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Well, I got a bunch of wedding stuff out of the way tonight! I bought L and his gran's birthday cards, along with an envelope big enough to send one of the bridal portraits to his gran. Dropping that off in the mail Wednesday afternoon! I also picked up the plastic stuff for the reception. I didn't want to use the 'white' plastic but what I call the 'fancy' plastic - it's the clear kind of plastic. WalMart only had the cups in that though so I picked up 70 some odd cups and then swung by the Dollar Store and picked up 100 forks along with a few bowls to put chips in and plates to put sandwhiches and everything else on. Did not find fancy plastic plates though. Oh well. I also picked up our table clothes and the stuff to make our wedding sign (so people know were the wedding is). I even put some $.97 ballons (15 for $.97) to put on the wedding sign so people really don't miss it, lol.

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Awwww. My mum is sick with a summer cold and is having to baby sit T until tomorrow morning. I came in from work and put him to bed for her and then went ate something. I came back through and she's knocked out on the couch, a tissue shoved up one nostril and the heating pad on the other nostril. I just picked up s light blanket and put it over her so she wouldn't get chilled.

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So happy to be off tomorrow - even if I have a doctor's appointment. Not even a fun doctor's appointment, but that yearly appointment all of us women just LOVE to have. *grumbles* I have had to reschedule it every month since May because of work. I can't reschedule this one though because I got to looking at my birth control packets and after the one I'm finishing up now, I have one more which will run out right when L is here. Do NOT want that to happen so I need to take my happy butt to the health department, get examed, and get another years worth.

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Uh oh this sounds like a gyno appt.


I had mine over the summer. I'm not going to lie, I don't like it. Esp when they do that "pap smear" and take that little plastic thing with the bristles and "tickle" my cervix to get a sample and GAHH. I was such an unhappy bunny.


Definitely need those birth control pills though!

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It is. *grumbles*


I hate it too. I have been having them yearly since I was 15 and you NEVER get use to it. Ever. The insertion doesn't bother me, the only two things that bother me is when they let go of the instrument, it always feels like it's falling out to me. And then when they scrape me... *shudders?* It almost causes physical pain I can feel it so bad. I remember one nurse asked me could I feel that and I went 'yeah!'


Oh yes. Need those pills for another couples of years...

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Yeah the scraping is by far the worst.


Actually, I take that back, the WORST is when they tell you "Oh just relax". Relax?? I'm trying but it's so hard! And then they scrape and are like "relaxxx" when my muscles tense up. LADY I CAN'T RELAX WHEN YOU'RE SCRAPING MY INNER PRIVATES WITH BRISTLES LIKE A TOOTHBRUSH.

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I posted this to my facebook but I wanted to show the awesomness of my BM's ability on here. This is the finished product from her gift to us:


image removed


I LOVE it!!! If you can't tell, the old lettering inside the blue border is what she put on there for L, it's Elvish script (he has wrist tattoos that are the saying from Lord of the Rings) but it's not the wording from Lord of the Rings - because that wording is about a dark ring binding people together - The Elvish on our scroll reads:


One ring to show our love,

One ring to bind us,

One ring to seal our love and forever to entwine us


And it's SO L and me with us being LOTR fans. I'm in love with it.

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lol - his wrist tattoos were def the 'oh' moment when I first saw them. I was like yeah, okay. LOTR nerd like me. This will work.


It is. I have seen her do many, many scrolls over the years but because this is such a personal gift to us, it's just awesome to me. I didn't even realize she had mimicked our wedding iniviation design until she pointed it out! The design in the left and bottom right corners are kind of how the daisies looked on our invitations.

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