to be able to walk down the aisle, white dress, pictures - and I always said I would never get married in a courthouse. My grandma and my mom both got married in one and I swore the tradition would end with me. But I was okay with doing the courthouse in Feb because I didn't care, as long as I married L. But then that didn't happen, obviously, and I took that as a sign from The Universe that we weren't meant to settle and we should have that big, family oriented wedding we both always wanted. So that's what I planned. I dint think I would be ass through with planning as I am if the whole Feb thing hadn't of happened.

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I loathe Vegas. Every tawdry, insincere, plastic, cheap, thing about our country is manifested in the very theme of Vegas. The weather sucks and who in their right mind wants to be married with Elvis as the officiator and plastic flowers? Yuck! Here in So Cal we call them McWeddings. When your wedding day comes and it is beautiful and meaningful, all the prep time will have been worth it.

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awww, i think that vegas is fun. there is something for everyone! they have classy weddings also in the hotels - i've seen some nice weddings there. a vegas wedding doesn't mean that elvis is going to marry you!


honestly - sometimes, wedding planning goes over the top. i was watching on bridezillas - some bride was going crazy making her bridesmaids make these DIY "flower balls" at the last minute. they were kind of these foam balls, with fake flowers and some ribbons to carry. after spending 20 hours making these crazy things, and like $25 each, the bride finally realized that maybe she shouldn't have done that! a plain old normal bouquet of fresh flowers would have been cheaper and less hassle. and will any guests actually CARE about the flower balls being carried by the flower girls? no.

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