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Bella really IS a "damsel in distress". She has no personality to boot. I think she needs to learn to be more grateful and quit whining all the time. Her boyfriend is a freaking killing machine who totes her on his back like he's a pony horse. If I had a boyfriend who was happy to tote me around like he was my pony, I'd be as happy as peaches. No need for a car!


(can you tell I don't like Twilight? lol)

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I don't watch Twilight, never read the books or watched the LOTR movies. Fantasy bores me (ducks quickly). I've never seen the appeal in make believe. I think I'm the loser here, but I just don't get the appeal. I like reality tv and never watch sitcoms. Maybe it's the way I was raised. Very Protestant, very strict, very disciplined. Sigh.....

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lol, nothing wrong with that Jig! I'm one of those people I branch into everything. I love historical documentaries, crime shows, reality tv (Jersey Shore!), some sitcoms (The Office is by far my fav), and fantasy based things. I think it does come down to how we are raised though. I grew up watching my dad and uncle roll dice around the kitchen table playing D&D and had LOTR read to me as a bedtime story growing up, so for me fantasy has always been my escape from reality. Which is probably why my novel is fantasy based.

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Had my appointment today. I can't believe I'm saying this but that was by far the most pleasant - as pleasant as that exam gets, anyway - yearly exam I have ever had. Apparently they did away with the metal instrument and use plastic throw away ones now so I didn't get that sensation of it falling out when she let go and insertion was MUCH easier. I didn't even feel her scraping this time! I was like tensing and prepared for it and she goes 'All done!' and I'm like 'what?' I asked them to check for a yeast infection - I can just look at my vagina wrong and get one - so no yeast infection but I do have BV, which I have had before. Another one of those looking at my vagina wrong things. So I have to start the antibitoics for that tomorrow and take them for a week.


Nothing came up when she did my breast exam either - although they have apparently added a rectal exam to this to which I furiously shook my head and decline. I already felt violated enough, let's not add another area.... but I'm stocked up on BC again and don't have to deal with that again until next May. Woohoo!


I also checked my oil (it needs to be changed but I have to wait for my neighbor to do it), antifreeze levels, air filter, and such in preparation for our five hour trip to the beach. My brother even offered to vacum my car out for $5 closer to the time. I may just take him up on that offer, lol

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Rectal cancer apparently. Or something in that area. She said in women they can usually tell if you have it (whatever it is) by just barely inserting a finger. She said I was young though and didn't HAVE to have it until much later though. I was like good God. And they apparently have changed how to do the at home breast exam. I'm like come on. Leave things simply.

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I also mailed L and his gran's birthday cards today along with an original 8x10 of one of my bridal portraits to his gran for her birthday present. I also learned I can't ship my scrapbook paper in an international flat rate box (they don't make a 12x12 apparently, boo!) so I have to ship it in like a 13x12 or something envelope. Not bad. 20 lbs. will cost me $85 to ship so yeah.. def going to get some of these pages done that way I don't have to ship a crap load of paper.


But that also means there isn't a box big enough to ship my scrapbook albums, so I'll have to transport those on my checked luggage that goes on the plane with me. Lovely. I also didn't get to finish up buying wedding stuff today - thanks to my mom and brother taking forever in Walmart - but I did get the rest of the bubbles (instead of throwing rice they will blow bubbles at us) and another poster board for me to make our parking sign. I'm so ready for this wedding to be over with...

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Maybe L can carry some back with him?




No, seriously, he's barely got any room for himself in his room right now. He has no were to store myself - half his stuff is still in boxes on his dresser! - his new room is tiiinnnyyy compare to the one he lived in previously. I'm going to have to wait until he moves into our house before I even ship anything of mine over.

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I've had a rectal exam done during my annual with my gyno...but I was never given the option to decline. She just put a glove and lube on and before i could realze waht she was doing, she went to my most holy places! Weird. I couldn't look at her after taht.


Bella is the worst character ever written. She has NO personality like someone else said and she's so whiny. Don't get me started about Twilight. I've yet to read the books (probably never will) and have seen 2 of the movies but have no desire to see the others. I hate Twilight.


I'm not a LOTR fan either. I fell asleep in the theatre with one of the movies...yeah, I'll duck too with Jig.

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It's okay hers. I am with you and jigs. I don't like Twilight...I also never got into Harry Potter (books OR the movies) and I didn't really like LOTR either.


The only real fantasy thing that I do like is Star Wars. I've seen the original movies from the 70s about 10x each, probably more. Have all the lines memorised.

The newer movies SUCK. OMG I can't watch them. So horrible.


I had a light saber when I was a kid and if these playsets were around in the 90s, I would have DIED for one of these:


image removed


Are any of you Star Wars fans?


Best. Movies. Ever. So many good times.

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Im not a Harry Potter fan. I read like the first three books and I was like meh. I can not get into the original Star Wars movies, at all, which drives L nuts because he loves Star Wars. And Star Trek. I'm going to make him a deal if he watches one season of the Golden Girls, I'll set through two of Star Trek.

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I've seen all of the Star Wars and I definitely like the original trilogy better. But I'm not a huge fan of it. I've just never been into sci-fi/fantasy. I'm not a Harry Potter fan. Jared took me to the second to last Harry Potter adn I was bored and had no idea what was going on!

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HOLY Crap I forgot that too, Star Trek is awesome! My dad had me watch both Star Wars and Star Trek with him as a child because he was like "These things are good for you to watch." >


I was like you - read the first 4 books and then I was like "This sucks. I'm stopping this." Everyone at my school is HP-crazy. It's a little annoying. I stopped watching the movies after the 3rd one. I didn't like them either.

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